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Posts posted by RSBDavid

  1. I have been studying living in the UK, specifically London, for the past 7 hours. I am watching videos on this site.


    I have something inside of me telling me I should move out of the United States.


    I think I can fit in quite nicely. I am thinking about applying for a work visa and working over the summer, attending RuneFest, and maybe coming home.

  2. Nice press release. (Not intended as a slam at the OP.)


    Too bad much of what's in it is either completely false or extremely misleading.


    Lol, do you have anything positive to say? If you are going to call an article false or misleading, at least quote certain sections.


    You aren't "cool" or "edgy" because you have your smarmy, unbacked opinions. Hopefully you grow out of your teenage angst phase soon.


    Damn that teenager known as Qeltar, one day he will grow up!

    Q is my favorite poster, he actually uses his brain when he posts and has tons of useful information and ideas


    MHL and him would make a cute couple.





    This article was pretty interesting. I can't wait to see some of the changes aforementioned.

  3. One thing Jagex would have to conquer is latency. Unless the VoIP is hosted on a secondary server, the lag in game would increase.


    They can use Teamspeak's API with a little JNI to achieve this.


    Swearing is another issue, for Jagex, not me. They allow you to use mild swears in game, but what's going to stop someone from using them in voice chat? Unless they add a way to turn off the chat filter in clan chats, I don;t see a voice chat for clan chats anytime soon.

  4. I think it's cool that they're giving out an item for people attending RuneFest, even though I have no possibility of going. Its not like it degrades my gameplay. I really hope they have some sort of live stream of the event though.

    A live stream would be nice! That would be the only way I would get to see any part of it.


    If there is wifi at RuneFest and I bring my lappy, I can use stickam and yeah...

  5. Just read this on Runefest.com:


    The Insider Sessions are our way of showing you what goes on here at Jagex and how we make RuneScape. We know that many of you love learning about what goes into making RuneScape and, at RuneFest, well finally have the chance to show you how everything fits together. Well have talks from all of the key figures at Jagex, including (but not limited to) RuneScapes creators Andrew and Paul Gower, CEO Mark Gerhard (Mod MMG) and RuneScapes Lead Designer Mod Mark.


    The Insider Sessions will be taking place throughout the day at RuneFest and weve a packed schedule of discussions and presentations for attendees to choose from, including sessions where you'll get the chance to use our tools to create actual RuneScape content. There will be talks from all of the key teams who work on RuneScape, including the Graphics, Audio and Content teams, wholl explain how they help make the game. Well also have a number of light-hearted sessions where well be taking a sideways look at RuneScape. Best of all, we want to make sure that you get involved too, by hosting some sessions where you choose the topic.


    The part of using Jagex's tools caught my eye.


    I just rebooked my flight and it was 800 dollars cheaper.

  6. I am heavily considering to go, its just a battle of convincing my parents to go to London for a long weekend, oh and slip in that theres this fest thing...


    As a matter of curiosity, is anyone wearing any Tip.it pride/symbol to it? :P If I am allowed to go, I think I will buy this jumper. Looks pretty good, subtle but it gets the point across. :D


    There is loads of clothing apparel in that store you can have a look around here: http://www.cafepress.com/rstipit/2145948


    Who doesn't want to put their children in this:



    Thats what I call Tip.it Pride.


    Too bad there aren't any Tip.it man thongs :(

  7. I don't want my wiener in another dude. Or vice versa.


    The immature way of saying "penis" made me giggle.



    I hate living in Kentucky/rural areas. There is nothing to do but go play with cows and whatnot. I want to live in the city so I can walk places instead of driving 20-60 miles.

  8. The term "Dragon" could be more metaphorical.



    Here is an excerpt of dragon from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/dragon



    a mythical monster generally represented as a huge, winged reptile with crested head and enormous claws and teeth, and often spouting fire.


    Archaic. a huge serpent or snake.


    Bible. a large animal, possibly a large snake or crocodile.


    the dragon, Satan.


    a fierce, violent person.


    a very watchful and strict woman.


    flying dragon.


    Botany. any of several araceous plants, as Arisaema dracontium (green dragon or dragonroot), the flowers of which have a long, slender spadix and a green, shorter spathe.


    a short musket carried by a mounted infantryman in the 16th and 17th centuries.


    a soldier armed with such a musket.


    (initial capital letter) Astronomy. the constellation Draco.

  9. I am surprised nobody tried to connect this to blizzcon.


    Runefest 2010? Blizzcon 2010? The pre-fix of the word defines the company, for example Rune for Jagex and Blizz for Blizzard. 2010 for the date? The format for the event title is EXACTLY THE SAME! It is obvious this is a pathetic attempt trying to copy Blizzard. Lastly, booze? They have booze at Blizzcon too! It is too obvious.


