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Posts posted by RSBDavid

  1. so, if i understand this correctly, the idea is to get Jagex staffers all liquored up so they'll spill their secrets?


    *gives Mod MMG vodka*

    *Asks for Stellar Dawn info*

    *As Mod MMG is about to say info, he gets hit with poison dart*




    I was planning to go to London anyways so this will give me the extra incentive. I wonder who of the famous players will show.

  2. Wow, she's got a huge sword and Bballer has to settle with that little dagger of his. ;)


    Concept art is always interesting, but rarely shows any new armors.



    Its not the size that matters, its how you use it that counts. I can dds spec her [wagon] (no innuendo intended).


    I hate how concept looks great, but the real thing in game looks like cow-pies.

  3. God I'm so sick of idiots that have no idea what they're doing...



    God I'm so sick of idiots making pointless posts with void comments about something they won;t take the time to post a reason to their rhyme.


    Personally the engine upgrades are what amazes me rather than the skill.

  4. I wish they would wrap up the old storylines, or at least ADVANCE the gnome or myreque one by a step. That said, this quest seems interesting and when it comes out I will be quite happy. Quests are my favorite thing in runescape.


    I would have to imagine it's like having a room full of naked women. Some have flat chest, some have bigger ones. Some are blondes, some are brunettes, and even a few redheads. Some are Asian, some might be Brazilian, and perhaps a pale Brit or two.


    But as much as you like naked women, they're so many to choose from you don't know what to do first. :ohnoes:


    I don;t get what you mean. Perhaps you could paint us a picture :P.




    I can;t wait for this quest line. A GM quest with the series?


    Buy a water bottle or something if you drink a lot at school. I mean, seriously. Not that difficult. Plus, you'll feel a lot better. Just gotta hunker down.



    Easier said then done. I live in the middle-of-fricking-nowhere and the nearest store which doesn't sell booze or crappy water is 30 miles away.

  6. I am addicted to caffeinated beverages like soda and energy drinks. I rely on these to keep me going at school. I am in need of a method to stop drinking these because they will kill me. In fact, I have noticed an increase in heart rate and a slight weight gain(40 pounds ). I've tried stopping on my own and I ultimately failed. Right now I currently consume 20-40 oz of bad beverages( pop and energy drinks) a day. I can't stand the blandness of water and none of the flavored waters are doing it.


    There is only one type of water I have actually liked. It was this water I got at this musicians convention at Swee[bleep]er Sound, but I have since forgot its name. It had something to do with electron charged molecules, but I cannot find it.


    I basically need advice on how to drink more water and stay away from these bad drinks.


    Thank you in advanced.

  7. A state-wide virus got into the computer system in schools of Kentucky today. I spent about 9 hours helping my high school go through 1200 computers getting rid of the bug. I am tired now.


    Other than that I came home and ate a large pizza from Pizza Hut. Now I am lurking the forums.

  8. You have no one to blame but yourself. There was no one holding a gun forcing you to play. Although MMO's are designed to be addictive, they don;t hold a gun to your head and force you to play either. You could've asked your parents to block RuneScape thorugh your ISP. I don't feel sorry for you at all. Sorry.(wait, that was redundant:| ) I have always been able to walk away and do homework and so have many others. Several top-rank players manage to work full-time and play RuneScape so yeah.


    You should watch the documentary "Second Skin". It is pretty interesting.

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