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Everything posted by XerenereX

  1. I read a thread talking about Hermione. So now I ask you... Who is cuter Ron or Harry?
  2. Have you ever heard of the Constapation Emancilation? Girls and Boys are no different from each other.
  3. I suggest a drop party is in order. Always a great way to end your membership days. What say Party Petes? Those gems look nice, not to mention the runes and ores.
  4. Has anyone seen that advertisement? I think it's pretty funny because one of them looks like a bookworm and the other looks like a jock football player. I think it's pretty funny that they ended up marrying each other because they are from two different cliques. Anyways, 7 kids is a crazy amount of kids. I wonder how they take care of them all at the same time. Anyways, I wonder how the couple are doing right now.
  5. I don't like the idea of racism because F2P are just the same as P2P. I believe in the Constapation Emancilation!!
  6. The wood is already hard, I don't think you need much strength to harden the wood. For such example, wood can either be hardwood or softwood. With an axe, you can cut down either wood regardless of the woodcutting level. Whereas hardwood is thicker than softwood, therefore macroers can achieve the amounts of softwood. By agreeing to the population, you risk both the lives of the PKers and Merchanters who rely greatly on the success of the number of woodcutters that do not macro. By updating as you suppose, the game may be more logical with benefits of the game because of the players that woodcut and they will be the best to chop and not the macroers because the macroers will not be able to chop down the hardwood. Extraodinary Idea!
  7. While clan life in Runescape means daily sacrifice, few complain because they know it was the men and women in Everquest who were making the greater sacrifice. A official clan update should not be released by the Office of Jagex. ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅDo with less so theyÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ll have enough.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
  8. Actually, we called it "Touchbell Run". But "Ding Dong Ditch" isn't a bad name, what say should we change the name? Anyways, this is a fun prank to do. Tell all your friends about it, maybe someday it will become famous.
  9. My friend and I were bored the other day, so we tried to think of a new way to prank someone. So we rang our neighbor's doorbell and ran away. It's funny because the neighbor opens his door and doesn't see anyone. We called this prank "Touchbell Run!" Please try this new prank at your own risk, I will not be held responsible if your neighbor catches you.
  10. Actually, McDonalds are making their meals much healthier. My brother ordered a Happy Meal the other day (my brother is 12). The Happy Meals come with apple dippers, which are good. Too bad they don't put apple dippers in with the Might Kids Meal.
  11. XerenereX


    WWII GLOW That's the only one I can think of that makes sense.
  12. I think Diablo II is pretty good.
  13. When you order the Mighty Kids Meal at McDonalds, do you get the Double Cheeseburger or the 6-Piece Chicken Nuggets? Also, do you prefer the Minute Maid Apple Juice of the Milk Jug? I like the 6-Piece Chicken Nuggets better, especially with the BBQ sauce. I'm not a big fan of milk, so I always order the apple juice with my order.
  14. What kind of amulet is this?
  15. It brings a vague concept amongst players when the word skill total is mentioned. Some of you really are skilled, but you turned off your smartness when you declined to question rigorously the nonsense that others around you believed in. When you began using the term "noob" for anyone who even questioned the utterly unproven assertions of the best skilling methods to correct about the nature of skilling in Runescape, when you applauded at the vicious smeared words such as "nerd" and "loser" launched against decent and, yes, smart boys like The Old Nite and N0valyfe, when you accepted the idea that rules putting people in front of the computer for silently clicking near Varrock center were not a violation of the Jagex Rules -- well, folks, you may be smart, but you turned off any intellectual rigor or intellectual integrity when you swallowed these things whole, without protest, without question.
  16. Shop price, yes, I agree that it's being badly paraphrased in the general store. That's the big price for much loss: Merchanters and PKers cherrypick one rares-- or wilfully misconstrue it -- and they're off to the wilderness. I'm sure I've done this plenty of times myself, sadly.
  17. The equality of price in the Runite armor is equivalent to the submission of players that underate the conquest of Dragon Slayer. Because of such complexity, the price of rune falls substantianally at the cost of the amount of players that play Runescape. Since the years of 2002, the cash amount offer for runite has complexed in price often. Judging from the exponential increase at a negative rate, the price is runite armor is decreasing. From my calculations, the price of rune is falling.
  18. Nice, Zezima finally achieved 2079 skill total. Last time I checked she was 2077. :wink: Anyways, I do not think the crowns are a good idea because N0valyfe, The Old Nite, and Zezima are regular boys. I don't think Jagex should treat them like kids anymore. They are just like you and me, why do they get the candy?
  19. Thanks for the reply. I simply bank the raw fish without cooking them.
  20. Anyone care to reply? we goin daa daaah in a lulelurah
  21. About how many trout/salmon can I fish and bank in one hour at Level 80 Fishing? Thank you.
  22. How much combat xp do the guardians give? It seems to me, you get 1xp in attack, strength, or defense everytime you hit it. When I hit 1s and 18s, I get the same 1xp. How is the xp distrubuted for HP? Thanks.
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