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Everything posted by bagofants

  1. Of course, what people don't realise is that 'Mechsacpe' came about as the result of a tragic spelling error - in an effort to lure merchants away from RuneScape, they intended to create a game called 'MerchScape' in which players made money by buying and selling items. Unfortunately, the office assistent who typed up the trademark application made a typo, and the rest, as they say, is history!
  2. I think pepole are reading this wrongly. Iddison hasn't said RuneScape will definitely take a back seat in 5 years time, or that Jagex will cease development of RuneScape in 5 years time - he's offering a guarantee that RuneScape will remain their number 1 focus for at least the next 5 years. I imagine they'll keep updating and developing RS as long as it remains profitable and has a reasonable number of members. Brings me to my other theory - Mechscape sounds like it may be similar to RS but set in the future. If this is the case, then it would more than likely use the same game engine to run - think 'Half-Life and all the third party mods that there are for that game. Using the same engine would mean that Mechscape would only need content creation teams plus scriptwriters if they decide to use quests in it - that's assuming it will be a MMORPG - but that way they wouldn't need a huge number of people working on it, and it wouldn't take the focus off of RS development because it would be essentially another version of runescape except with a different setting and different content. Don't you just hate it when a company gets a new Cheif Executive? They have a grand "vision for the future" and all the ways they can leave their mark on the company, but most of it is just talk...
  3. In the UK, commas are used as a separator and full-stops (periods) are used as a decimal point. However, most of Europe uses the comma as the decimal point and the full-stop as the separator. Far less confusing just to use a space as the separator - the effect is the same, you can still read the number more clearly.
  4. The monthly price is nothing at all really. In the UK at least, the price of playing runescape members is ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3.20 - the minimum wage is ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã5.52 an hour, or 35 minutes worth of work, per month. If you honestly can't afford this, and buying it will make your kids starve, you should think about selling your computer and cancelling your internet subscription because you cant afford those either lol. Either that or get a part time job. Or work an extra hours overtime every month if you have a job already.
  5. They aren't completely random anyway - doing certain actions makes you more likely to get a certain type of event. And I STILL haven't gotten a mime event after all these years.
  6. I think this update is a great idea. This will save huge amounts of time for people who like to play the game properly and quest or raise skill levels. I've wasted so many frustrating hours trying to buy or sell items when I could have been levelling up and enjoying myself. I really couldn't care less about the merchanters in the game, as I don't see the point in spending all your time in game trying to make as much of this virtual gold as you can. Besides, at the end of the day merchanting is just taking advantage of people i.e. ripping them off. Hopefully this update will kill merchanters and they'll all stop playing, which would mean I could play the game with much less lag.
  7. I think Official worlds for minigames would be a good idea. Instead of each worl having it's own version of castle wars, for example, there would be 4 or 5 different dedicated servers just running castle wars and people in worlds 1-25 (for example) would go to castle wars world one, people from worlds 26-50 would go to castle wars world 2. Same for things like the blast furnace. Would ensure that there are always people there when you go, and by having them on a dedicated server reduces lag when lots of people are there and takes away lag from the rest of the world.
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