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Posts posted by RSBDavid

  1. Whats the big deal...? Its an item that you can't have.


    Ever hear of bunny ears/scythe?

    One huge difference, you can buy this one. All I have to do is go pay for a RuneFest ticket and they email me the redemption code. I don't even have to go.



    That is your decision. You are buying the ticket for non-intended reasons. It is not Jagex's intention to sell the ticket just so players get an item, it is you players buying the ticket for the item.

  2. So apparently a pipe burst just west of here. A big pipe. It's affecting basically all of Greater Boston (including Boston).

    I'm not quite sure what effects this will have nor how long it will be a problem...


    Another oil pipe!?!?!??

  3. I could see the "Redeem code" feature being used later in the future. If Jagex starts selling items in their online store, all the player needs to do is simply activate the code from Diango in Draynor and the player receives the item.


    It could be a possibility in my opinion.


    So if someone buys a shirt from the store and gets a code, they get it in game? You confuse me.

  4. i doubt that this is micro transections, jagex has really been against them.


    That explains why they dont use them in war of legends...


    ..oh wait.




    Jagex did not create War of Legends, they are just publishing it for another company. The company probably wanted a micro transaction system.


    Also, to those who says "This is unfair because some people can't afford to go!", GET A FREAKING JOB. Its not your finances, its your indolence. If you wanted to go, you would work hard to go. No one is going to hand you a ticket.




    I wonder what the item would be. A cape with a disco fever emote would be BA.


    I am under the legal working age! <_<


    Age doesn't mean anything. Its pure will. When I was 13 I made over 800 USD selling pop and candy at school. If you are like 14, you can mow laws or get a paper route.

  5. I would love to see something like this, but I imagine it would be incredibly complex, and will burden their server's heavily. RuneScape is meant to be a light game you can play anywhere, this might just make it too big.


    While I really want to support this, weighing everything in, no support :/


    It wouldn't be as complex as it seems. You would have to transform voice data into bytes then send an encapsulated UDP (TCP increases latency due to checking if the packet arrives) packet through your ISP over the web to Jagex's servers. Jagex's servers would then have to retransmit the packet to all connected clients which will need to transform the bytes into voice. If they run the voice system on separate servers, they can add a simple connection button. If connected to the voice server, users may experience a slight lag difference. If the user does not choose to connect to a voice server, they won;t notice a difference.

  6. Main PC specs:

    Ram: 4gb ddr2 800Mhz

    Graphics: Nvidia 9800 GTX+

    CPU: AMD Phenom X4 @ 3.0 Ghz

    MB - Gigabyte GA-MA74GM-S2




    General Area:



    View of computer from chair:



    Inside of computer (large image) :

    (This was dusted out two days ago)



  7. Why does it seem people are complaining about having the option of buying a ticket to a festival and receiving the useless, thanks-for-attending flag? YOU AREN'T PAYING FOR THE FLAG FFS. YOU ARE PAYING TO GO TO THE FESTIVAL. It seems like everyone has the mindset of "OMG I live over-seas and can't attend, but I want that flag! So then I have to pay for the ticket, [insert Stan the used-boat salesman dance here] BUT NOT GO! OMFG RWT!@!@@@" -.-


    Thank you for clearing that up for us all.


    Now, can you direct me to instructions for getting the item without paying any money? At this point, I'd even settle for a micropayment.


    Take your time.


    You can get it by going to your mum ,asking for a baby bottle, sucking on the nip, and get over it. Just because you want to be belligerent about a simple item just to be argumentative, you need to get help. It is the same exact thing as going to a concert and getting a free-tshirt. You payed to go to the concert and have fun with other fans of the band , not to get the tshirt.


    Just remember this: Its a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake.


    (You can do what Danqazmlp said too. What ever floats your boat.)

  8. It's money for pixels, no matter how hard & how often you try to slap a coat of shiny happy paint on it.


    If you wish to be picky, then paying for membership is money for pixels.


    As well as paying for power to run a computer (which you bought) with internet access (which you bought and/or stole from neighbors wifi) to play the game.

  9. If it was a simple thank you they wouldn't have told anyone about it and would have surprised people there on the day with their own individual code. This is a MASSIVE marketing gimmick for them to sell more tickets. People are always lured by the attraction of exclusive items, and they don't even have to turn up to the event to get one!


    Its almost expected to gain an in game item form visiting a convention from its creators. People were already speculating players will gain an item before Jagex even stated they would reward attendees with an item.


    Not everyone is not out to make a cheap buck. Jagex is trying to at least break even. I would like to see you put 10 grand ( I know its probably more for Jagex) of your money into a convention and lose most off it without PMSing.

  10. "Secret London Venue".


    My god. Does everything have to be a godamned secret with Jagex? Bad enough that they stopped the BTS and have been feeding us stupid cryptic hints since then, but now they're even making the location of their con a secret. Yeah that's really useful for people who want to, I don't know, plan their trip. :rolleyes:


    They said it is in central London. There can only be so many locations they can use. They gave enough general information. At least they didn't state "Somewhere in England".

  11. i doubt that this is micro transections, jagex has really been against them.


    That explains why they dont use them in war of legends...


    ..oh wait.




    Jagex did not create War of Legends, they are just publishing it for another company. The company probably wanted a micro transaction system.


    Also, to those who says "This is unfair because some people can't afford to go!", GET A FREAKING JOB. Its not your finances, its your indolence. If you wanted to go, you would work hard to go. No one is going to hand you a ticket.




    I wonder what the item would be. A cape with a disco fever emote would be BA.

  12. I was stuck on some code in a game I am working on. I tried lucid dreaming and I was able to control my dream where I could do some coding. In my dream I attempted something and it worked. I did the same thing after I woke up at 3:00AM and it worked as well. I read that Einstien developed his relativity theory through similar activities.

  13. There are no jobs in the United States, I am moving the United Kingdom. <_<

    It's not great over here either man.


    My cousin over there said he can get me a job as a computer technician for the company he owns in London. I worked at Best Buy up until I got layed off last week. I like London, I was born there in fact. Hopefully I will get a job there.

  14. I have been studying living in the UK, specifically London, for the past 7 hours. I am watching videos on this site.


    I have something inside of me telling me I should move out of the United States.


    I think I can fit in quite nicely. I am thinking about applying for a work visa and working over the summer, attending RuneFest, and maybe coming home.

    The UK is currently moving into increased Internet censorship. Have fun in China the UK.


    And so is the whole world. We are just the first to make a move. It's nothing new anyway, there have been plans to do this for years. Not to mention that the Conservatives are almost definitely going to get into power and probably make things a lot worse for us all.


    Stay in America. All of you take your [cabbage] for granted.


    I was born in London while my parents were on their honeymoon. I never take anything for granted. I know what it is like to be poor and have very little, yet I know the opposite as well.

  15. I have been studying living in the UK, specifically London, for the past 7 hours. I am watching videos on this site.


    I have something inside of me telling me I should move out of the United States.


    I think I can fit in quite nicely. I am thinking about applying for a work visa and working over the summer, attending RuneFest, and maybe coming home.

    The UK is currently moving into increased Internet censorship. Have fun in China the UK.


    There is more to life than the internet. The United States copies pretty much everything GB does anyways.

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