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Posts posted by Fencal

  1. F2p was made with its lack of bank space and quest, to make you become a member, you do not pay for the game, why would jagex give free stuff all the time to people who dont pay, members pay, the get updates.There are hundreds of post like this, and not matter how much people you get on your side, jagex will NOT change it.




    Number of times this posted: 1

  2. I never thought of the house idea. I dont have one of my own, havn't been playing much lately, so I also don't really know how all of that works either....




    Kwimbob's house sounds like it would be a good place, near a bank and he says that he has a lot of tip.it people added already making it that much easier.




    So far that seems like the best idea to me but I will check back in later to see if anybody else has any other suggestions, for location and any other items they might want me to spend my last bit of money on.




    And to give people a heads up it will probably be sometime next week that I would want to do it, cant really make it any more exact than that yet.




    Dont do a house, a the owner could just click "exspel guests"

  3. i was playin runescape thinking of new armor and i thought of gold armor! to be able to wear gold armor u should hav a defence of 25?!








    Game mad2 :twisted:




    I would say, (as there alredy is gold amour) that there will be sevral new rewards from lvl 3 clue scrolls.




    1. Full gold trimmed green (when worn you can do earth strike for free ( 5% spec used)




    2. trimmed white, wind strike, same as above




    3. trimmed red, fire strike




    4. trimmed blue, water strike.




    it will need 50 defence to wear same as granite, it weighs about 160kg (the dowside)




    Having it it as wind wave, blast, bolt, would be very stupid. It would mean mage's coiuld easily train up magic, i would say the amour cost sevrral million




    Wadda think?

  4. I dunno about you, but mabey im not makeing my self clear.




    1. you buy a note.


    2. you type a message in it.


    3. You right click and use on a item, a little picture of a letter will now appear at the top right of the item.


    "You can now, read the note, or remove it.

  5. Hi,


    I want to do the dragon slayer qeust.


    But do you think i'll survive the whole qeust with an inventory full of lobbies and these stats? : stats7ea.png


    Combat lvl 43




    i id it at lvl 34, with 37 mage, juts fire bolted it 120 times...owned

  6. Dont u hate it when your trying to report someone wiht a name liek 00o0o0oo o0o or 112o03 9423. Well I think we should be able to right click on the name and underneath the add and ignor options there should be one that says report. If u click this then the report abuse screen comes up with the persons name already filled in and u simply click which rule they broke. :idea:




    i'm a non member so i can post this on the regualr rs forums so any member can feel free to post this on the ofical rs forums jsut make sure u give me credit when u do :D




    A great idea, i totally agree.

  7. Currently in the free version of RuneScape, we only have 60 spaces in the bank. Members get heaps more space every time something new comes out. But what about the free version players!? We have had new stuff introduced to us recently, like the zombie clothes which take a few spaces... I don't know how everyone else is handling the 60 spaces, but it really frustrates me when you just don't have the space for stuff! Anyone else who would like 75-80 bank-spaces, leave your RuneScape account name and E-mail address. Get as many of your friends as you can to sign aswell, and let's win this one guys!










    [email protected]




    Members pay, so they get updates and cool stuff, be gratful for what you get, its free, if you dont like it, pay for members.

  8. I think a new update for P2p and F2P would be to "Note" items, no, i dont mean withdraw them as notes.




    I was thinking there could be a "Note seller" say, in varrock, you buy notes, and you can write a message to them, then add them to an item. Sp you could add to a rune scimmi;


    "Remember to sell to [name]"


    When youve attached a note, a little letter pic will appear on the top right coner of the item, and when you right click, it will say;




    Read note


    Take note


    Use lobster


    Eat lobster


    Examine Lobster




    And when you right click on the witten note and use on a item, it will say;




    Attach note lobster


    Use lobster


    Eat lobster


    Examine Lobster





  9. only a high level would make money from this, and it isnt worth the time for the money theyd get. May as well get the points as well.




    I think it would beimpossible for an autoes to make a program that lets you camp for money becasue every 10 runs or so your character runs to the bak after you finish your run.




    Maybe that was an anti auto safeguard , or maybe just a glitch.




    Either way a high level could make more money killign a green dragon then the wothless amount of money they'd make doing nothign in pest controll.




    Suppose, but some people have rubbish stats, so they do this.

  10. We all know that if you hit less than 50 damage in total, you get lack fo zeal


    BUT you will get the money for the portal, so people just go on a game and stand around for easy cash!


    Soon there mostly like be a autoer that will click on to the boat foy you to get it. grr :twisted: :twisted:

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