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Posts posted by Wisp

  1. I think we should have a separate topic for this discussion (I assume it's allowed to have a civil discussion on legality, and not personal use etc. of drugs? I could be wrong), and focus on the topic of the gun runner/fast and furious


    A marijuana topic would devolve into stupid stuff and go on WAY too long, while this one will lose steam by tomorrow. The gun running topic was weak anyway, this one is much better and is actually relevant

    Perhaps a broader drug legalization thread? It's an interesting topic with highly varying opinions, regardless of political affiliation.

  2. I think we should have a separate topic for this discussion (I assume it's allowed to have a civil discussion on legality, and not personal use etc. of drugs? I could be wrong), and focus on the topic of the gun runner/fast and furious.


    The simple permit you mentioned spork is the class 3, which requires the signature of the sherrif, which most of the time they simply won't sign it. A pre-ban ak-47 isn't too common. I have never seen even an auto sold for a few hundred dollars, and I've seen them sold for ten thousand+, which is what I based my last statement off of. Needless to say, they're far from cheap. There are better ways to get an AK than through the US. .50 cals aren't regulated differently than normal guns, in most states, so finding a black market one probably wouldn't be too hard either.

  3. I'll rephrase that, there has never been a recorded death due to the substance alone, while there have been several from the artificial version, which didn't have many users to start.


    Ak-47's are the most common gun in the world. They may have a tough time getting them as directly as going to a US store and buying them, but to be honest I doubt that they actually bought Ak-47's, since in order to get a rea AUTOMATIC ak-47 in the US you need to get a class 3 permit, go through all that, get approved by the town sheriff, etc. Even if all that was waived, they still cost 15 grand for a legal class 3 automatic ak47 in the US. They probably bought a semi auto rifle designed to look like an ak-47, which is no different than any other semi auto rifle except in appearance and name. Also, .50 cal is held to the same laws as all other guns, except in california I believe, so I don't think getting black market .50's would be terribly difficult compared to other black market weapons.

    Getting real automatic Ak-47's would probably be thousands of times cheaper and easier from sources outside of a store in Arizona. An AK costs a few hundred bucks in most countries with few regulations, versus over ten thousand here and an assload of paperwork.

  4. America should really reconsider some of their drug laws...oh wait, making weed legal would hurt pharmaceutical companies


    Arizona legalized medical marijuana.


    One state legalizing it under strict rules isn't what I was talking about. I remember reading about pharmaceutical companies manufacturing synthetic marijuana to sell as well, funny how weed is supposedly bad enough to make illegal, but beneficial enough that pharmaceutical companies mimic it (I imagine that regular old weed would be a lot cheaper than the stuff they're making)

    For reference, the artificial stuff (and not many people ever used it, comparatively) caused several deaths, while cannabis hasn't ever caused a death. But we're getting far off topic.

  5. Bad way of doing things, but let's be honest, it's not like these are the only guns getting into Mexico. Those who want guns wouldn't have just been like "damn, we couldn't get one of the thousand or so guns they let slip though, I guess I'll get out of this business." They would have got guns no matter what, they just wouldn't have been the same guns.


    Very stupid on the ATF's part, but I wouldn't go as far to say as the deaths were caused by this. It's the person firing the gun that's the cause, not the gun itself.

  6. Gotcha. I'm not really interested in increasing my sphere of influence (beyond trade/economic) beyond my region, at least not for a long time.


    From playing Brazil most of the games in the past, I understand your stance.

  7. Plus about 70% of my energy need could be filled at any time by renewables, I'm about evenly split between renewables and nuclear until this plant is finished.

    Spain enacts a decent amount of anti-smoking programs, help with quitting, slowly raising taxes on cigarettes, and so on.

  8. Though, it uses so little of that I can just stockpile alot. Plus, it works in with my plan. If you're country is powered by solar, and you get bombed, you're super vulnerable to massive energy shortages.

  9. Yeah, but unlike nuclear power, solar power is not disputed. It is also the most space-efficiant source of power if including the mines neccessary to collect fuel or the dams behind hydroelectric powerplants.

    Nuclear is disputed now? And that's assuming the materials for solar panels come out of thin air. Nuclear requires probably the least space per power created, and the fuel I'm using requires pretty little mining since it's pretty much just waste thrown back into the ground in existing mines. Should the climate change, nuclear winter happen, my power will not be disrupted

  10. I was basing the subs off of Virginia Class, and Ohio class, and the Destroyer off of the most modern British one I think, for reference. I'll take whatever I overspent, though keep the aircraft carrier the same as the Nimitz is pretty awesome.


