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Posts posted by RSBDavid

  1. DirectX addition looks interesting, sadly I don't play anymore.

    It doesn't really do anything different yet. It just boosted the usage on my graphics card to 7% from 6% at max settings and forced 8x AA.

    This does not constitute me getting members though,


    You can get 8x AA? :o

    I cant go over 4, could you post the difference? :P


    Edit: Sorry for double post. *whistles*

    Just got home, I will do that real quick then edit them in...


    To get 8x AA, I had to override applications in the NVIDIA control panel with the 8X AA option.





  2. Taking this summer to work on learning the in's and out's of the more popular 3D-API's, JOGL at the moment. Not much really at the moment due to being slap-bang in the middle of exams, but did do this this evening for fun :) :-



    I will be using JOGL in my game I mentioned in the post above yours. From what I have seen, it is very powerful.

    Here is a video which shows a character in a 3d world. I wish to do something to that effect.


  3. It impedes them a lot.

    You have yet to explain how. If you actually think that a software company has everyone sitting around on their hands from the time they announce an update until when it happens, well, you're wrong. And if you think Jagex only knows 10 minutes before an update goes live that it's going to go live, well, again, you're wrong.


    If they run into technical difficulties in that time, you know the community in Runescape. They will be hung drawn and quartered for saying they planned an update for x time, even if it was something minor.

    The community is the way it is in large part because of the very "keep them in the dark" policies that you are defending!


    Most RS players start every week expecting an update by 4 pm GMT on Monday. When that doesn't happen, they expect an update by 4 pm GMT on Tuesday and so on. Why? Because updates often occur on Monday or Tuesday, and Jagex never tells us what the hell is going on. The expectation is there already -- what is NOT there is any useful information.


    Most of the time they know which day of the week is going to be the update day. So tell us! And if it slips, it slips. Guess what? They're doing this already anyway. Except the only time we hear from them is when things go wrong. Tell us in advance, warn that dates aren't set in concrete, and if people whine, IGNORE THEM. That is the proper way to do things.


    They are at least getting better about telling us when updates are delayed. They are unfortunately missing out on the positive potential here that they could reap by telling us when the updates are scheduled.


    The idea that all of the reasonable customers should be kept in the dark because a few unreasonable sots will complain if a deadline slips is too preposterous to seriously consider.



    Sorry, but do you not remember how much ranting BTS lead to? The keeping in the dark strategy is working much better than that system did. There would be ranting for EVERY update, no matter how good it was due to people making the wildest assumptions on the smallest things , e.g the robin hood hat fiasco.


    I do think that small hints, such as their twitter hints are good, but giving definite details on any update will bring nothing but pain for them.


    Jagex do tell us when an update has hit a wall and is not coming. The posts are even commonly posted here in various thread, you just need to look for them.



    I did not mention anything about a preview of updates like BTS. I just stated that they should do once a month updates. Players can then expect an update always on that day so they can't blame Jagex for crashing their party.

  4. But we do not know it costs them nothing. i would guess that they give the warning when they are ready to implement the update. That means for those 10 minutes, nobody can do any more work.


    What they do is after they are ready to update, they send the "System update in 10:00". While this is running, they are transferring the new client and cache to each game server. It really only takes a minute or so max due to their internet speed, but after the countdown is over, all players are kicked and forced to download the new client when reloading the page. They most likely have a few lines of code which looks something like:


    (hard coded)

    int WarningMinutes = 10;
    Date now = new Date();
    long curTime = System.getCurrentTImeMillis;
    Date in10Mins = new Date(now.getTime() + WarningMinutes * Timer.ONE_MINUTE);
    sendGlobalMessage("System update in  " + (String) in10Mins);
    long curTime2 = System.getCurrentTImeMillis;
    if(  curTime2 - (int) in10Mins == curTime){


    If that is the case, all they would have to do is change int WarningMinutes = 10; to int WarningMinutes = 30;


    It would be a pretty simple thing to do.


    I would prefer once a month updates on the first Tuesday of each month though.

  5. This summer I have one big project in mind. I am wanting to create an easy to expand MMORPG game using Java. It will run in an applet and will use a cache system which holds the models and everything. In a month or so after I get some concept art and ideas planed out, I will start a separate topic to blog my progress.I want to start this game this summer and hopefully have it finished in 4 years when I get my Bachelors in CS.

  6. I believe beta testing should be done with large content updates like skills, mini games, and game engine updates. Jagex should pickout 1000 random players whom surpass certain standards like total level, game play time, have little to no offences, etc. These 1000 players will be able to test content after the QA team gets finished right before release. These players will have to sign a NDA and an agreement to report back his or her experiences and feelings about the content as well as any bugs or glitches encountered. By choosing legitimate and experienced players to do beta tests, they are more likely to get back positive and encouraging results. I do not want to hear any poster (you know who you are) say "What about the other players." or "Why should they get to test content and not me?", or {insert negative comment towards jagex here}. You need to get a life if you ask those questions. Being a beta tester isn't everything. I beta tested WOTLK and STO. I had to document everything I found. Anything from clipping graphics to level glitches. That is about all I can say.

  7. Bloom is the representation of a bright light, by way of having it spill over an area of the screen.

    So why is everyone getting so excited about this? :unsure:


    Because it shows Jagex's technological and graphical expansion by doing new and innovative things using their proprietary graphics library .


    Look at how Runescape has advanced. Jagex created its own OpenGL binding probably in c/c++ which is very efficient in the Java virtual Machine.

  8. Don't waste your money. You wont get thousands of people watching your videos anyway, trust me just don't waste the cash.

    I can say the same for your deviantART page. I dont think you do it so that thousands of people will look at your art. I would do for fun and to get tips from the people that do watch.

    dA doesn't cost, fyi. :)

    That is true. I am aware of this, but still Im not looking to do this for the soul purpose of becoming famous at a video game. I want to do it because I enjoy it, because new friends can be made, and I can also improve my gameplay as well. If I have to spend a little money for it then I am willing to do this.


    I record my game play to see where my weakness is and how I can improve. I am doing pretty good in Combat Arms with the G36e :).




    You might try looking into something like This.

  9. bballer you're lucky, I'm on a laptop that my mom, not knowing better bought it only to find out it has no graphics card to update! Only a graphics accelerator, or in other words a POS. I can barely play tf2 or portal fml



    I can barley stay under 100 Fps on World of Warcraft on max graphics settings whilst recording with Fraps @ 60 FPS :/ fml.




    Didn't someone post a few pics of the bloom lighting awhile back?

  10. That's all it is supposed to be, just more advanced.

    And for them to make more money.


    If I were wrong, they would just release updates to their current software instead of charging $1000.00 for a new "better" version.

  11. Level 99 Fishing allows you to fish faster. Any XP over 99 does nothing for you.


    Il use Crafting as an example instead then, as anything over 90 is unneeded in normal rs.

    It's unfair of you to consign this to "normal rs." If 99 has use in Dungeoneering, I would count it.


    Wait for service pack 2. AKA the next set of content which has more floors and new items.

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