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Posts posted by RSBDavid



    I never said i deserved a spot entirely to myself, but wouldn't you consider it rude if someone came and interrupted your training when they could have just have easily switched worlds? I'm not saying that i want to own a world.. Personally, i'll switch worlds because it's not worth my effort, nor will i gain any respect from the people that im annoying.



    With over 100,000 people in game at any point in time, with only 170 worlds, its hard to keep a spot to yourself, especially if you are F2P. Lets say there are 40,000 F2P people online. That is approximately 500 players in a F2P world. Now with limited training spots, any common spot , like the SOS, is bound to have someone there or will have someone there eventually. You are just one of many who want to train in a limited area. You can either wait for Jagex to expand free player area or get membership. (This is all assuming you are a free player since you train in SOS.)

  2. Yes because you own every training spot and everyone should cater to you to make it easier for you to train and everyone should hop worlds when you tell them to and everyone should forget to use proper grammar and use run-on sentences..

    You're an idiot.


    I am trying to prove a point: The game doesn't revolve around the OP. If you train at a spot for a period of time and suddenly you get pissy over someone coming over and killing/mining/etc the same thing you are, it shows you have been playing the game too much and you need to relax. Spiders are more common then most NPC's anyway.

  3. I'm going to change my display name to something random("gghj333"), get the default botter's outfit, and chop yews at the same place for 24 hours without talking and see if and how many times I get called a botter.


    I didn't really mind bots. It was fun getting the flax picking bots killed.

  4. Yes because you own every training spot and everyone should cater to you to make it easier for you to train and everyone should hop worlds when you tell them to and everyone should forget to use proper grammar and use run-on sentences..

  5. My summer plans:


    1. Sit on my ass

    2. Make programs and drink lots of energy drinks and mountain dew


    4. Profit.


    This summer I want to build a game which can easily be expanded with little work (after all of the hard crap is implemented and fully functional). I might recruit a couple of friends nearby to help me with this(one is a graphical artist and the other is a sound technician and producer). I get free Monster energy drinks and Mountain Dew since I have friends in high places who can give damaged packages to me.

  6. Pure ess separation?

    When Runecrafting came out, there was just one type of Rune Essence that was useable by both p2p and f2p and could be imbued at any altar. Greedy morons saw this as a gold mine, created tons of bots to just mine ess on f2p then sell it to members or just to get gp to sell irl.

    Jagex split Rune Essence into Pure and "regular" ess with the built-in restrictions to prevent this.



    This ultimately resulted in bots paying for membership to mine p-ess, sell it for way more then regular ess, cover membership costs + make more money.

  7. This could backfire. People could upload advertisements, porn, and God knows what.


    Which is why it's best to have an ingame screenshot feature instead. The biggest issue is the time when it's just released, and everyone takes a screenshot to try it out. Several servers explode.



    Most screenshots are taken by pixels on your screen. If a player were to set a porn picture on top of the game and trigger a screenshot then it defeats the purpose/

  8. I demonstrate with a picture




    I lie though. I wish I live there. I live in the middle of the tiny state of Connecticut (my town is close to the exact middle of Boston and NYC)

    But next year Im going to be living in Bean-Town as a college student!!!! (Boston)

    Btw cookie for anyone who can guess where pic is from? :D



  9. I could care less if someone bots. How does it hurt me?

    Imagine 15-20 botters in your favourite mining spot while you're desperately trying to get a few ores but fail to do so since the bots immediatly barrage every single spawning ore.

    That's how it hurts you.


    On-topic: I don't think that the aggressive randoms were really useful against botters, more like a nuisance to normal players. The bots simply started running away when they started to take damage.

    Imagine: 15-20 botters at LRC. I can still get my xp. Or I could mine granite, very few people bot there because they're just after the money. Bots only use the training locations that are easy and low yield, like chinchompas as opposed to butterflies or grenwalls. In all honestly I've never had to compete with bots because I never waste my time on those activities. Yew trees? Give me a break, it's a waste of time. You'll never see a bot at GWD or Tormented Demons.




