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Posts posted by RSBDavid

  1. I hit three opossums on the way home from work today.


    I also found out my mother went to the hospital. She is waiting till tomorrow to tell me the reason why and the results. I am kind of concern. She has had a lot of dizzy spells and I think it may be a tumor or cancer. I pray not though.

    Possible she has Vertigo.

    Yeah my mum has vertigo... it's far more likely to be something like that than something like cancer. :thumbup:


    Apparently she has an infection in her reproductive system, which is causing her headaches and dizzyness, so she is getting a hysterectomy. Thank god it was not cancer or anything majorly bad.

  2. I hit three opossums on the way home from work today.


    I also found out my mother went to the hospital. She is waiting till tomorrow to tell me the reason why and the results. I am kind of concern. She has had a lot of dizzy spells and I think it may be a tumor or cancer. I pray not though.

  3. First kiss. At 16.


    ...at least it happened <3:


    Was it a girl/boy/cousin/sister? :P


    but I shouldn't be the one to speak about kissing cousins XD. Don't drink alcohol kids.

  4. Technically its not on the iPad, it is on your computer and you are just seeing images of your computer screen. There are a ton of apps which allows you to do this. Later on this year, you *might* be able to play RS nativly on mobile devices.

  5. Its been over 3 weeks since I started working at a call center. I am still under training, but I am really enjoying my job. I might use this when I apply for working as Jagex CS later on.

  6. Today I shamelessly jammed to Taylor Swift going 85 MPH down the interstate passing people blazing their rap music and I got no love. Talk about run on sentences.

  7. Thanks Sam :)




    I also bought a radar detector today. I tested it and it never missed a highway patrol. The model is a Whistler XTR-690SE. You can get it at Walmart for around $200.00.

  8. Over the past few weeks, the three people I live with have been getting in arguments and even a few physical fights. I have decided to get my own place again. Does anyone know if making roughly 1300 a month, I can find a place in England near London? I am sick of living in the United States and my employer can transfer me overseas.

  9. Got a job at a call center today. I work for a company which handles calls to Verizon. I get to go through 7 weeks of training :). Bonkers/ Mr. Sam, you work at a call center right? Perhaps we could talk in a pm later?

  10. No, what you do will be saved in the folders you choose to save them.


    As for torrents being untrustworthy, I think that's pretty rare as I would be surprised if people seeded viruses.



    Zombies. Mal-ware occupied computers can unknowingly seed software.


    Also, the FBI can "seed" torrents then trace the IP of anyone who downloads and bust them.

  11. If there is free trade in the new version, I'm all for it and would move there in a heartbeat.


    Dream on. Jagex isn't going to let RWTers come back, face it.


    Sad, but true.



    It never left. Now the gold farmers use the buyers accounts and proxies to RWT. THe gold farmer does services such as training stats, getting gold, getting items, etc. They do all of this on proxies which are near the location of the buyer.


    I would like to see a set of servers which are seperate from the normal servers, have free trade, no GE, no Jagex interference on any part, and have a role-playing aspect. There would be pking back in the wilderness. Everyone starts at the same level.






    except the reason theres more 138s is that its easier to make money/level skills. I wouldn't be supprised if someone maxed total within a year of the new server opening.


    That is if the player decides to grind train all of the skills. In that case the player would have to make a lot of money ahead of time. I know of a few people who could do it though.

  12. Birth Control

    and the morning after pill



    World of Warcraft and computers in general are probably the best invention.



    I am not a huge fan of modern medicine. It is prolonging peoples lives which is ONE reason why there are so many damn people.

  13. [hide=vent]

    Why do you care? It is actions and people like this who screw things up for everyone else by complaining about something and bringing something to more people's attention then would naturally happen if you didn't say anything at all. If it wasn't for people being so conservative, I could freely speak my mind without having to deal with censors. I can't say [wagon], [kitty], or [bleep] on these forums because of people who [bleep] about little things like the word [bleep].



    Don;t get me wrong, this might be an inappropriate name, but you are making a large deal over a minuscule thing. You could be looking at in wrong altogether,, The account owner could be a female who likes a guy with the mentioned name. It might not be a vulgar term for a male body part or a person in this instance.

  14. Regardless of what other people may be saying about your program, I want to let you know that I, for one, appreciate wholeheartedly the effort you've put into the LeetChecker releases. I use this program daily and always appreciate updates like these ;)



    Nice first post 5 months after account creation.



    I have used this before and it was alright. I don't really play RS anymore so yeah.

  15. I thought ...man day was..... everyday?


    [/end stereotypical man attitude]


    Tomorrow is a day to be ESPECIALLY manly.


    Yay! A reason to sit in my mountain dew boxers whilst playing world of warcraft all day.

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