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  1. Name: Rangedlord1 Enviornment: Fishing docks (Me in Drag Med, Legends Cape, Zammy full, Harpoon) Extras: Shark with harpoon coming out of nose Text: 80+ Combat 82+ Fishing
  2. Dude if you dont wanna rate it then stfu about it and just let other people rate it
  3. Can you make me one A guy in guthix armor with a green phat diamond ammy and a harpoon at fishing guild harpooning sharks Text: RangedLord1 Fishing 82+
  4. Made a banner for my clan got rejected but please rate 1/100
  5. Can I have a sig I want a guy with a Legends cape in full guth rune a green phat with a drag ammy with a Harpoon and shark thats speared
  6. I made in like 5 mins in photoshop but its ok I think
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