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-----SIGS UP FOR SALE-----


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Hey, some of my sigs up for sale!!!




offer, i got lots more.. but heres 4 of them that im selling right now!!




i can remove my name off of it if u wanna push the money a lil higher???








and ill remove sample off whenever i get my share!! simple as that!!

































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They are too big for these forums?




EDIT: Ahh, he's buying it for another, nvm.


99+ all 23rd March 2012 - 2496 total 13th June 2012.

9000+ dragon drops! Including draconic visage, d chains, d spears, d2h, d claws, d meds, d legs, d skirts... d bones, d hides :)?


I want jagex to put resource dungeons and dungeoneering skill doors to dungeoneering floors so I can dungeon and get dungeoneering xp while I dg so I don't have to dg to get dg exp, but I can dg while I dg :)?

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sample names come off after paycheck :)








ill be on world 10 in vorrock west bank




add me




vivi pk








Edited* ill move main text over, since its covering the numbers :/

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