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Posts posted by Rcty

  1. The only difference between the Player Owned Shops and Grand Exchange would be that you get to choose the specific player to buy from. The Grand Exchange, I believe, would be the simplest way to transfer items.




    I think the release of Player Owned Shops would, indeed, now be considered practically useless - you can do basically everything they could with the Grand Exchange.





  2. Well...Now what do you do in your free time instead of playing RuneScape?




    RuneScape can develop social skills and keeps you thinking while you're still doing something fun. If you're sitting on the couch watching TV, it's fun, but it's not making your brain do anything productive.





  3. Yeah, my brother and dad are the same way.. They didn't need a credit card number.




    Maybe it's because where I live? (Canada)


    I doubt it, but hey, it's possible. :P




    Unless your brother and dad both live in a different country besides Canada, I would say that solution is highly unlikely. Sometimes things are different in other countries, though...





  4. That makes me sad more than anything.




    Sure, you still have to dislike powerlevelling companies, but still, to know that they're actually being confined to a room making small amounts of money, considering they really are, makes me very sad. Anybody doing this probably doesn't have a choice in whether or not to do this or live on a street corner - and they might live on a street corner and do this. :(




    Be thankful for what you have.





  5. He was probably mad about something and decided to take it out on the nearest group of kids he saw, it's not very typical, but...Oh, wait! That's what people (besides officers) do every single day to innocent people! *slaps head*





  6. I hate how they're so sporadic in these things. It's not fair to the person who may have done it once and didn't plan on doing it again may get caught, whereas the person who threatens people every other chat message doesn't get caught.




    Yes, it's not good to make threats, but you need to arrest a majority of the people who threat, not just one randomly intercepted person!





  7. Cheating contains no educational value whatsoever and is typically for lazy people who think they can lean on their "best friend" when they're at home playing Xbox instead of studying (it'll take a whole ten minutes) for the test.




    I do not let people cheat off of me on tests because it's absolutely pointless. You can get in trouble for letting people cheat off of you, and if you do but don't get caught, considering your answers are worth copying, you will probably feel disappointed in yourself.





  8. It was like pulling teeth for players to get them to raise it up at all (not that I wanted or didn't want it to, I was neutral), so I would assume that it probably won't increase much, if at all.




    Also, I think quest points was a good thing to base it on, because that really can determine how (in some ways) legit a player is. (For example, a person with 249 quest points would probably not risk their account real world trading.)





  9. Jagex has already made many statements regarding past updates and the game, which have been logged by numberous players and will be held against them throughout players' entire gaming career.




    I think Jagex is wanting to make the game better, but just has a fine line drawing at what they are accepting ideas to change.





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