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Posts posted by RSBDavid




    Sorry Das... but " I don't " :P

    Am I the only one who remembers going to Queen Valerie's RS wedding a few years ago? :o She's taken, dude! Or maybe that was the point, lol.



    I'm sorry, Baby


    Let me get this straight ... now you are comparing her to a dog? :XD: #-o


    /me hands Das a shovel, cos he's digging to China at this rate


    Son of a ...


    All of this love is making me hungry. Everyone go to Outback! Das is paying!

  2. How about this, make a system where money you borrow can not be used on the Grand Exchange or traded with players. This will be mainly used for buying items from shops. You will then have the satisfaction of earning money to buy items from players or the Grand Exchange.

  3. I've spent all day trying to locate a free or cheap rack-mount server(s?) and server rack for a few personal projects. No luck yet,, but I know of a couple of places that I might call tomorrow and see if I can cut a good deal.

  4. One thing that really ticks me off is when people have 5 or 6 children just to collect welfare checks. My uncle and his ex-wife had 7 children. All 7 of them were poorly treated and did all of the chores around the house. They had little clothing. Child services eventually picked them up and put them into the system. I think one related problem is the welfare system. More people are getting it that don;t need it because they are lazy rather then needing it because they are disabled. I don;t want to get off topic so I will stop there.

  5. Ahahaha render times. Took me 2 hours to render a minute-long English project. And I might need to do it again, because I don't know if you can burn mp4 to DVD.


    ... Can you?


    You can. I can;t tell you how to do it because I do not know which program to use. I can render directly to a DVD using Sony Vegas + Sony DVD Architect.



    My video is 7:45 and I have access to a pretty good computer for rendering data at my college. My video will be available in 1080p as well :).


    The only video I uploaded got 10k views and 14 subscribers which surprised me. I got 40 messages requesting another video 1 week after my first, but I was having ISP issues so I couldn't stay on chat roulette for long. I had to go through 5 hours of recordings and remove over 120 clips of inappropriate actions involving private body parts.

  6. I started working on a second chat roulette compilation video for my second youtube profile . No school tomorrow ftw. I will edit my video and upload to you tube.

    I'm making a Combat Arms kill compilation video. :thumbsup: Do you still play?

    Yes I do. My combat arms name is ballerplaya.

    Alright, I'll add you next time I get on. I don't play all that often but if you're ever on we can play. My KDR is still like .60 but that's because I've been playing on a server with no rank limit for like two weeks until I realized yesterday that there's one for my rank. -.-


    Mine is .80. I did the same thing as you.


    I just finished editing my video, it is time to wait 6 hours for it to render then I can upload.

  7. I started working on a second chat roulette compilation video for my second youtube profile . No school tomorrow ftw. I will edit my video and upload to you tube.

    I'm making a Combat Arms kill compilation video. :thumbsup: Do you still play?

    Yes I do. My combat arms name is ballerplaya.

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