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  1. Variations: - Ice Blitz runes instead of Magic Dart. - Entangles instead of prayer potions. Super Restore Potions give you one more prayer bonus then pray pots. Holy Wrench gives you one more prayer bonus from potion. So I get +2 more points when potting then the average person. ;) -4 Magic is just enough to kill the brothers. I noticed no difference between -4 Magic and +40 Magic against them.
  2. Never. Not until today. We have now resolved it.
  3. Thanks GS, that really helps. I'm gonna try that out. :oops:
  4. Just finished this, I guess I would like to see what you guys think. Slight animation in the magic trees and butterfly... Hi to Godslayer mostly, I miss you. :oops:
  5. So blcksapphire says I scam sigs. After a year of making sigs he reports me to a tip mod for not completing his sig after 1-2 weeks. Yea pixel sigs are so easy, omg. I finish them in like 4 minutes usually but i just don't send them cuz i'm a scammer and stuff like that. i have his 7m and im gonna keep it forever and never do his sig!!111111111111111111 amgadmdd!!! report me. he wants his sig in 30 minutes omigosh what do i do You guys should be more patient with sigs. I might tell you I can send you lineart later but I want you guys to realize one thing. 1. I log in, and every single day "where's my sig?" "did you pm?" "look in your inbox omg you scammer". I can't even play rs anymore without people [bleep]ing at me about their sigs. 2. I'm moving. In a week. Oh btw it's also easy to pack your entire house. Takes me 4 minutes but I just don't do it because I'm a scammer. I won't have internet for 2 weeks after this. 3. I also play rs if you didn't know. I don't dedicate my entire LIFE to making sigs for THE ENTIRE [bleep]ING WORLD. If you don't have the patience to wait a couple of weeks and maybe even a month then I don't care to talk to you or feel sympathy for you. Go try to make a sig. See if you can finish a DETAILED, FULL, 300 X 150 signature. Yea I know it's easy. Takes 4 minutes and stuff but yea, ban me for "scamming" someone by not finishing their sig in 2 weeks. I don't care. It just means he won't get his sig because I can't pm it, and it will mean I won't have to do it. Either way I win.
  6. Made this topic because I figured you'd do something stupid and post something like this saying don't buy from her she steals your money and what not. I will talk to you in pm or send you sig or whatever when i want to. :)
  7. I will be showing my latest soon, I would show you the WIP but it's supposed to be a secret and I'm not sure if the person uses these forums. ;)
  8. I'm sorry if this is spam. If you want to lock or delete this that's fine. Some of you may have noticed that I've been gone lately. I haven't been active on these boards in a long time. I've been on the DI clan forum making sigs there. Now that something has happened there, I'd much rather be here getting 2 mil per sig then be there getting 6m with the attitude and hate some have for me. So I'm back for anyone that cares and you'll be seeing more sigs by me here.
  9. Okay, I'm not 100% sure what's allowed with the blood rule. Thanks for the crits, but I think saying that was too much payment was not needed. Btw, I found it was 5.5m because the chainskirt was 4.5m. :o Ah, and TJ, -slap-. I saw you ingame and you didn't talk to me. :cry:
  10. There is blood and it's not for tipit. Please, if you are to be offended by this, please read the warning. I know some people would rather not see this but I would just like to get peoples input on the signature I have made. I received a guthan chainskirt and 1million for this, so that is 4.5million in payment.
  11. Note: This is not a rant. It's more of a suggestion or a question. If you have ever been in the wilderness, you know there a lot of mage pkers. Whether they use the Ice Barrage spell or teleblock, you always see plenty of them. How did they get those levels? Through having a lot of money to afford nature and law runes, or runecrafting their own. A question: when you go to "range train" at fire giants, blue dragons, wherever you go, what do you see? Rangers and "halberders". How come there is no mages there? Once in a while, you'll see someone using their fire strikes, but not only is that rare, but it's not smart nor fast leveling. You may agree COMMONLY that mage is everyone's lowest combat stat, apart from prayer. Why is this? A lot of players can't afford to level their magic without spending money on lots of law or nature runes. If you're one of the people who have their magic higher then their defence, whatever combat stat it may be, other then prayer, then you may agree that you make a lot of money and can afford to level your magic, or you're a pure (which still means you have money). The ideal leveling in magic is using High Level Alchemy, Camelot Teleport, or some Teleother spell. The Crumble Undead spell is the only combat spell that you see people truly using to gain their levels. However, Crumble Undead is used in such a secluded and uncommon area of RS. They may be in the Mage Guild basement or the Varrock Sewers, but you never see anyone truly using combat mage spells to level up. I think that Jagex should make mage leveling somewhat easier. Whether it be lower the experience of alchemy and teleports to even out my idea, whatever it may be. I think that training with staves (normal, battlestaves, or mystic) should give magic experience. What I mean is, somewhat like the controlled attack style, training with a staff should do, say, 3 exp per hit to what attack style you're using (this way you can still mystic staff train), 1 exp per hit to magic, and 1 exp per hit to hp. This is just an idea, but they can also add other combat maging spells that are cost efficient and training efficient. This way, maging won't be such a "wilderness"-style class and more of a primary class, for this is what Jagex has been trying to do since rsc: balance the classes. However, the warrior and range class are still stronger in the sense that they can train easily without having to pay a lot or spend a lot of time doing so, for sitting in a bank for hours at end or continuously clicking a spell and teleporting around isn't truly what this game is about.
  12. Because a lot of my friends were playing it, I thought it would be fun. From there I got to tip.it and many other places and have made many good friends. It's also a friendly and controlled game unlike other games where you see constant swearing and racism. There is actually a monitored, enforced environment and rules that people actually obey for the most part. I only play for my friends, really.
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