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Errdoth is Going for Green! A Phat, That Is!

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Errdoth is Going for Green! A Phat, That Is!








Okay, so, I have actually returned to Runescape, on a brand new dude that has started out with nothing, in an attempt to obtain one of my favorite rares.




The Green Partyhat




And I am going to get it...




Merchanting! wohooo! Yeah, big deal, w/e








Please note: I have just started on this, and will be updating it later, as I go along.








The Game Plan








I already have level 25 woodcutting in under 45 minutes, so I am planning to cut willows to around 200k.








After that, I will start up members, and merchant full rune, all of the way to 1 million gp








At one Million, I plan to merchant rannarrs or snaps, with maybe a few drangon meds thrown in if I can get a good deal until I can merchant barrows sets.








Once I get to barrows stuff, I will either stick with that, or try merching god armour between P2P and F2P.








I really do not know what I am up against, as my last account was mainly a skiller. So if anybody can give me some advice to merchanting, what to merchant, where, whatever else, I would appreciate it.




If anyone would like to donate (which you will not), I would like a lump sum of cash, preferably, but anything else, from arrows, to bones, to ashes, and even a friendly HYT, will be accepted and appreciated.












Thanks for reading this short little thing, and It will get bigger as I go along, I promise.

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Good luck, merchanting it tough, a lot of yelling and typing. Big risks too, but you can do it!








And you may want to merchant rares or rune ores. They might be good.








(After I get 85 mining, I might sell u some rune ores)

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Dont bother, spending months standing in falador/varrock selling stuff to get an item that doesn't improve your game fun? Save for some productive items such as full guthan (good for bandits) etc.








Of course im not trying to stop you, just my opinion.

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