    You still have to consider that not everyone can do GWD or TD's. Some middle leveled players still use yews, red chins, etc to train and make money.

  10. Pure ess separation?



    Also, a random thought, if you pay someone to paint your huge house over a summer, and they do a crap job, do you say "oh it was hard that's ok"?


    No. You get angry.


    Same with Jag sending out crap for bug fixes.

    Did you even read the title? You obviously have no programming experience or you have never dealt with over 2 million lines of code. If you are going to put-down a company you could at least grow a pair and use their full name: "Jagex".


    Lets say you had painters paint your house. Lets say that you paid enough to cover all of the paint and half of the labor involved and gave them two days to apply two coats without flaws and dirt. Then after they finish and show you your house, before you even see it, you complain about it. You (Runescape in general) are paying $5.00 a month and are expecting new content weekly without bugs. In the programming world, with only a handful of developers, it is nearly impossible even with amazing skills.

  11. @OP: your RSN is a typo


    Perm ban and credit card perm ban...


    Now we are talking!

    Lol I hope you're just trolling


    nah a harsh punishment would be a very nice deterrent, it might even convince you that botting is bad!


    Yes, because they would learn a lesson by botting on a throwaway account until it gets banned.

  12. create software that can recognise a program playing for you, and not a harmless one that you might have open while playing.



    that would be the ideal solution, idk if its easy or even possible though



    Jagex would have to make it cross-platform (windows, mac, unix,etc) and have every player download this and the user would have to agree to allow Jagex to track usage of the computer.


    Again, programmers could create a anti-ban system which would move the mouse and open up a program like msn messenger and type to a random person or anything else a normal person would do.

  13. Bots are very advanced. They can navigate through tunnels, kill any NPC, bank drops, eat food at a low hp, etc. There are bots which can catch red chinchompas (place and pickup traps and whatnot). Bots reflect off of the client and get game variables to determine things such as current HP, stats information, items in inventory, items on ground, etc. Every measure Jagex takes towards stopping bots gets bypassed by programmers.

  14. Basically this is a discussion whether you use an IDE for coding/development and which one for which language do you use?


    If you don;t know, an "IDE" is an Integrated development environment. It basically is a super version of notepad with a built in compiler and source organizer.




    I use an IDE for complex projects when there is more than one directory of files to deal with. For example; if I had the following directory hierarchy, I would use an IDE:



    If I had something like the following, I would use text-pad + mingw:




    My preferred Java IDE is eclipse for its portability across platforms and simple interface. I use Dev c++ for c++. For anything web based, I use dreamweaver. It has ftp capabilities, editing, preview, get from server, etc options.


    So what is your opinion on IDEs/ which do you use for what?

  15. Its the jamflex update button

    The jamflex update button is red. The blue one transforms jagex HQ into a giant robot and makes every staff sing the Spongbob Square-pants theme song while wearing blue speedos with yellow pokadots and rotating in a counter-clockwise manner.


    If you visit http://www.stellardawn.com , it redirects to funorb. IF you visit https://www.stellardawn.com , it takes you to the page not found.

  16. It's a Fart Button.


    "Make your Runescape character offend friends, family, even the Evil Chicken with the new Jagex Fart Button!* Comes in sloppy, disgusting, smelly, and extremely loud! Buy YOURS today!"

    *Scent sold separately. Batteries not included. Jagex LTD does not take liability for any injuries that may occur during use of the Fart Button, including, but not limited to, burns from your mother's iron, scratches from younger sibling(s), and pencils thrown in the eye by classmates or teachers.


    The Jagex fart button will never overtake the fart app on the Ipod.


    Also: You forgot options for airy, wet, silent but violent, the whistler, beefy, egg-creme, flappy cheeks, and of course, the surprise brown zeppelin.

    Those will come in Fart Button batch 2 a few months later.


    Which will be delayed for another 8-43 months.

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