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Posts posted by RSBDavid

  1. A population crisis is one reason why so many people died from the Haiti earth quake. That and poor infrastructure. I think there are to many people on the planet. There is something like 6.5 billion. One thing that would help is that Americans would not get as much support for multiple children. People are having kids just to claim higher welfare checks. They treat the children like crap and I do not approve of that,

  2. Its been so cold lately that I have been getting by with shorts and a t-shirt. It is 28 degrees outside.


    I fried some fish today. I went to school after 4 days off.




    Happy bday jaerkadood.

  3. I got my grade sheet in the mail today. I am ranked 12 out of 600 students. 4.0 GPA ftw .


    I played some combat arms and got my ktd ration to 1.3. I also worked on my notes express program and talked to my uncle over skype.


    I also got a futon today.

  4. This kid was tripping balls today at school. He ran into like four lockers and passed out and as he hit the floor, like 3 bags of weed fell out of his pocket.

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