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Posts posted by RSBDavid

  1. Autoing is illegal, of any kind. Botting is simply asking yourself for easy levels only to find out the next day that Jagex permantantly banned your account.


    Just play legitimately and follow the rules. I don't know what else to tell you guys.


    General information.



    Since I mentioned its the type of mentality that some people are with, so I don't expect everyone to follow that kind of rules. As long as there are people around, there will never be a unified concept.


    Still just like Justin said, for the most part, play it right, and don't break rules.


    Since most people could use many things to justified their action, so by no means that I disagree with those that mentioned how RWT trading and selling since they are stating the facts. Its again, human nature. No one is perfect


    This discussion is "Are autoers still a problem", not "Are autoers legal in game".

  2. Before he got banned Duke Freedom was selling millions for $4 each. If he made $20,000, that's 5 billion GP. Considering that this was this in 2006, it would probably be the same as making 20 - 25 billions in today's Runescape...

    When I was younger I sold membership for 2 - 3m to Russian players who didn't have access to things like PBP or Paypal, or just didn't want to spend real life money. I would than sell 1m for $15-$20 dollars (begging of 2005). I remember making something like $300 US in a month or so aha. (this was a long time ago)


    just remember what you say on these forums alot of moderators from runescape looks around here, especially a topic i made about autoers so just watch what you say, about admitting to real world trading.


    It's not a problem as this was almost 5 years ago, on long forgotten accounts. I quit Runescape anyways, so I don't think I would care that much if this account got banned for whatever reason.


    Keep in mind, Jagex have been known to ban accounts owned by the same person who used/uses a separate account to break rules.

  3. [hide]

    Yeah, I know a few people in my high school who bot and sell accounts. They make about $1000 a month, without doing jack. I would do it, but it would kill my conscience =X

    Lol what conscience? It's a game. Remember that RL > RS. You could pay your way through school, like Duke Freedom.



    OT: I don't condone or promote cheating in any way, so don't do it. It's against teh rules.



    That's the problem, as long mentality like that exist, there will always be botters around. Sure you are making good money and stuff, but it's like breaking the rules to earn the money, and justify that its ok because its a game. Well that just kind of blurrs out the moral for many things. Then people would justified that the people that in China that used to work in gaming sweat shops are trying to earn money too to actually make a earning not trying to get better flashy gadget like teens in North America. Who knows, maybe 10 hours to them would equal a decent meal or bag of rice that last for several days. Even it sounds legitimate, its still not right down in the sense.


    I also hear people talking about it as well, and it seems like the less impact it has on real life, the less important it is, people just get desensitize to those kind of things because its not a big deal to everyone. I guess only time it will affect is when every server has 1.5k autoers, and all the legitimate player quits and RS have to close down its door to make it somewhat significant? I mean, it's only a game, and no one is dying over it (that was sarcasm), it just mean that some hundred of people lost their jobs to maintain the game, and players simply lose another form of entertainment (of course, this is greatly exaggerated)


    I always go by this rule, when you are about to do something, if that voice inside your mind that tells you its good or bad, then its probably the honest truth. Too many times people just choose to ignore it, or justify it to make it sounds ok.


    Who is Duke Freedom?

    One of the richest and most respected merchants who got banned for RWT a few years ago . I believe he got about $20k out of his pixels to pay for school. Would've got much more if he didn't get banned. If anyone remembers r2pleasent (sp?), also one of the big merchants at the time, he's been a big player in the RWT market as well.


    That is roughly 3.3~ billion GP sold. There are hundreds of people who have that much if not way more. If he was a good(skilled or good at hacking) staker, he could make that in a few days.

    Afaik he didn't manage to sell a lot. Back then it was ~$4/M, now it's down to ~$1/M or less.


    Ahh ok, I was guessing 6 dollars a mill.

  4. [hide]

    Yeah, I know a few people in my high school who bot and sell accounts. They make about $1000 a month, without doing jack. I would do it, but it would kill my conscience =X

    Lol what conscience? It's a game. Remember that RL > RS. You could pay your way through school, like Duke Freedom.



    OT: I don't condone or promote cheating in any way, so don't do it. It's against teh rules.



    That's the problem, as long mentality like that exist, there will always be botters around. Sure you are making good money and stuff, but it's like breaking the rules to earn the money, and justify that its ok because its a game. Well that just kind of blurrs out the moral for many things. Then people would justified that the people that in China that used to work in gaming sweat shops are trying to earn money too to actually make a earning not trying to get better flashy gadget like teens in North America. Who knows, maybe 10 hours to them would equal a decent meal or bag of rice that last for several days. Even it sounds legitimate, its still not right down in the sense.


