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Posts posted by Norriie

  1. Slayer is a great training option, but only if you can go to higher slayer masters.


    At low levels like this slayer is tedious and difficult. Right now, he's not going to get the exp he's looking for by killing 20 dogs, then 19 goblins, then 23 bears, etc..

  2. Ahh, yea, I remember moss giants. I was camping there when farming came out, then they got crowded XD Ahh, nostalgia.


    But anyways, mossies are good for their drops, you get plenty of seeds and herbs. I'm not sure where the best locations are, but I know I always went to the dungeon on brimhaven.




    I recall experiments being terrible exp, just for the fact that it's always really crowded there, but I haven't been there in a while so it may have changed.




    Rock crabs are good exp, but tend to be very boring as they don't have many good drops, and it can be crowded there as well.




    Same for yaks. Good exp, but crowded.

  3. I've never used blast furnace, so I can't say how good it would be in the long run, but my guess is that you won't need to bother with it since you hardly need any exp. Just smelt the normal way, or buy bars.

  4. Steel is most efficient.


    If you want to save money, buy iron & coal (3 to 1 ratio of coal to iron) and smith the bars yourself, then make steel plates.


    If you want to save time, just buy steel bars and then make them.


    High alch the plates if you can, they're 1200gp each.




    You're going to lose some money with this, but you will with just about any smithing.

  5. With 70 defense, your best armor for defense is Torags. You don't need the whole set (the hammers are terrible, don't bother with them), just top + bottom, and helm if you want. The helm is the most expensive piece (about 500k last I checked), so you're probably best off getting a cheap-as-dirt dragon med helm or berserker helm instead.


    You will have to occasionally repair your torags armor, but it actually lasts quite a long time, and the defense bonuses are well worth it.


    For a shield, I'd recommend either a rune defender if you've got one, otherwise an obsidian shield will do just fine. D sq is nice for the defense bonuses, but more expensive, and it lacks the strength bonus that the obby one has.


    Grab an ammy of glory too if you don't have one already, they're terribly cheap these days, and dragon boots if you have the 350k to spare, otherwise rune ones will do just fine.




    Whips are rising in price last time I checked, so unless you come up with a little more than 2.2m, you probably won't be able to afford one. Stick with a d scimitar for a while, or you can always borrow a whip, but that gets annoying and sometimes expensive.




    As for training locations, ankou in the stronghold of security are good for drops, especially if you want to make a little money to get that whip. I personally did my 85 combat stats either at jellies (for their lvl 3 clue drops, and lots of charms), or by doing slayer tasks. Either way worked out nicely, made me money and exp rates were decent. I think shadow warriors in legends guild are a bit overrated, but that's just my opinion.




    Hope I helped :]




    EDIT: Forgot you asked about range too.


    A lot of people like to range blue dragons for their hides and bones (it's definitely a good source of money), but I find it to be very crowded there, and it can take a long time if you keep banking your drops.


    I got 70 range at the caged ogres in the fenced in area northwest of ardy. You have to do biohazard quest to get in, but it's easy exp without worrying about getting hurt or killed, so you can kind of afk there. Just bring your dragonhide, and your weapon/ammo of choice. Knives are fast if you want to do those, or a mage shortbow with iron arrows will hit a little slower but a little higher. If you're saving money, try bone crossbow + bone bolts.


    The ogres drop a lot of nice seeds, but you have to go in the cage to get them, so I recommend bringing about 10-20 laws and airs for telegrab so you don't have to do that.


    Good luck ^^

  6. You get the same strength bonus for rune defender and for obby shield, so the question is, do you want defense or attack bonuses?


    If you've already got good armor and you don't have any problems, go ahead and get a defender. Otherwise, if you're eating a little more food than you'd like, get the shield.


    It's actually not a bad idea to have both, for different situations.


    Rune defenders can be kind of annoying to get, though.

  7. Like everyone else here, I also recommend brimhaven. It's a fun course, and if you do want to be able to use the darts just throw a couple agility potions in your bag (they're dirt cheap these days).


    My general strategy for brimhaven (yes, there is a strategy!) so I wouldn't miss any of the tickets was to always return to the center platform after each time I tagged. If you do that, then when the arrow changes, you're always in the center so you're never too far away to get there in time, plus you get exp for every obstacle you go over on your way back to the middle. I recommend keeping a map of the course up in another tab or window until you get the feel of where you're at.




    At around 70-75ish you should be good enough to go to ape atoll without failing too much (I did it at 60-65, it wasn't even worth it with how much I failed).


    Good luck :]

  8. If you want, you can also try to get 90 agility for the legs and top therefore you would be light and have your def up some.


    I would do that if I had the patience to get 90 agil ;P


    But I've got a spottier cape, lightness boots, and penance gloves, so I think it ought to be enough to get my weight down low enough.




    Thanks for your responses, everyone. ^^

  9. I'd like to go for 99 theiving soon, and I'm just curious how I should go about doing it.


    So, I'm asking all you smart people some questions. Answers would be greatly appreciated :]




    1. I assume pyramid plunder is still the fastest way, yes? I'm level 67 thief right now, should I start out at pp right away or is there some other place I should train first?




    2. How much money can I expect (hope?) to make? Or, rather, anyone know an average of how many pharoah's sceptres I might get?




    3. Exp/hour averages? I've heard once you get to the last pp room you can get 200k or more, is this true?




    4. What gear should I wear to pp? Also, what should my inventory look like? I'm pretty sure I've completed all related quests, and my stats are in my sig if that helps.




    5. Pyramid plunder strategies? What will I have time to do?




    Thanks in advance for your help :twss:

  10. 66-70 is pretty fast, I did it in maybe 2 days.


    Below 70 the exp is kinda slow, I usually got about 50-80 chins an hour, or about 15-20k exp per hour. Every level you get they come a little faster though. Good luck ;]

  11. At a normal rate (read as: Not no-lifing) 99 hunt doing chins from 63 to 99 should take around a month and a half to 2 months.


    Expect around a 30-35m return for it, or you could use them to get your range up (from your level I'd say you could probably get into the mid or upper 90s with the chins you'd have)

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