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Posts posted by RSBDavid

  1. I thought looking up rude words were what dictionaries were made for. :unsure:



    It made high school English so much more interesting.


    Teacher: "David Why are you giggling?"

    David: "Lol they say [wagon] in here"

    Teacher: *Roundhouse kicks david*



    I had boring English classes. I drew stick men fights daily. Blue always won :(

  2. Did you build the GUI from scratch or use a GUI builder?

    Also, pet peeve, condense your imports ;)

    Last comment: don't make your main method throw exceptions. Handle them in their respective methods.



    I did the GUI by scratch. If it involved a lot more areas, I would do it half and half. It is hard to get the exact positions of where some components will go, but I would generally use Net beans or something to help with that I will condense my imports in a later stage.

  3. It depends on what level range that you want to pk at.


    If you are looking for the 20-75 combat range, I would focus on a range/2h pure with stats like:

    40 attack

    60-90 strength

    1 defense

    60-90 range

    60 mage

    31 prayer


    If you are looking for the 75-100 combat range, I would look towards a tank range/2h account with stats like:

    50 attack

    70-90 strength

    40 defence

    70-90 range

    60 mage

    43 prayer


    If you are looking to do any higher level pking, just go with straight melee with a lower defense because most people who fight you will request no armor fights if they have armor, or they will have monk robes.


    Something like the following will suffice:

    70+ attack

    90+ strength

    50 or so defense

    90+ range

    60+ mage

    43+ prayer


    Honestly, just experiment and see what style you like the best. Ahh crap, I have to go I will come back and finish this post in a little bit.

  4. Can the OP or a moderator please change the bloody title of this thread to "WoL General Discussion" I am pretty sure WoL didn't come out today :D .




    I need to get one more white jade thing so I can complete Asperation 4 and get a second city. How do I get them besides tasks?

  5. No there are servers all over the world, themed ones however they dont show where they are.


    You jsut have to check the "ping" column for lower numbers to get lag free worlds, i personally have some decent pvp worlds. If they all have bad ping for you its just bad luck



    The ping says 65-85 normally for each pvp world and around 50 for non-pvp world.

  6. could be any number of things.


    Phone lines, ISP, all the servers you bounce through at some point.


    Any one of them can be laggy.


    Every non-pvp server I visit never lags. Hell, even the high traffic market servers like World 2 rarely lag if not lag at all.


    Don;t they keep all of the servers in the UK? Wouldn't it be feasible to rent some in the United States?

  7. Again I state




    A commercial server is an interlinked bundle of servers that can be anything up to like 100 individual servers that are group managed.


    So in LITERAL terms there is one actual psychical server per world

    Ok you might be right.


    So where is the lag coming from? Is it their ISP?

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