    In other words, this sounds pretty..wierd. I mean I care enough about Jagex that I am a bit worried if only like 5 people bought the tickets. But it is also wierd to think hundreds of people will come to the event and talk about Runescape.




    Keep in mind there are millions of players. if even 0.5% of the players showed up, it will be packed.

  10. Maybe Ruby is the name of a fairy and by helping her in FTP3, you get access to a new dungeon with dragons and whatnot.

    Oh yea, we're loooong overdue FTP3 now... not saying your idea is valid at all, sounds rather ridiculous xD But the hint might somehow be related to FTP3... although its a kinda lame hint then :P



    At least I didn't say anything like...


    Ruby Dragon is the name of Mod MMG's boat in the new sailing skill...

  11. Jagex's version of Blizzcon.

    I hate cosplay and this reaks of it.

    I'd rather just play the game. :P


    Aw, too bad I have my air ticket home booked or I will be staying here.


    But hey, if TET is plotting something big there, I wont mind coming back early.



    The bald people will be mindlessly swinging axes at trees, nothing else, not even responding to anything you do.


    Someone shall be cosplaying a bot there! Maybe we can be GE spammers as well.


    Off topic:

    Interesting poll this week, it seems that skilling and chatting is what most of us are doing most of the time but not killing and pking which RS is suppose to be a combat based MMORPG. Also in average, F2P are 1 year younger than P2Ps.


    I should cosplay as Kanye West...


    "Yo kid dressing as bot at RuneFest, imma let you finish, but the kid dressing as Merch spammer is the greatest cosplayer OF ALL TIME. OF ALL TIME"


    just kidding..


    If I were brave enough to cosplay anyone, it would have to be Jad.

  12. This is rediculous. Nothing against Jagex having a fan convention but they have on game and their is absolutely no reason to bring players together for LAN. Blizzcon works because Blizzard can give out beta keys, have contests, have LAN comps, have a competitive tourney, reveal progress of their new game, etc.


    I hope this goes well but I just don't see how it will work.



    Its not completly a lan party. Its like more of a celebration/get together. Here is what will happen during the event:


    * Insider Sessions

    * Special Q&A Session: TBA

    * RuneScape GameZone

    * Exclusive Competitions

    * Art at RuneFest

    * Landmark Event: TBA




    Edit: just came across this:


    @Colintje3 we will definitely be looking at doing future fest and in different countries if this one is a success.

  13. What would you do there?

    Battle dragons, hobgoblins, and cows. Train your skills and pk your friends.

    I'd consider going if I didn't live in South Dakota.. I don't see it being a whole lot of fun though. I can sit at home and play RS as easy as I can there...


    *waits for Jagex employee autographs to show up on Ebay*


    I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not (because I am half-asleep) but RuneFest is mainly a way for players to meet the developers and people behind RuneScape as well as other players.

  14. I don;t think its racial profiling at all.




    In order for us to get jobs at other countries, we must go through a long and obnoxious process of getting a visa and then transferring our information. But these immigrants illegally cross the borders and take jobs that people say no one wants. I want a job at a factory cleaning toilets, but thanks to illegal immigration, I can;t get a job. I may not be able to continue college because of money issues but there are no jobs available for me.


    I like immigrants who go through the process of getting citizenship the right way, ts the illegals who piss me off more than anyone else.



    They terk our jerbs!!!


    So being pulled over or confronted by a cop and asking you to prove your citizenship on the stop because of how you look is not racial profiling? Also your inability to not get a job is your own fault. Also how can you tell whose illegal or whose legal?


    I didn't mean to say it isn't racial profiling, I meant to say it isn't that bad. It is not my fault, that i can;t get a job, it is the economy + older people which is preventing me from getting a job. Someone my parents age are getting jobs that I would normally be getting. Illegal immigrants are also taking jobs which don't do a background check like construction and roofing.


    I live near an area which is known to have a lot of illegal immigrants. There have been several locals deported because of not having legal citizenship.


    Sorry if I offended anyone.

  15. I don't think that this law is that bad of an idea. Its no worse then anything else which has been recently added.


    In order for us to get jobs at other countries, we must go through a long and obnoxious process of getting a visa and then transferring our information. But these immigrants illegally cross the borders and take jobs that people say no one wants. I want a job at a factory cleaning toilets, but thanks to illegal immigration, I can;t get a job. I may not be able to continue college because of money issues but there are no jobs available for me.


    I like immigrants who go through the process of getting citizenship the right way, ts the illegals who piss me off more than anyone else.

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