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Posts posted by RSBDavid

  1. Theres already a RS client, its called SwiftKit :roll:


    Swiftkit is a Runescape TOOLKIT. A "client" is an application which request services from a server application. Swifkit is made in visual basic and Runescape is ran inside of an Internet Explorer web browser component hosted in the Swiftkit application.

  2. So now this is Open Source, Tip.It could start development on its own Runescape Client based on this correct? I would imagine that Jagex could make an announcement next week. :)


    I believe this is correct. If it's open source it can be modified and improved to be redistributed. :thumbup: Big thumbs up to Jagex for their move on this. :thumbup: As for the Administrator rights comments, I am thinking they meant that it does not require Administrative rights to run. To install, however, you will need the Administrator rights to do so.


    Is the client available for Mac OSX or Linux?


    I'm thinking this one is only available for Windows as well. Unless someone would like to compile it for Linux and/or Mac OSX.



    It works with linux.

  3. Ok.. I downloaded this 40MB badboy, but it's a ".tar" file.. what opens that? Should I change the filetype to get it to install? All that's opening it is WinZip.. in which case when I decompress it, I can't find which of the 32039 files to click to run it. Any help is appreciated. |^_^|


    That is the source btw. I used peazip and had to extract it twice. It extracts to about 350MB. I will have a video up in 10 minutes or so showing how it loads up.


    The compiled version is only 9MB or so.

  4. From the source:


    Jagex Launcher source package README



    Copyright 2010 Jagex Limited.


    This file is part of JagexLauncher.


    JagexLauncher is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it

    under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as

    published by the Free Software Foundation.


    JagexLauncher is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT

    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or

    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License

    version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that

    accompanied this code).


    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version

    2 along with this work; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>


    This package contains:


    The Jagex-modified OpenJDK source code (openjdk subfolder; see JagexChangeLog for details of files changed)

    The JagexLauncher program (JagexLauncher subfolder)


    So we can redistribute? Wow, the source download is 40mb and the extracted source is over 300MB. Talk about good compression.

  5. Couldn't they implement some concepts from the quest system to the solo-dungeoneering? I sent in a suggestion which involves using non-tangible checkpoints to save progress in a solo dungoneering raid. This would work similar to quests. When you do one thing inside of a quest, a checkpoint is saved on your player profile and when you come back, you pick up from where you left off.

  6. If i play runescape i lagg like hell.

    I can run Guild Wars, Warcraft 3, Oblivion and Starcraft at the same time and not lagg.



    But kids in Africa --who use the money we donate for food to buy laptops and wifi-- can't afford GW,SC, or Oblivion. <<SARCASM


    Runescape is built for accessibility not performance. It shows in the way it performs. Why do you think people in India can play? Stellar Dawn will be the same way.

  7. Bumping this up a little bit.


    What does everyone think of the kill creek map? I find it fun, get to try out snipers. Bit annoying though because of enemy snipers.

    I like Kill Creek, though it seems a lot of people don't. An accurate sniper rifle is pretty essential though. Rushing the opposing team's spawn is also fun.


    Oh yeah I play Combat Arms quite a bit now. I'm an MSG1 so I'm starting to get up there... sort of. I have 3 permanent guns, an M416CQB, M4Super90, and an L96 Arctic Wolf. I only buy temporary guns for fun now. :thumbup:


    Its fun with the g36e. I have a few paths and I can get 6-9 kills per death before getting sniped. I might do some vidding after CA gets back up and running in an hour. I just got a new 21.5 inch monitor so I can take 1080p videos.


    Also, Sun/Oracle has gotten very good with their VM optimizations. In an object oriented sense, java is just as fast or faster than C++ because it spreads out the work. In C++, when you want to lose an object / garbage collect, you have to do it while the program is running. With java, you can forget about it and the VM will take care of it when thread executing isn't so processor intensive.

    Yes, because not learning programming concepts and relying on a virtual machine to do the dirty work is a good idea.

  9. If I had my Yamaha 6pc stage custom drumset, I would do some covers/remixes myself. Keep up the good work Albel/Haseo/seaoh

    You should do them, it's so much fun to do =D


    And thanks for the comment :mrgreen:


    I have some sheet music for some of the song. I might do some Fl Studio works on a couple of them.

  10. Go ahead and "petition" against me. I've full rights to remain on this thread if I wish. See if I care about your attacks.


    quelmotz -- I said that there are people who both overestimate *and* underestimate how hard it is to do things in RuneScape. I didn't personally attack anyone on this thread. You responded by calling me an idiot and talking about my ego.


    Try staying on topic. Hint: the topic is not your personal feelings about me, which I couldn't care less about (I get flamed here on a daily basis by better than you) and I doubt anyone else cares about either.


    I don't know how you expect me to "substantiate" my point any better. I already gave the example of the 40 second world switch delay due to "profile transferring", which anyone who knows anything about the Internet knows is total BS. But people still say it's really needed.


    I never said you were personally attacking them. I just said you were insulting them for overestimating and underestimating how hard it is to do things in RuneScape.


    You realise you're just insulting your own intelligence by dropping ridiculously obvious hints? Wait - your sarcasm failed so badly I didn't realise it was sarcasm until now.


