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Posts posted by RSBDavid

  1. I was hoping for something that removed the interface and left it where you can film and still move your character. I think different preset camera types like close up, auto pan, and things like that would make it way better.

  2. I am working on an XML+HTML/CSS way to store the data and format it.


    For example:


         <DATE>insert date here</DATE>
         <NOTEDATA>here is where the notes would be</NOTEDATA>
    The formula for solving right triangles is<div id="important" color= "blue">a^2 + b^2 = c^2


    I could easily create a tree system to access the notes and load them in a text area in either read-only or write mode.

  3. Today I started school again, got some good and some really bad teachers. What should I do about the bad teachers? I'm worried I'm going to fail. D:

    Just read the book/manual of the course on your own time.


    Today my neo pet when postal and ate my paintbrush. GF 5m. I played CA today and got my KTD ratio from .12 to .56. I was doing a 45 one man army match and I had 44 kills and my dad flipped the breaker and went emo on me. MLIA

    It's better than him storming in your room as you're trying to find a save point on FF7 and him flicking your Playstation on and off screaming at the top of his lungs <_< I could hardly get far in the game because he wouldn't stop freaking doing that until I explained to him I can't save until I reached a checkpoint :rolleyes:



    I was playing mario cart with my friend and I was shooting turtles and...


    [hide=Censor triggers]

    My dad went tourettes guy and said "Quick [bleep]ing playing those God damned [developmentally delayed]ed [bleep]ing stupid [wagon] shooter games. They will [bleep]ing mess you up. Don't be an [bleep]ing dumb [wagon] you stupid [bleep].



    MLIA once again

  4. ^


    Exactly, just take off the BCP, hilt and tassys and replace it with gems, half keys and javs and you got it.

    I know. I was just using those items as an example.


    Yeah but if it worked how you explained it then ROW would be godly.

    ..and everyone would have god war armour like barrows then it wouldn;t be worth the money spent.

  5. Today my neo pet when postal and ate my paintbrush. GF 5m. I played CA today and got my KTD ratio from .12 to .56. I was doing a 45 one man army match and I had 44 kills and my dad flipped the breaker and went emo on me. MLIA

  6. I can't afford to move out. I would have to get a second job or apply for a student loan and it is my goal to stay debt free as long as possible. I changed the router setting to only allow my mac address. But it is retarted. It is not like I am going to go shoot up my school or go kill people or anything. I like to play fps's with my friends from where I used to live as well as people over the internet. It keeps me busy.

  7. So here is what I think it is saying.


    Lets say you have a wheel of General Grarr;'s Drrops.


    {paint FTL)




    And you get a kill using ring of welath and happen to get an item from the rare drop table. Here is the selection of possible items you would get:




    Am I right?

  8. SO here is my situation. I am 18, I am a freshmen in college, I have straight A;s, I have a job, I pay for the internet, I pay half of the families electric bill, I pay for my college. My dad will not allow me to play any shooter game. I have talked to him and he thinks it has made me aggressive. Hell, Runescape made me more angry then any FPS game. Even neopets made me angry. What should I do.

  9. You gotta love America :thumbup:


    public class america {
    public america (){
    breastfeeding == masturbation;

    public function readBook(book) {
       long long i;
       for (i = 0; i < 0; i++)
           book.contents = book.getContents();
           if (book.content == like(sex)))
                mail.send(complaint(book, "Poisoning our children's minds"), PTA)
           constitution.defendVigorously(); //When this line and above line are in the same program, compiler error results


  10. I played Combat Arms for like 6 hours today. My ktd ratio is .5. Basically I get killed two times for every kill I get. It is not fault. I can't seem to find a server without hackers. Also , their servers are laggy. I tried playing on a t1 connection and still lagged alot. Somehow people managed to kill me in one hit but I can;t even touch them. It is really starting to piss me off.

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