    I also hear people talking about it as well, and it seems like the less impact it has on real life, the less important it is, people just get desensitize to those kind of things because its not a big deal to everyone. I guess only time it will affect is when every server has 1.5k autoers, and all the legitimate player quits and RS have to close down its door to make it somewhat significant? I mean, it's only a game, and no one is dying over it (that was sarcasm), it just mean that some hundred of people lost their jobs to maintain the game, and players simply lose another form of entertainment (of course, this is greatly exaggerated)


    I always go by this rule, when you are about to do something, if that voice inside your mind that tells you its good or bad, then its probably the honest truth. Too many times people just choose to ignore it, or justify it to make it sounds ok.


    Who is Duke Freedom?

    One of the richest and most respected merchants who got banned for RWT a few years ago . I believe he got about $20k out of his pixels to pay for school. Would've got much more if he didn't get banned. If anyone remembers r2pleasent (sp?), also one of the big merchants at the time, he's been a big player in the RWT market as well.


    That is roughly 3.3~ billion GP sold. There are hundreds of people who have that much if not way more. If he was a good(skilled or good at hacking) staker, he could make that in a few days to a couple of weeks.

  5. Internet speed has nothing to do with it. Internet connection does. Ping (Packet Internet Groper) tells you the time it takes for a packet of data to be sent to the server and returned. Typically Broadband and tier service has really good connections since more data can be sent over the fiber optic/coaxial lines, resulting in lower ping. Your ping issue could be that the data packet you send to the game server/receive could be passing through a bad server. There are a lot of possibilities.


    Do you have a wireless router? You could have a neighbor whom is stealing your bandwidth. I had that problem until I banned external user MAC addresses.


    Go to speedtest.net, and run the test then post your results.

  6. They are trying to keep the game balanced between newbies and higher level players. I do admit they are catering more to the lower levels, still, if you want to always experience higher level content, go play World of Warcraft or something.


    And like the above poster said, do you even read the content that the quests provide? You can learn a lot about the game's history and lore if you would read and let the dialogue soak in rather then skip through it.

  7. Perhaps Jagex are embarrassed of their ingame graphics so they have to rely on concept art to sell their game? That or F2P doesn't have anything worth offering..


    Runescape has good ingame graphics.

    technically yes they are, but comparatively? most non-browser based MMO's beat them hands down. Honestly the reason I think most people care is because its change...and judging by the recent updates forum after the constitution update, change is greater then or equal to 2012. :-o


    Comparatively to other browser based MMO, Runescape has good ingame graphics. Comparing to non-browser based....is like me comparing the graphics of non-browser games to this:



    wait there's NPC's IRL?



    Yes. The government has specifically engineered hundreds of self-aware holograms called "celebrities". These "celebrities" act with no brains or self-control so they are therefore NPCs.

    but they have terrible AI...


    That will be changed in an expansion pack.

  8. Perhaps Jagex are embarrassed of their ingame graphics so they have to rely on concept art to sell their game? That or F2P doesn't have anything worth offering..


    Runescape has good ingame graphics.

    technically yes they are, but comparatively? most non-browser based MMO's beat them hands down. Honestly the reason I think most people care is because its change...and judging by the recent updates forum after the constitution update, change is greater then or equal to 2012. :-o


    Comparatively to other browser based MMO, Runescape has good ingame graphics. Comparing to non-browser based....is like me comparing the graphics of non-browser games to this:



    wait there's NPC's IRL?



    Yes. The government has specifically engineered hundreds of self-aware holograms called "celebrities". These "celebrities" act with no brains or self-control so they are therefore NPCs.

  9. I challenge any of you to design, program, or create graphics for an update. Some of these updates are several thousand lines of coding ( Click here to see what 5 thousand lines of text actually looks like) . Each method they add has to work with the game engine. Its tedious work. Before you complain about an update or when it is released, think of the work involved and the time allotted.

    Get me a million dollar company and the coding skills and I would happily do so.


    Jagex is lacking.



    Did you even read what I said?


    You can't just pull new content out of your [wagon]. You have to create concepts, design graphics and sounds, do the code, debug the code, Q&A the content, fix any errors, test it in game, then release it. If Jagex wants to produce content which appeases higher levels, they need more time. If you were pressed to write a perfect 100-page essay once a week, could you do it perfectly each time? With no grammar or spelling mistakes? You obviously have no understanding of game concept, programming, and design.


    I think Jagex should switch to a monthly update schedule. This is for two reasons. One, they can be extra sure that each update is ready to go. Two, so players can experience the previous month's updates.

