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Posts posted by buzz_knight

  1. pah, you're right!




    you have every right to use everything at hand, be it prayer, pots, teletabs etc.. if it was the other way round and you was beating them, they would sure as hell be using them themselves!!








    i once changed screen whilst at blue drags on PvP to turn back with a pker attacking me.. and i wasn't aware of it happening and i still got called [insert caption here] noob.

  2. No we can't lol. Sorry to be pessimistic, but they got 5 times more votes than anyone else, understand it those who can. But we are closing in on Final Fantasy XI and the 2nd place ;)




    i'm sure the population of tip.it can divided WoW votes by runescape to get 5.. if that's what it is.. i haven't checked ::'




    but we would only get the vote from rune tips fanbase..






    edit: 3.5 times more as of this moment.

  3. i will end when it gets even more boring when it currently gets.. i only play when i am bored or taking a break from studying that's it.. it isn't exactly i game i would play OVER going out with friends or do sports. Running over Runescape, any and everyday.

  4. Just a friendly tip, you can create a shortcut to the on screen keyboard next to the start menu, so when you enter your password, a key logger won't be able to get it. :D







    I don't think your right, the onscreen keyboard would still be registered as a keyboard press as it still sends the same binary code like the main keyboard does..?






    ALL passwords should be alphanumerical, else you will not be spared!


    though, saying that i got hacked even with an alphanumerical 20 character password :/.




    alphanumericalise (i made that word up ¬¬) your recovery questions to ;)

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