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Posts posted by Norriie

  1. Lots of sarcasm in this thread.. :lol:


    My most useful item is a dueling ring. I tend to bring one with me constantly for the easy bank teleport. I used to use a glory for that, until I upgraded to a fury. I think duel ring is better than glory for that anyways though, with 2 times the amount of charges, and not needing to be recharged.

  2. Once I was at barrows and someone died, but I wasn't the only one there so like 5 people went for his pile of loot. I got a d scim and a few sharks I think, but he dropped a ton of other things too that the other people picked up.


    Best gift I ever got pre-trade limits was a fury ammy from my best rs-friend. It was when a fury was around 5m ;P

  3. banktabs.jpg


    1 - Money


    2 - Basic supplies / tools


    3 - Quest / treasure trail items


    4 - Clothes


    5 - Armor / slayer stuff / skillcapes / achievement diary rewards


    6 - Runes / teletabs & other teleports / jewelery


    7 - Food / farming supplies / potions / herbs & seconds


    8 - Mining / woodcutting / construction / thieving / hunter / summoning


    9 - Misc. stuff / pets / things I need to sell or use




    Or, here's my full bank pic as of about week ago:


    [hide=Bank pic~]bankpic2_july8_09.png[/hide]

  4. Thanks ;]


    I think I can probably manage to get another summoning level for the war tortoise.. I don't have any charms right now but there's always tears of guthix & penguin hunting XD

  5. I'm in the process of getting myself a gilded altar in my house, and I've never really used one, so I have no idea how I should do it.


    So I have just a couple questions, any help would be appreciated~




    1. I'm supposed to light the burners with marentill, right? How long will they last before I have to re-light?




    2. Should I bring a familiar? I have 66 summoning.




    3. Is there anything else I ought to know? It seems pretty straightforward... Bones -> altar, Bones -> altar, etc. but you never know what kind of odd techniques people come up with ;P

  6. If you do it right, you should only need 1 ppot, and you won't even use it up every time.




    [hide=My setup]barrows.png


    (You can change some of this stuff around, of course. If you don't have veracs, use torags/dharoks or another good defense boosting armor. The rest is up to you. I use a rather expensive setup, so just change it around as you see fit.[/hide]




    And my method:


    (I'm assuming you already know the basics of how barrows works. If not, read a couple guides first ;P)


    I use slayer dart. Some like to use salamanders instead, but I've always done this and it's fast and cheap. You really only need to buy runes for the first time, because after that, the rewards from the barrows chest will re-supply your runes for you.


    You have 50 construction, so if you have a portal room and have done desert treasure, I highly recommend getting a canifis portal if you don't have it already. This way, you can use house teletabs to go to your house, charge your pray, and tele right back to canifis.


    When I get to barrows, I start at Dharok's mound. Enter, turn on protect melee, mage him to death, then leave.


    After that, I go to Karil, and do the same (except with protect range prayer). I also have 70 pray and I've never had any problems having enough points to defeat these two. In fact, I almost always have extra.


    Following Karil, I go to Verac's mound. If I have any extra pray points I use them here. He can hit through pray, but if you're praying melee he'll only hit about half as much.


    After that, Torag and then Guthan. These two are very easy, so you don't need to use any prayer here. They get a couple good shots in every once in a while (Both max around 20-22), but a lot of the time I can defeat them without even getting hit.


    Last but not least is Ahrim. Switch to range armor, equip whatever bow you like to use (I chose Karil's bow for the speed+good hits, though a rune cbow with good bolts works just as well if thats what you like). Turn your bow on 'rapid' style, and keep impaling Ahrim until he's dead. No prayer needed, though he'll get in a few more good shots than the others.


    One of those, of course, will be your tunnel. It's different every time. Equip your whip or other melee weapon before going into the tunnels. No reason to waste runes/bolts on rats and skeletons, yeah?


    If your tunnel is Dharok or Karil-- When you run into them in the tunnel, drink 2-3 doses of your pray pot before re-equipping your staff and fight them with pray on. Be VERY careful on Dharok, as your prayer will drain quickly in the tunnel, so keep an eye on it and be ready to drink another dose if you need to. When he gets down to the last of his HP, he can kill most players in 2 or 3 hits.


    If your tunnel is Ahrim, Torag, Guthan, or Verac-- When you see them in the tunnel, just equip your staff/bow, and knock them out.


    As far as kill count goes, I like to stay somewhere in the range of 12-15. Kill count does not effect getting an armor reward from the chest, only the runes. If you do less than 10 you won't be getting as much as you could, and if you do more than 20 you're wasting your time.


    After I get the reward, I just break a home teletab, charge my prayer up there, portal back to canifis and restock my food/pots/etc at the bank there before returning to barrows through the shortcut behind the bar (You should have this shortcut if you've done In Search of the Myreque, I think).


    Good luck~

  7. Stopped mining today/yesterday to do a bit of questing, and I managed to get more mining exp than I probably would have if I'd just sat there and trained the skill.


    Just 18k exp to go til my mining goal.


    Oh, and I got a summoning level from the latest quest, along with combat 116.


    I think I might try to finish my last 4 quests so I can put that cape back on.




    ..Then again, maybe not. I'm lazy. And I really don't care to finish summer's end, lol.

  8. Some people train skills only, some people train mostly combat, and some people train everything evenly.


    How do you train? What's your average skill level?


    To get your average, just take your total divided by the number of skills.


    If you're p2p, divide by 24.


    If you're f2p, subtract 9 first (for the level 1 member skills), then divide by 15.




    Personally I'm mostly into skills but I try to do everything evenly.


    My average level is 77.6 ;D


    EDIT: Now I'm up to 78.7~




    How about you? :twss:

  9. Well, I hate mining. A lot.


    However, I'm doing coal in the mining guild with sc pickaxes right now. I know it's terribly slow exp compared to granite, but I tried granite mining once and couldn't stay there for more than a few minutes without wanting to shoot my poor little runescape character in the head.

  10. I try to answer questions as well as I can, though after being asked the same things dozens of times I've got a big mental list of pre-prepared answers so I guess they probably come out sounding kind of stale.




    Sometimes I don't answer questions if its something that would disrupt what I'm doing or waste a lot of my time. For example, I absolutely hate it when a player comes up to me (while wearing my hunter cape), and asks me "how do you hunt?". If it were a bit more specific, like "how do you hunt chinchompas?" or something, I wouldn't mind answering, but I can't understand how I can be expected to sum up an entire skill and all the different techniques into a couple sentences. Ugh.

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