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This is my second sig attempt... Rate me plz


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I dont think they realize something, this is his SECOND sig, i say its a lot better then i can do now on pixel. I just say you made you look a lil fat. just fix that and i say it is looking pretty good. Everything but the background, spend some time on it. Caves dont usually have straight corners, and padded walls like a loco person hospital. bones are kinda big,




whats up with that text... What i say is that it just needs more detail. you mainly focused on you, and your opponent. Needs some work, nice for a second try though.








I may have seemed a little harsh, just stating things that may help it. Like changing that spider web. and your ammy could be a little bigger, like the purple on it.

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Allright, I think I'll be the first to post good c/c. Spammers.








First of all, it's too big to fit the tip.it limits. Make the guyon the left smaller, and the guy on the right bigger. Make the arrows sticking out of the guy in rune coming from different angles. Never save as jpeg, always png. Less blood in random spots, remove the bones, make a black line between EVERY different colour (aside from shading). The rune guy looks like hes crashing into the wall, yet his sword looks way ahead of him. Cape...how the hell can it get there? Kite...make the lines more straight. Guy on the left, make him skinnier. Rune guy's ammy just looks like it's hanging from is arm, try adding it so it looks right. Phat is flying in mid air, won't even fir the rune guy if you tried. Padded walls dont have any effect. The actual floor, looks like its vertical, change the angle on it so it looks like the guys are actually standing on it. Hate the text. Just too many errors, 3/10. That's all I have to say.

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