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Posts posted by Norriie

  1. I think this might be the end for me.


    I came back, I played all day today, I tried to get back into it, I tried to remember why I played this game all these years.

    But it doesn't even feel like the same game anymore.

    Prices of everything have plummeted into the ground. The only way to make money these days is by gambling or merchanting. Forget the days where training your skills was actually profitable.

    Bots control the economy, they've taken over every training spot, it's all anyone talks about.

    Honestly I'm feeling a little depressed about it.


    I might come back some day, but I don't know if that's ever going to happen.

    • Like 1
  2. Hey everyone, I've been gone all summer and am just returning in time for BXPW. I've got a couple questions here..


    1. What is all this 'dicing' stuff that everyone is doing? I assume its some kind of dice gambling, care to explain exactly how it works?

    2. Are any of the current auras worth getting? I had bought the reverence one when it first came out at the discounted price, but I haven't used it and am I not really sure how the auras work.. You have to turn them on or something? Anyways, I have about 8k points for the loyalty programme, should I buy anything else right now, or wait til they release a new batch of stuff?

    3. I'd like to do some fletching during BXPW, but I'm not sure what I should be doing. It looks like addy arrows are great exp, but how easy would it be for me to get all the materials in time? Are addy arrowtips even buyable on ge? Or should I just be stringing bows or something instead?

    4. I've been trying to keep up with reading the updates while I was on hiatus, but is there anything in particular that has changed your everyday gameplay that I should look into getting or working on? Currently I'm working on combat/slayer and dunge, if that makes a difference.


    Thanks in advance, guys~

  3. Lol, thanks for the bumps while I was away ;] (Rhianna was amazing, by the way! She is so pretty in person.)


    I'm back for now, I'll atleast stick around until double exp weekend, but no guarantees past that. Been on a huge minecraft binge lately, plus with classes and parties I don't really have a lot of free time these days.


    Now, to figure out what I'm going to be doing next weekend... magic/palm trees, of course, but what after that?

    I'm considering some chinning- the exp rates would be insane. Or herblore is always a good choice. I'll have to weigh my options and see how much cash I've got...


    What are you guys going to be doing with the exp multipliers?

  4. 78 dung this morning.

    I did my first ever large floor yesterday with some friends and it turned out to be fun, I was thinking I was going to try and start doing floors with dgs, but I asked some questions on the thread yesterday and seem to have gotten ignored :\ So I guess not.

    Oh well. More soloing for me then! I'm pretty sure I will be going for 85 before stopping, I might as well. I'd really like to get a few more of the rewards. Particularly bonecrusher & herbicide, even though I know they're a waste but... damn it, they're just so cool.


    The questions you asked are all things you'd be taught during floors. :P

    Hah, well, thanks. Perhaps I'm too afraid of looking like an idiot not knowing what to do xD

    I'll drop by the chat sometime then.

  5. 78 dung this morning.

    I did my first ever large floor yesterday with some friends and it turned out to be fun, I was thinking I was going to try and start doing floors with dgs, but I asked some questions on the thread yesterday and seem to have gotten ignored :\ So I guess not.

    Oh well. More soloing for me then! I'm pretty sure I will be going for 85 before stopping, I might as well. I'd really like to get a few more of the rewards. Particularly bonecrusher & herbicide, even though I know they're a waste but... damn it, they're just so cool.

  6. I've been lurking this thread for while now and I want to join, but I guess I'm just a little concerned that my lack of experience in group-dungeoneering is not going to go over well if I just jump into it D:


    Currently 77 dung, prom 2h & plate (night spiders hate me), and csb. I've really only solo'd up until this point and I have no idea how dungeoneering in a group works. I did my very first large dungeon today with some friends and it seemed kind of stupid. Everyone just stood around waiting for the keyer to tell them to do something. So, before I actually start trying to DG with you guys, I was just wondering if I could ask... What, exactly, am I supposed to be doing as a non-keyer? Wandering off on my own path? Gathering resources? Standing around awaiting orders from the keyer?

    I've read the guides posted on the front page but I still feel a little lost. I guess I'm a little afraid of screwing up, hah.

  7. Wasted more time hood-hunting today. Killed several more spiders, no luck finding a hood. Ugh.

    Got lvl 74 a bit ago, also only 2k away from 97 hp right now. 94 strength will be next, about 100k away from that one.


    I was thinking a bit about what I'd like to do after I reach my current goals. Obviously right now I'm getting 85 dungeoneering, followed by slaying my way to 99 melee stats. I think I'm going to try and do range and mage slaying wherever possible, too. And even after I get my max melees, I'm going to continue slaying until I have the charms for 99 summoning.

    So after that I'll go the rest of the way to 99 range and mage, then 95 prayer if I haven't already.

    Then I'd like to spend a fair amount of time working towards 85+ in all skills. It'll kind of suck but it will be a nice milestone to have.

    After I do all of that, I'll be ready to go back to dungeoneering my way to 99. Then bring all the relevant skills up to effigy-assist levels (either 91 or 93, depending), and for all the non-assistable skills I'll aim for somewhere in the 90-95 range. Maybe a couple more 99's if they're convenient or easy.

    And finally, the long(ish) road to 120 dungeoneering. Followed by 99 in the rest of my skills.


    Well, okay. That's kind of looking several years in the future, if it ever happens. So whatever. But it would be cool if I could get all that, wouldn't it?

