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Everything posted by Hell_Smite

  1. Nice one clan mates, too bad I chould not attend before I quited.. anyhows best of luck in any future wars
  2. Hey BloodAngel, thanks for the guide, that REALLY helps a lot.
  3. Thanks for the feedback, will keep working, also can anyone tell me the exact font style/size/color of the RS letters ?
  4. Here it is, keep in mind this is my first fake and it's made in Windows Pain. Enjoy:
  5. Glad this helped and i don't know why isn't in AOW...
  6. Now how about that, the 12 year old kiddos are starting to report that I "stole his monster" it's not enought that you get banned for almost anything now it will be a big surprise to get banned for "stealing his monster" he was lvl 49, check out pic below and feel free to post feedback. Loge_05 Edit: Pic removed.
  7. Good luck, you'll need at least 43 prayer (for melee protect) or youll take high damage from his melee attacks, the magic attacks don't do much damage becuse of the red hide, if you'll lvl 70 range well that's just perfect as you will take even less damage
  8. YES :D it's my first major achievement since I finished Receip for Disaster, oh any it's on the clan page too :P Ruthless FTW
  9. It says right there.. lvl 91 combat. and I used protect from melee (used 1 prayer pot (4) and 1 antifire pot (4) and worn red dragon hide, If I had 2 more sharks I whould if killed him twice..
  10. So what your saying is quite normal for a player like me to kill the KBD solo.. oh well than KBD here I come :D gonna go to World (classified) :P
  11. I just soloed KBD today, let me know what you guys think. Probably gonna do it a few times today too. I want some opinions as it's my first trip to the KBD ever and I went solo. In the ring spot I had recoil Drop drom KDB EQUIPMENT My stats
  12. no you dont need any requirements to START, you need them to FINISH the quest, it's tested, a friend of mine did that, started a new account, made it member and started the quest, worked like a charm :P
  13. no, thats the"metal key" to the entrance, I need the key to the gate inside the complex that leads to the mith and addy ores.
  14. anyone.. ? if not looks like i'll have to go to the jagex headquarters in UK and ask them myself :)
  15. Ok here is the thing, when I completed tourist trap quest I got the wrough iron key but.. i lost it, where can I get another one ? the girl's mom don't have it and the girl in the slave mines won't talk with me, anyone knows ?
  16. thanks for the help guys, i just got a message saying maybe i need to check if it fermented.
  17. well thanks for trying again, anyone knows for sure coz on the farming guide it says 24 hours untill any ale ferments.. and that's not really fun.
  18. ok i'm at the part where I have to brew the kelda stout, I put all the stuff in and now I just have to wait, my questions is how long does it takes untill it's mature ?
  19. are there any home-tele tabs ? if they are that it's a good idea same amount of snape grass but no 1k fare for the boat trip.. i think this might work: home tele tablet = ( teleport home) - exit portal - collect snape grass and one of the below methods glory = teleport edgeville - bank - teleport home - repeat above games necklace = teleport burthope - bank in rogue's den - teleport home - repeat above duel ring = teleport castle wars - bank - teleport home - repeate above any other suggestion ? I personaly recomend duel ring as is the closest to bank or if you don't want to spend too much money on duel rings games necklace its the chepest Actually.. you dont need any teleport tabs as you will be leaving from a bank and end up at a bank eventulay, just use normal home teleport spell and for those who want to take the cheap way of making money to the EXTREME :) use an air or earth staff and do law running on world 66
  20. Just a little bump, this is my first guide :P
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