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Posts posted by RSBDavid

  1. Found out the girl I'm dating gets reaaaaally turned on if you bite her neck.

    The girl I'm with now likes that...A LOT.


    Today I went and watched the National Symphony Orchestra. It was AMAZING!!!!! I have such a rush to go back to college tomorrow and practice my heart out :thumbup:


    When my girlfriend but my neck it turned me on... until I found out she was a vampire =$.


    Just playin'.


    I am starting to get into cinematic music like:





    I listen to it for hours when I code. It keeps me relaxed and stress free.

  2. May 1st is over a month away w00t and ill be out of school


    [hide]Time to nolife to be the 1st to 99 8-) [/hide]



    I'm starting to stockpile monster energy drinks and Doritos for a 24/7 trip till 99 {insert skill name here}. I will beat you there!

  3. My girlfriend. And her tan legs. I'd prefer to not get into detail. But other than her, Manbearpig invades my dreams.

    All three halves?

    Yep. Stupid Manbearpig.



    Your avatar is very addictive. I've been starting at it for 12.65 minutes.


    Last night I dreamed that Mewtwo falcon punched professor Oak and his dentures flew out and hit me (ash) in the face. Yeah, I get weird crap like that all the time for dreams.

  4. Today I got a ticket on the way to work, got fired for being late, got in a car wreck on the way home after getting fired, got a DUI from stopping at the bar and getting drunk because of the accident and my license suspended, then got sued by FCC for torrents I have downloaded. FML.




    I helped my dad put siding on our house and went home and lurked tip.it.

  5. Its obvious why we are gold. Its not just the advertisements, its the attitude. This topic is a prime example. Instead of complaining why we are gold and not platinum, we should work towards making ourselves platinum. By complaining about other fan sites, and not improving our own, it makes us seem arrogant.

    What a crock of manure.


    There is absolutely nothing wrong with Tip.it -- it is one of the top handful of RS sites around and has been for years. Jagex didn't put them at silver or copper or uranium or whatever stupid level they were at because of the site, but only because Tip.it wouldn't let Jagex dictate to them how to run their site. And they only put the site at gold now and soon to be platinum because the Tip.it admins agreed to give Jagex what they want. Not because Tip.it changed in any way.


    Your position basically boils down to saying that a prime fansite doesn't deserve to be recognized as such unless they kiss Jagex's [wagon] deeply and repeatedly.


    There IS nothing that needs to be improved, except perhaps a few people around here growing spines. Sheepishly bowing before the demands of corporations is not a good way to spend one's life.


    I am saying the way some people are reacting to this whole advertisement issue is just stupid and uncalled for. Instead of trying to give positive suggestions, its pure negativity towards Tip.it and Jagex.

  6. Its obvious why we are gold. Its not just the advertisements, its the attitude. This topic is a prime example. Instead of complaining why we are gold and not platinum, we should work towards making ourselves platinum. By complaining about other fan sites, and not improving our own, it makes us seem arrogant.


    This deal has more benefits then you think of. Being platinum, more people will see our forums on a higher level and visit more often. The ad system is impression-based, which means that we get paid per-view. If more people come, rather it be trolls or legitimate players, we will in fact gain more money which can be used towards better hosting and servers that can handle more people. You can say Jagex is supporting us to.


    There will be more J-Mods, more art concepts, and more support in general from Jagex after we become platinum.



  7. Runehq's fansite looks like... well... this

    How the heck did it win platinum?

    <image snip>


    Its your computer. Not the website.




    Dude, what about Sal's realm of HTML?


    <image snip>


    Good god, any 5 year old can make a site like that nowadays... (not to mention that awful german site, how can a local site be platinum anyway?)


    Although certainly not perfect, nothing beats Tip.it.


    The site is easy to navigate and it has popular quest guides. Other fansites are clustered with text, links, and advertisements.

  8. Reading through the posts on that rsof thread it seems that most people are shocked/disappointed tip.it isn't platinum.



    Riot in world7 everyone!




    On a serious note;


    Two of the sites they have in platinum contain ads other than RuneScape and Jagex and one of those sites is rarely updated.

  9. -Picture Snip for forum space-Processor: Dual core Athlon II OC'd @ ~3.4GHzRAM: 4GB DDR2 800 MHzGraphics Cards: 1GB Geforce 9400 GT (left and right monitors), 1GB Radeon HD 5770 (primary centre monitor)Monitors: 3x Avidav 19" 1280x1024Motherboard: Asus M3N72DPower supply: 500WHard drives: 500GB (SATA), 7GB (IDE)Optical drive: Asus DVD Multi RewriterKeyboard: Trust media keyboardMouse: Trust optical mouseWebcam: Trust chat minicamPrinter: Canon Inkjet printerCase: Antec 902 The mousemat's also a 4 port USB hub, and there's a Bluetooth thingy in there. The tower thingy at the right of the desk's a fan, and the silver stick thingy is a light. I built it myself. eusa_dance.gif
    Nice case. I am wanting to get the Antec 1200 after my classes are over with.
    Good choice. The Antec 900, 902 and 1200 are all very solid (in more ways than one) cases, but the 1200 is freaking huge.
    Running tri-SLI with water-cooling will require the space.
    Woah, yeah, you'll need the space. Good luck with your build.


    Antecs cases suck for watercooling though. And the 1200 isnt as big as you think. I went from a Antec 1200, to a Corsair 800D to my heavily modded TJ07. Now that is a big case. Fits my quad, and double radiator no problem. Btw, where did this "Tri-sli watercooling" part come in? The op didnt say anything about wcing as far as I know. And they dont even have three video cards for tri-sli. There is two nvidias and an ati. Wait


    I purchased three 285 gtx cards. The antec 1200 will fit fine for me.



    We also have to worry about capped Internet. If you are say, over 7 GB of bandwidth, the Internet service shuts off your connection as a result of violations.


    Maybe Obama-Broad Band will fix that. People on welfare will get free unlimited broadband internet and it will be available to the rest of the world at a small price.

  11. Are you talking $20 a month or $20 total?


    Are you in college? If you are, some hosts give student discounts. I use 000webHost's free plan. I have a 100GB monthly bandwidth and 1.5GB of web space. I use it for testing random bits of code and to hold some images.


    Remember this: You get what you pay for.

  12. Ask your self this... "Do I want to save up another 250 bucks and buy a laptop and play those games in better quality?" or "Do I want to spend money now, not learning the importance of saving to get higher quality items?". Your net book will overheat playing wow and those games. It will play it for an hour or so before you have to turn your net book off or leave it idle.

  13. 1. is it worth buying the netbook barely used for $210

    No. Buying any electronics used is generally a bad idea as you have no idea of how the previous owner took care of it.


    2. what the [bleep] can i use this thing for anyway?

    Most netbooks come with 512MB-1gig of memory, a 80-160GB hDD, and a 1.6-2GHz processor. The screen size is small. I used my net book to do research papers and check my email. I could fit it in my backpack at school.


    3. what are some useful/must-have gadgets for it?

    -A carrying case/sleve so it doesnt get damaged.

    -A security thing so no one steals it.

    -Cleaning items



    Honestly, I would just save up your money and get a full laptop. They are more useful in the long-run. I had a MSI Wind U120 netbook, but I just couldn't use it for anything productive.

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