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Posts posted by poopsydoopsy

  1. Didn't want to make a new post








    I DO sudgest something that shows account age but not something that already egists. No scythes even for people who joined when they weren't in existance yet.




    I propose something new now...




    Costumes on haloween!!




    On October 31, 2006, you can go to clothe shop and ask for costumes. Works like scarves did but instead of number of funny bobbley things you paint, age of account.




    These costumes would look lame (ghost = bedsheet)




    Under 1 month = imp costume


    1 months = goblin AND imp costume


    6 months = ghost AND goblin AND imp costume


    1 year = bear AND ghost AND goblin AND imp


    1.5 years = wearwolf and the others


    2 years = spider (with limp arms hanging down) and the others


    3 years = giant pumpkin and the others


    4 years = grim reaper (no scythe) and others


    5 years = (if this takes that long =/) an entire set of giant costumes (hill, moss, ice, fire) mabe strap-on beards and clubs.




    Other sudgestions accepted.




    archives :P




    Yea another [holiday drops] topic :(




    I know I know, 'rares show when you joined'


    'Your fault for not being on'






    There are a lot of people who just COULDN'T play on the days [holiday items] were dropped, why shouldn't they be recognised in some way or other




    Jagex should make the next easter item like a hat that was colored differently based on the age of your account on that day. This would make it fairer for the people who had comp probs on drop days.




    Flame all you want I dont give a damn.




    End Archives

  2. i always have the username dan2012 for everythin (it's even the numberplate on my car) - i was annoyed when i found out the name had been used already! that was 2 years ago, the name is still registered with runescape, although it has no stats on the hi scores or anything.




    hey that gives me an idea, do u think they should delete usernames that haven't been used in say, 18months to lower the amount of users - i bet it takes ages to come up with an ingenious username seeing how many people there are that play this game.




    What I would have done.. Is submit a lost pass report. If hhes on noob isle and hasnt logged in in like a year, the account is yours :)




    Oh and my name is da bestest so NEVER!!

  3. Of course, you can always take a Lvl 2 or 3 clue scroll casket onto Entrana and open it. Then, if you happen to get some armor in your reward (if your reward happens to come from a casket instead of an NPC or something) BAM! you have Black, Addy or Rune armor on Entrana.




    Or, you know, Gilded or a Robin hat or something.




    What is the point?

  4. Yeah. I got a level 3 clue scroll during my first 4 days of membership, but I didn't have any quests or anything done, so I kept it in my bank. Couple months later, I dug it up outa there and decided to do it. I had to go to wild twice, kill 3 god wizards un-prepared, and go to an area that can only be accesable once legends was started. Guess what I got. -.- With all items added-up, but about 60 75k woth or items, after all that. <.<





    The second most important thing of membership is quests people!! Do your quests! =D>


    What's the most important? :XD:




    Castle wars. :wink:




    On Topic: I don't think you should ever drop any clue, even level one. Just think of the best possible reward that you could get, and quest for that. Always works for me. ::'




    No It's skills! Go fletching w00t!

  5. Joined in 6th grade... so.... 4.5 years ago about? I still have my first main :P but I retired like every 3 months so my stats suck. And I aitheist so I missed the holiday drops cuz I dint know when they were. :? (I even missed the easter ring for THIS year) My first holiday crap was the zombie head.




    EDIT: I have NO other accounts as usualy that causes rule breaking (trading items etc.). I don't plan on getting a perm ban any time soon.




    I have a clean record I think... Might have had a black mark for auto talker, or may have been me sister.

  6. I'm only 70 crafting, but buy hides 100, and sell hardbods 17. Tiaras are good if u can find a silver seller. When u get to 53 make gdhide bods and alch/sell fulls. While you are buying these things on forums, make bs.

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