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Posts posted by Prankster_King

  1. IAm314159: The need for bank space increases with each holiday special, random event update, SoS-like update, F2P tradeable treasure trail update, etc. If the bank seems crammed to you now, wait a few months when more items come out and the upcoming holiday item. :P The need for bankspace is now, before it gets any more crowded than it already is. 12 spaces is the perfect amount.. It's not too little, not too much. It's just enough to store your items with a little room to spare.




    I do not quite agree. Although I do want more bank space, my current bank space, although cramp, is still able to hold ALL the items that I need for my daily RuneScape life. Note: I DO NOT KEEP ANY RANDOM EVENT ITEMS! THEY JUST WASTE SPACE!




    Ah, well there's the problem. Most people do keep their random event clothing. I myself have full camo, full lenderhosen, full frong prince, and full zombie in my bank. It's a bit stuffy in there... To me, as well as most people that keep random event clothing, the clothing symbolizes how long you've been playing Runescape. Some of them are so rare that you have to have been playing for quite some time to get the full set, like the Mime. If I ever see someone in full mime, I know they've probably been playing for a long time because of how rare that event is. I have yet to get any of the mime outfit, as I only have one of the emotes so far. Also, some of the outfits are actually fun to play in -- like the zombie and camo. Who doesn't like to run around in full zombie, following people and saying "Braaaiiiinnsss!!", just to freak them out. That's one of my favorite Runescape past times. :) And camo? It's tons of fun getting a group of people with full camo together, and going to do "assaults" on places like the Bandit Camp. It just adds to the fun of Runescape. Oh, and don't forget Lenderhosen... Fally pub, lenderhosen, lots of beer. That's a party right there. ::' Random event clothing is (in my opinion) one of the greatest aspects of F2P. It's not just about skilling for these... It's about having fun -- a key factor of Runescape that so many people have forgotten about.

  2. anyone who agrees with this BS can go join this whiny f2per in quitting (yeah hes f2p hmm i wonder why he made this article) this is ending up being another "im f2p and i want updates but ill rant about something else instead" thing im glad to hear you quit. i joined runescape at hm when i was about 8 or 9 and im 13 now so yeah im one of this stereotypical game ruiners but really who cares what the persons age is it has to deal with maturity... which sadly you dont have if you have to go and make a article just dissing younger players and runescape just go quit and leave us alone




    as i said earlier anyone who agrees with this BULL can go join him and quit


    i would say more but its 4:34 AM and its already been said




    Just this post is an example of the immaturity of younger players. :roll:

  3. IAm314159: The need for bank space increases with each holiday special, random event update, SoS-like update, F2P tradeable treasure trail update, etc. If the bank seems crammed to you now, wait a few months when more items come out and the upcoming holiday item. ;) The need for bankspace is now, before it gets any more crowded than it already is. 12 spaces is the perfect amount.. It's not too little, not too much. It's just enough to store your items with a little room to spare.




    So you're saying F2P should get bankspace for every update? :-s




    No, I'm saying that the longer Jagex waits, the more items F2P will have to store, and the larger the need for bankspace will grow. If they give us a "whopping" 12 spaces now, we'd be set for quite a while to store our items.

  4. IAm314159: The need for bank space increases with each holiday special, random event update, SoS-like update, F2P tradeable treasure trail update, etc. If the bank seems crammed to you now, wait a few months when more items come out and the upcoming holiday item. :P The need for bankspace is now, before it gets any more crowded than it already is. 12 spaces is the perfect amount.. It's not too little, not too much. It's just enough to store your items with a little room to spare.

  5. Skilling would be ALOT harder then it is now adays. I don't think the people who actually play Rs will think kindly about it because they couldn't no life train. 99's would be harder and such and it would stop autoer for a day or 2 but nothing much it might slow the market and such.




    Don't think it will ever happen.




    But i suport




    I remember having to sleep in RSC it was fun.




    I have to laugh at people like this.. ::' So what if it's harder? It's a game.. It's not meant to be easy. Obviously you must be one of those no life trainers that would be affected by a bit of challenge in skilling... And then you say "Don't think it will ever happen", only to follow it up with saying you support it? Lol... What the hell is wrong with you, bud? You either support it and hope it will happen, or you don't support it and keep your mouth shut. You can't just say "oh this wil n3ver hapen" and support the idea. :lol: Please.. Use your brain.




    It's a fine idea. Makes the game more realistic. Whoever heard of a man being able to hack at a tree for 3 hours straight without stopping?






    lol no macroers will find a way around




    Lol, please do enlighten us on those great ways around it. :roll: Unless you know anything about macro programming, you can't say squat about what they can or can't do.

  6. The rallies are not cancelled. It was just the recent week's rally that was cancelled due to personal issues I had.




    Rallies will continue as usual. ;)






    In other news...




    A Clan Chat has been set up for the F2P Bankspace Campaign! Please type in Bank_F2P to enter the Clan Chat. ;)




    Note, Bank_F2P is the account's username. Do not try to type in my username to get in the chat, as it will not work.

  7. For those wondering, a Clan Chat for the campaign will be set up by me in due time. I'll get it all situated and post it when I can.




    In other news...




    The upcoming rally for this week is cancelled. I will not be able to attend it, and I've gotten word in enough advance to just cancel it. As far as I know, the rally for next week is still on.

  8. the part that stuck out most to me was
    what's the fun in constant clicking to achieve levels? it's just click after click.






    well how else are u going train lvls...... typing? -.-




    What I meant was that there is actually no skill required in the nonstop clicking. You click where you want to go, you click what you want to do, you click for everything. And yes, typing actually is an idea implemented in other games. Arrow keys are used, which makes any game a bit more difficult to play in, because you have to have constant attention to what you're doing.

  9. if f2p ever get a good item update then yes they should get more bank space but as of right now they have no need for it




    Are you kidding me? The need for more bank space has done nothing but grown. If Jagex were to give us more bank space, it should be now. Not three years from now.

  10. pretty long time to shoot just one arrow?




    yeah heaven forbid that you should have to take some time to aim. nah just pull er back n let er go. itll hit something.




    LOL! :lol:




    I think the animation is very good. Deffinately more realistic than the blind shot with no arrow...

  11. Rofl, I'm truly shocked at how many people come in here with the "You don't pay, you don't deserve" argument about a poll. :lol:




    Once again, you fail to see my point... Typical arrogance of some of the members that have come in here. :roll: Please see my most recent post before this one for more info. ;)

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