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Posts posted by RSBDavid



    Stereotyping is fun, isn't it? What is your place of origin, ethnicity, and religion so I can have fun, too? ^_^






    I was born in London, England then smuggled to America, I am white, and I do not wish to disclose my religion.


    Pip pip, tea and crumpets, my lad? Of course, of course! Eminem reference. Lack of religion reference. Further insults. Something unrelated.


    Something on topic.


    That'll do it. Don't really feel like trying to hard today. =p


    I only lived in England for 6 days so your stereotypes don;t really effect me. You can ware the ink off of your keys on your keyboard if you want to still continue to argue. Feel free to pm me.

  2. Instead of arguing over who responds to what can we please get back to the original topic?


    Hunter: Massively underdeveloped, took about 6 months to create and it shows badly, still! There have been no major additions to this skill since it was brought out. The only decent thing I like about this skill is bare-handed impling catching.


    Summoning: Over-hyped and badly released. So many alterations were made it was hilarious.


    Dungeoneering: A large update, but once again the skill is HALF FINISHED. Why bother leveling past 69 when your prestige is stuck at that level. You would be better off leveling other skills and waiting for the second half of this minigame to be released.


    Jagex really need to sign up 1k long-standing players to Beta testing with non-disclosure agreements. I would solve so many issues regarding their updates.

    somebody who gets what im trying to say and isnt flaming?! IMPOSSIBLE!




    Maybe every skill doesn't have to provide some reward. Maybe there is this thing called "fun". You are looking at every skill like it has to have a specific purpose which enhances game play. You should enjoy the skills otherwise you need to go outside.


    Hunter -> designed to be relaxing

    Summoning -> One of the best skills since slayer.

    Construction -> Money drainer and a way to show off your creativity.


    that argument would be valid, if said skills were actually "fun". hunter is a boring grind, summoning is again, another grind (tho some of the familiars are fun) and no one was talking about construction, because that was a skill done right.



    Why do you have to grind the skill? Can't you train slower and enjoy it. [troll]You Americans want everything fast. [/troll] Just slow down and enjoy the skills. No one is forcing you to grind them, if you choose to do so then you are making the skill boring not Jagex..

  3. Maybe every skill doesn't have to provide some reward. Maybe there is this thing called "fun". You are looking at every skill like it has to have a specific purpose which enhances game play. You should enjoy the skills otherwise you need to go outside.


    Hunter -> designed to be relaxing

    Summoning -> One of the best skills since slayer.

    Construction -> Money drainer and a way to show off your creativity.

  4. My latest projects:


    [hide=username checker for runescape].




    Here is what it looks like:




    I output the results to the console as well as determine a response based on the first digits of the response.

    18 means the user is not available, 28 means you didn't enter a name, and 17 means it is available.


    This took about 15-20 minutes to design, build, and publish as applet.

    I also built a custom jar signer app as well to help speed up the process.




    [hide=PHP Image uploader]


    Here is what it looks like after you upload an image:



    It uploads images up to 1200KB with the extensions of "GIF","PNG","BMP"," and "JPG/JPEG".







    [hide=Tile generation section of game I am working on]




    All it does it draw a map from a loop. I am working on custom map files as we speak.



  5. Still somebody's [wagon] better be getting fired. You don't royally screw up like this two days after a skill release and go on with your business willy nilly.


    In most of Europe (England included) you have to have a legal reason to fire someone, it's not like the US where you can fire much more liberally. I doubt any heads will role, because that would probably be illegal.


    yeah nobody should be fired, this is discussed time and time again and most people agree that code is incredibly complex and therefore it is a lot easier than people think to make these mistakes.

    They have ppl that get paid to test it before releasing. There's no excuse for screwing up like this. It's not like it was some small obscure glitch.


    This is nothing that has to be tested. Its a simple experience rate change which someone pressed an extra key. If they did test it, maybe they didn't test Rune Crafting?

  6. Am I the only one that thinks posting screencap evidence of bug abuse is NOT the best idea in the world? :rolleyes:


    What I find so humorous is that nobody remembers how often they ban people for this and how easily it is detected. Are the only thoughts in their head "OH WOW I CAN GET FAST RC XP NOW!!!"


    Fat lot of good that xp will do if you're banned.

    Indeed. It's impossible to think those sort of xp gains are legit.


    I think it was just a mistype on the part of whoever was changing the xp to 2 and they put 20000 instead.



    Maybe his "0" key was sticking?

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