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Friends & mortal peril


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The following was written for the library on RS but it wasnt accepted:








Friends are said to be everything in life. Some believe in this, others scoff at it. This true tale tells of the power of friendship when in the face of mortal peril.








One day a strong adventurer heard news that his old war friend was back in town. Surly he had to visit him. After a short trek, he found the village and spotted his old friend. The old friend was delighted to see the adventurer and, after sharing a pint, they went walking down the road talking of jollier times.




They walked for quite some time and soon the old friend noticed that the grass was not growing here... The adventurer immediately knew where he was and unsheathed his mighty axe. The old friend asked what was going on. "Deadly forces are near, we are to be lucky to get out alive" The adventurer checked his pack, he had little food and enough runes to teleport.... One person.




The old friend looked in his pack, to his horror he realized he had brought along his most prized possession. His gold trimmed enchanted hat. It was red, white, and worth more than several sets of the best armor in all the land. The adventurer glanced at it and swore to himself. His friend had to make it out alive. His grip tightened on his axe and he turned to his friend...to late. The fool had put the hat on. Its radiance was visible for miles. Seconds passed and the adventurer quickly knocked it off his head, but he was to late. Others had seen it.




Monsters and demonic warriors swarmed around laughing. Then several attacked, the mighty adventurer cleaved them in two, and he fought valiantly. More and more came and soon, they were outnumbered 20 to 2. The old friend began to cry and clumsily attacked with his fists. "Friend! Take these, and run! You mustnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t die here!" The adventurer tossed his food and teleporting runes to the old friend. The friend was busy fighting off three demons and unable to concentrate enough to be able to teleport. The adventurer, being a feared cleric shot waves of ice and fire at the demons. He called out to the mighty Saradomin to assist him. His muscles bulged and skin hardened, he ripped though the monsters and gave his friend precious seconds to teleport. There was a blue flash and then his friend was gone.








"Thank you saradomin" The adventurer gasped. As he staggered south attempting to flee. He was hurt and realized that he also needed to make it out alive. It downed on him that he himself had attacked others, if he was to fall in battle, the gods would not grant him the power to keep any of his prized items. The enemies mocked him and came in once more. They slashed at his legs and whipped his back. He cried out in pain, but did not give up. His deadly accuracy and power rained down upon the countless attackers. Countless beasts lay dead at his feet. He ran once more, using his skilled agility and dodging skills to outrun the attackers. He ran and tears began to run down his cheeks, if he was to die his armor and accessories, which was giving to him as rewards for doing heroic deeds across the land, would be forever lost. Everything he was wearing had sentimental value to him, but he soon saw green grass. At the edge was another mighty warrior who smiled when he saw our hero running toward him. The near-dead adventurer collapsed at his feet and asked assistance to get him back to the village. The mysterious warrior grinned down upon him but his eyes did not rest on the adventurerÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s face, but his armor, it was a armor like none he had ever seen, obviously gifts from wealthy kings living in far off landsÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ








* * *








A blue flash had appeared in a town square, and out appeared a barely alive old man. He was clutching nothing but a mysterious hat. The townschildren screamed and ran to their fathers. Several nearby clerics ran to help him and began to treat his wounds. After several days in the monestary he looked out his window and saw the glint of a familiar axe. He jumped out of his cot and ran outside. Children were admiring a man dressed in the richest armor they ever saw. The old friend yelled a greeting and ran up to the man, he thought his herioic friend had perished, but alas, he now stood not 10 feet away.. He looked at the manÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s face, but did not see the smiling friend he used to know. Instead, his eyes lay upon the face of a dark warrior that smirked down upon him.

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