    I hope you aren't thinking they make the entire update in a week. They've already told us they work on updates for months and I'm sure huge ones possibly a year or more(like a skill). In fact, a recent developers blog told us they were starting on the Halloween update a few weeks ago.


    But I do agree with you on the part about people expecting too much out of jagex. Most people don't even take into consideration how hard it is to make an update before complaining about a small update week or no updates at all.


    I was trying to get to where I was implying that being forced to produce content biweekly/weekly by the players can take a toll on quality. I did not mean to sound like i was saying they only do an update in a week.

  10. I challenge any of you to design, program, or create graphics for an update. Some of these updates are several thousand lines of coding ( Click here to see what 5 thousand lines of text actually looks like) . Each method they add has to work with the game engine. Its tedious work. Before you complain about an update or when it is released, think of the work involved and the time allotted.

    Get me a million dollar company and the coding skills and I would happily do so.


    Jagex is lacking.



    Did you even read what I said?


    You can't just pull new content out of your [wagon]. You have to create concepts, design graphics and sounds, do the code, debug the code, Q&A the content, fix any errors, test it in game, then release it. If Jagex wants to produce content which appeases higher levels, they need more time. If you were pressed to write a perfect 100-page essay once a week, could you do it perfectly each time? With no grammar or spelling mistakes? You obviously have no understanding of game concept, programming, and design.


    I think Jagex should switch to a monthly update schedule. This is for two reasons. One, they can be extra sure that each update is ready to go. Two, so players can experience the previous month's updates.

  11. I challenge any of you to design, program, or create graphics for an update. Some of these updates are several thousand lines of coding ( Click here to see what 5 thousand lines of text actually looks like) . Each method they add has to work with the game engine. Its tedious work. Before you complain about an update or when it is released, think of the work involved and the time allotted.


    -Picture Snip for forum space-



    Processor: Dual core Athlon II OC'd @ ~3.4GHz

    RAM: 4GB DDR2 800 MHz

    Graphics Cards: 1GB Geforce 9400 GT (left and right monitors), 1GB Radeon HD 5770 (primary centre monitor)

    Monitors: 3x Avidav 19" 1280x1024

    Motherboard: Asus M3N72D

    Power supply: 500W

    Hard drives: 500GB (SATA), 7GB (IDE)

    Optical drive: Asus DVD Multi Rewriter

    Keyboard: Trust media keyboard

    Mouse: Trust optical mouse

    Webcam: Trust chat minicam

    Printer: Canon Inkjet printer

    Case: Antec 902

    The mousemat's also a 4 port USB hub, and there's a Bluetooth thingy in there. The tower thingy at the right of the desk's a fan, and the silver stick thingy is a light.

    I built it myself. eusa_dance.gif



    Nice case. I am wanting to get the Antec 1200 after my classes are over with.


    Good choice. The Antec 900, 902 and 1200 are all very solid (in more ways than one) cases, but the 1200 is freaking huge.


    Running tri-SLI with water-cooling will require the space.

  13. I just set up dual monitors for my laptop, and it runs rather well :thumbsup: (which I'm surprised at considering it's a piece of crap). I'll post a pic sometime if I remember.

    Just one thing, anyone know any way to make Windows Taskbar run across both screens, or a good program to make this happen?

    (Vista 32bit if that matters)



    I use ultraMon. Its worth the price, so just buy it.

  14. 2lbf1nr.jpg


    Processor: Dual core Athlon II OC'd @ ~3.4GHz

    RAM: 4GB DDR2 800 MHz

    Graphics Cards: 1GB Geforce 9400 GT (left and right monitors), 1GB Radeon HD 5770 (primary centre monitor)

    Monitors: 3x Avidav 19" 1280x1024

    Motherboard: Asus M3N72D

    Power supply: 500W

    Hard drives: 500GB (SATA), 7GB (IDE)

    Optical drive: Asus DVD Multi Rewriter

    Keyboard: Trust media keyboard

    Mouse: Trust optical mouse

    Webcam: Trust chat minicam

    Printer: Canon Inkjet printer

    Case: Antec 902

    The mousemat's also a 4 port USB hub, and there's a Bluetooth thingy in there. The tower thingy at the right of the desk's a fan, and the silver stick thingy is a light.

    I built it myself. eusa_dance.gif



    Nice case. I am wanting to get the Antec 1200 after my classes are over with.

  15. I met a guy in real life who does power training in Wow and Runescape. He uses that green dragon bot to power level accounts. He payed like 20 bucks for it and has made a few thousand by power leveling multiple accounts. Between that and his Youtube partner channel, he pays for college and lives nicley.

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