    Spain announces the construction of a massive nuclear power plant, estimated to be completed on the 1st. It will provide a huge amount of power, and also be much safer than existing nuclear, and much better protected.


    Biggest target in existance?

    Hundreds of feet underground, location classified, highly reinforced, and non-meltdownable.

    Nuclear meltdown is a process in which a reactor reaches the temperature in at which the reactor core begins melting or otherways sustaining damage, it easily preventable but impossible to render impossible.



    Really, you should go for solar power, it's cheap and very effective. One helios solar plant costs merely 1 billion (or was it 1 million) and was enough to provide 10% of Japan's power... I bought five of them.

    The nuclear system I'm using cannot sustain a meltdown, due to the nature of the reactor I'm using. Solar is a lot easier to destroy or disrupt.



    I have put a decent amount of funding into it, but yeah. Hydrogen is not a source of power. It's a way to transfer energy. You need lots of other energy to create hydrogen.

  12. I was basing the subs off of Virginia Class, and Ohio class, and the Destroyer off of the most modern British one I think, for reference. I'll take whatever I overspent, though keep the aircraft carrier the same as the Nimitz is pretty awesome.


    Spain announces the construction of a massive nuclear power plant, estimated to be completed on the 1st. It will provide a huge amount of power, and also be much safer than existing nuclear, and much better protected.


    Biggest target in existance?

    Hundreds of feet underground, location classified, highly reinforced, and non-meltdownable.

  13. I was basing the subs off of Virginia Class, and Ohio class, and the Destroyer off of the most modern British one I think, for reference. I'll take whatever I overspent, though keep the aircraft carrier the same as the Nimitz is pretty awesome.


    Spain announces the construction of a massive nuclear power plant, estimated to be completed on the 1st. It will provide a huge amount of power, and also be much safer than existing nuclear, and much better protected.

  14. Archi, how much better are realistically priced destroyers, subs, etc.? Because a destroyer in real life costs 5 billion+, which is what I paid before we determined those prices, and I'd hope it's significantly better than a 150m one.

    Argentina, I hope you guys are having a lot of kids, because your population's dropped about 15% in the past few years.

  15. I assume Australia and the African countries you looted would like reparations for the hundreds of billions you looted aswell. They are the real victims here, you are the aggressor.

  16. The front page hasn't been updated since the game began, it's pretty frustrating since I don't know what countries are actually controlled by players as a result

    Yeah, true, but still I don't think your GDP has changed dramatically. I dunno what's gone on with your prestige either, but it's probably not a major difference.

  17. too bad you don't know anything about my country


    If Argentina receives no word of compensation from the coalition states, it will be forced to retaliate.

    I looked at the front page, and that's what it says. I'm not a member of the coalition, so you need to talk to Icu, Grim, France or the UK. I think France and the UK are still at war with you though, and I dunno about Grim.

  18. Argentina has a IAD of 33m, and a prestige of 19, so 38k a troop. If they were to spend every penny for a reset on troops, they'd get under 900,000. And they lost more than that in the last battle I think, so yea, it's a pretty Pyrrhic victory.

  19. Would anyone be interested in importing hydrogen to help replace oil? Lower your carbon footprint, all that.


    This is a bad idea for most people involved for this simple reason: creating a dependancy on a fellow taverner is BAD.


    Also, considering Spain's relatively low GDP, any country can afford their own hydrogen economy, in one or two resets.


    EDIT: Isn't Argentina winning the war?

    It's more difficult for larger nations, I believe, since there's more to rehaul. Can always stop buying once they get it figured out to.


    They lost close to two million people, so the last battle was very much a Pyrrhic victory, if a victory at all.

  20. Would anyone be interested in importing hydrogen to help replace oil? Lower your carbon footprint, all that.


    No more hydrogen for you, I remember Hegemony V3.

    I don't remember what you're referring to?

    You drove 300 hydrogen cars into my cities and blew them up.

    Oh, those were cars with nukes in them. They might have been hydrogen bombs, but that's what the majority of nuclear weapons are. Hydrogen in of itself is explosive, but not on that large of a scale. Importing of hydrogen would help move your country into the future.


    How about you start with the return of the slaves, and compensation for removing them from their families and home countries for years. You invaded Australia with little reason, whether or not Sydney was actually destroyed, it's still a needless act of aggression. You started these wars.

  21. Would anyone be interested in importing hydrogen to help replace oil? Lower your carbon footprint, all that.


    No more hydrogen for you, I remember Hegemony V3.

    I don't remember what you're referring to?

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