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Posts posted by Fencal

  1. thnx for that every1 im keeping a count on good and bad comments to prove somthing which i will tell pretty soon




    Is the something you're trying to prove the fact that you SUCK?!




    (add to bad comments)




    +1 and also..




    Thanks for that everyone im keeping a count on good and bad comments to prove somthing which I will tell pretty soon FULL STOP




    :-k Another RuneHQ'er

  2. If Tip.it and Runehq had a massive war in the wilderness.


    Post your comments if you think its a good or bad idea!




    Good: 1


    Bad: 3




    Where did grammar school go, it is a terrible idea :ohnoes:




    Happy now mister, I gotta make my point?

  3. Banks can give interest because banks can give loans. Banks can give loans because banks can reposess objects worth money and auction them for a fraction of the cost.




    oh...well im only 15 so i dont really know a lot of that stuff yet. but thank you for clearing it up. i now know that this won't work :wall:




    12 and i get it..but then again, if this did come out, the would be a new few scams added to the jumple pile :shame:

  4. Its a fair idea but theres impracticalities about it. Such as how would you know which is yours? A character on a horse will be alot higher, so their text may not be able to be seen above their head. Also imagine fally park in world 2, Now imagine it with horses getting in the way. People already find cats annoying when in crowded places, horses are 10 times bigger. There are im sure other reasons why jagex havnt brought them out, but these are a few i can see.




    And also, as to the attack bonus, I think people already have enough attacks bonus's, people with full dharoks can hit 100+, so maybe making them even stronger wont be a great idea.




    mabey you could see other poeples horse, but couldnt see the words of them like "examin horse", only yours

  5. the 2 things that i garuntee will happen:




    1 You will get bored




    2 You will quit chopping and you wont make your goal =\




    dude instead of bein negative say things like


    I belive in u


    mite get abit borin but im sure u can manage it


    how much cash will u get if u sell allovit




    Hes not trying to be "negitive" hes just trying to get this guy to come to grips with reality. Also, pkered4gd, learn to type please.




    he is being "negitive", he "garunteed"(lol) that it will happen.




    Great luck on your goal!




    Prolly because it is inevitable that he will get bored and not finish this goal. That's not negativity. It's the truth.




    Meh, mabey i was wrong, but you should aways support a goal, no matter how hard it gets. \'

  6. the 2 things that i garuntee will happen:




    1 You will get bored




    2 You will quit chopping and you wont make your goal =\




    dude instead of bein negative say things like


    I belive in u


    mite get abit borin but im sure u can manage it


    how much cash will u get if u sell allovit




    Hes not trying to be "negitive" hes just trying to get this guy to come to grips with reality. Also, pkered4gd, learn to type please.




    he is being "negitive", he "garunteed"(lol) that it will happen.




    Great luck on your goal!

  7. my bro does this allot..




    Buy williows cheap from noobs F2P for 15gp ea and make williw (u)




    Then he goes to the general store and the cheapest they buy it for is 17 or 18 gp not sure..




    So anyone who sells willows for 15 each is a noob?


    A slow money maker.




    Just sell em to general store.

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