    I read the thread on the 40 second delay, and if I'm not wrong almost no one confidently said it was because of transferring. Those who said "I think" and such don't count - they felt doubt in Jagex's claims. Those who actually confidently said so were plain ignoramuses, BUT compared to the overwhelming majority who occupy a grey area in between, they are few. I hardly see how they constitute a substantial group, which I think you're referring to when you say "people".



    I have to agree with this for one point alone - it seems like the developers never, ever ask themselves, "How could this fail?" or "How will this make other content fail?" Every time I think I have a great new idea I want to suggest to Jagex, those are the first things I ask myself, and I usually come up with a sizeable list of failures, so I end up just forgetting about the suggestion. But I'm only one person, with a team of almost 400 people to bounce ideas off of and work out the kinks, there should be better updates coming out. For example, the new Elemental Workshop 3 quest - out of 400 people, no one stopped to ask, "Isn't there a better way to move the tiles than putting dozens of switches around the grid?" When the grid spans the entire room, who wants to spend literally hours running around flipping switches, when they could have added a nice little "control box" for our avatars to operate that would let us simply click the tiles, instead of watching our avs run around like idiots for three hours? And why is it we have to wait for Batch 2 of Dungeoneering to save our solo progress? Why wasn't that implemented from the start?

    It's those kinds of fails that make it into the game that turn what could be great updates into mediocre or rubbish updates, and I think that's what most people try to complain about, but don't know how to complain about it properly. For the most part, I like to believe the majority of players do appreciate and respect the amount of effort it takes to churn out regular updates so frequently, and we may set too high of expectations for some releases, but Jagex could avoid a lot of these problems by spending a little more time on the pre-production aspect and asking "Can this be done better?"


    Granted, Jagex does make ridiculous mistakes once in a while. I think we sometimes focus too much on them, and not on the positive side of things.


    You talk about Batch 2 of Dungeoneering, and that it should be implemented from the start. Look - 400 developers. They can be skilled, but how are they supposed to spot every single mistake in the update? It's impossible. It's much easier for the thousands of players to spot mistakes, and for Jagex to consolidate all the fixes for the minor updates and release them in one go. Also, there might be content they're unsure about. Keeping them back and observing the player's response, e.g. if they ask for that exact piece of content, then they'll release it. Of course, there will also be many other new pieces of content that they haven't thought about. As i said, it's impossible for a group of 400 developers, skilled or not to have the best ideas/solutions for every single thing. The hundreds of thousands of players will surely think of some amazing ideas that slipped the developers' minds.


    Around 100 are developers which work on fun orb, stellar dawn, runescape, and other games. The rest handle customer relations.

  11. Hm, just read that they are going to build a Mosque on the ground zero area in NYC.

    Don't want to be grabbed in the ear by some mod, so i'll just say that i think it's unfitting.


    Edit: Lol. I had my first mountain dew today, have never seen it here before so i thought i might try it out. Pretty ok, a bit too weak taste tho.

    Did it come from a fountain machine, metal bottle, plastic bottle, aluminum can, or what? Each container effects the taste.

  12. When using a chrome launcher, the browser only uses about 30MB, even I can miss that much although I only have 1 GB RAM. The only visible difference with a native client would be the title bar, but the chrome one doesn't look that bad either.


    As for the graphics, my lowsy computer still manages to run Runescape HD in full screen with about 39% CPU, so I still have quite some processing power left. I don't see the need for crazy optimizations, I'd rather have them focus on content.


    The browser may only be using 30MB of memory, but what about java?


    Wait are you training to become a manager straight away?



    Yes. I had all of the requirements and previous work experience. I got my previous job at Best Buy though family so I didn't have an interview experience.

  14. Yet you have no idea if the server end is even written in Java. For all you know, the server could be Python or C++, and the client shell is in Java. Not hard for separate languages to communicate.


    I never specified what language the server was written in earlier at all. I just stated the game as a whole was server-based [source]. There is a good indication that the game server is written in java [source] .

  15. Then you're not clicking the right executable. Either that or you changed the code and didn't compile.


    The code you put here does something like:




    His problem was that his previous code was still loaded into the compiler buffer. Instead of running his new code, the compiler would use his old code. All he had to do was compile his new code before running it and it would've fixed his problem.

  16. Jagex doesn't need any "sponsors" for this event if it's really about thanking customers, as they said.


    They aren't some struggling startup. This company has, as the old expression goes, "more money than God". They should have subsidized the event -- not only would it have barely dented their bottom line, they'd have gotten back what they spent in PR value.


    Ever heard the saying "There is no such thing as a free lunch."? Would you take a $120,000.00+ loss in revenue from your ads and membership fees in order to thank your RuneScoop members? Maybe $20,000.00 max would be appropriate for a company the size of Jagex. I am not going to start a war over whether Jagex should take a loss or not, that isn't the point of this thread.


    Sponsors help lower the costs for the end-users by giving money to the venue organizers in exchange for some advertisement. They also can provide free products for the atendees. No matter what argument you try and produce, that is the way it works.


    I had some minor sponsorship from Pepsi for a self-hosted LAN party. They paid for the equipment rental and location rental and provided free beverages and advertisement signs as long as I did not advertise other beverage companies. I only had to pay for some pizza (which was covered by the attendees :) ) Pepsi gave each of the ~50 people who attended a goodie bag which contained some advertisements and a few coupons for free Pepsi products. Speaking of which, I still have about 12 free 24-pack coupons to use.

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