  8. You should just log back in inside of the dungeon with all your items on the ground. If you were outside of the dungeon it's not possible to get back in. Is it possible that you disconnected for more than 10 minutes?

  9. I've been trying out some different techniques and I'm proud to say I finished several meds in under 20 minutes yesterday- even got one done in 11 ;D

    I also wasted some time hood-hunting, I've killed atleast 10 spiders but no drop yet. Hopefully I'll get it soon. I'm also almost 73 dung, I'll be getting that as soon as I do another floor.


    It's starting to move along much, much faster now. And I'm actually enjoying dunging O_o Never thought that would happen.

  10. As a point of reference, 20 minutes per solo medium floor should be your goal, but you can easily reduce that to consistent 10-15 minute floors. They're great, too, because they teach you how to coordinate your gatestones effectively, which is a huge part of keying in five-man teams. :thumbup:


    Also, don't listen to Saradomin_Mage/Gwynrwyn . . . I don't even own a ukulele anymore. ;)


    Well, I think my fastest dungeon ever was around 19 minutes, but I generally get around 25-28. I'm not really sure what I can do to make it faster, but I am getting better with gatestones and trying to learn monster weaknesses, so I think that will be a big part of it.

  11. Out of curiosity, gonna use DGS when you're 70 dg? ;)

    Ignore the guy trying to seduce every girl with his ukelele. :P

    Man, I wish I had parents who played RS.

    Anyway, you can probably accelerate your DG XP rates far beyond 20k/hr, you just need to learn how to move through dungeons faster and pick up some rushing skills. Not a problem.

    I think I probably am getting a little more than 20k/hour, but I have the bad habit of going afk in the middle of dungeons for long periods of time, so that definitely doesn't help.. Hah.

    Yeah, I eventually got my mum to try it after she watched my brother and I play for a few years. Turns out she loved it :] Still working on my dad, though. xD

  12. I tried dungeoneering, I really did...But there's just no place in that skill for solo players...Oh, wait, that's right. It can be fast. If you play in a team. [bleep] this.

    Amen, sister! Although, I seem to recall reading recently that they were working on rebalancing the xp rates for solo floors to make it more viable so we're not forced to use teams (I'm not much of a team player either ;-) ).


    Nice blog, btw. You've had some excellent outfits. <3:

    Oh, hehe. I forgot I said that before.

    Well, they did make some changes a while back if I recall correctly. And allowing you to go back in your dungeon if you log out was huge step too- my internet can be awful with disconnects sometimes!

    But I still look at the slow ~20k/hour exp rates I'm getting and get frustrated sometimes. Ah well. It does get much better as you level up ;]


    Thanks~ I try hard with my clothes, it's nice that I'm not the only one who appreciates it!



    Oh, and I did get 70 dung today :] Maybe 71 before I go to bed tonight.

  13. 71: Arctic bear if you hunt, +7 invisible boost (good for herby habitat I hear)

    74: Granite lobster, +4 invisible fishing boost

    78: Giant ent, slight increased yield for some crops

    83: Lava titan, +10 invisible mining boost (best familiar for lrc unless you're using a BoB, I think)


    I'm pretty sure that's it. Mostly skill stuff, nothing really amazing.

  14. More random levels! Just finished King of the Dwarves and got 74 mining (along with 2100 total! yay ;D), then went back to dunging and got 83 fishing without even realizing I was about to level up.

    I'm probably going to hit 70 dung today too, and 78 farming.


    I think I will also get 94 strength and 97 hitpoints fairly soon, I'm 400k and 100k away, respectively. So they should level up right around the same time.

  15. If I recall correctly (it's been a while), when you play a Fast Sc game, since there's generally a lot less people than if you played in the official world, the map is much smaller. Which means a lot less resources are available, meaning you won't be able to get as many points.

    I used to easily be able to pull off 80-90k points or so playing in the official world, but that dropped down to maybe 30k when playing with Fast Sc.


    45k points is fine, you'll make up for it in the long run because of the shorter games.

  16. Just finished Prisoner of Glouphrie and got three more levels- 75 theiving, 75 agility, and 71 runecrafting. Very nice.

    That means I leveled up 8 (9?) times today. I think that's more than I've done in a loooong time.


    Tomorrow I'll do King of the Dwarves, maybe Clockwork Syringe and Ele Workshop IV if I feel like it.

    I think those will get me another couple of level-ups, bringing me up to 2100 total (2099 right now!). :twss:

  17. I've been dunging almost all day today, and with good results. I think I leveled 2 or 3 times. Level 69 now.

    Did some duo'ing with my mum, she's the only person I actually enjoy teaming up with.


    I also got some miscellanious levels, specifically crafting, smithing, and firemaking, since I was close to them from various dungeoneering tasks.

    Overall a pretty productive day, if you can call runescape productive.


    I think I might actually finish a couple quests now, the exp rewards are looking nice. Particularly for runecrafting. I really need to be able to make bloods.

  18. I haven't tried it myself but I believe the chests/doors at the thieving guild give good exp at your level.

    If I'm wrong about that, pyramid plunder is pretty quick even at low levels, I was getting about 60-65k exp an hour at level 60.

  19. For fun, yes. Profit.. well, not so much. You would profit a bit, I don't know any exact numbers, but unless you had a lot of very lucky drops I don't think it could compete with the other money-makers you have available with your skills.

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