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The RSC Tunnel


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Note: This is not a rant to bring Runescape classic back. This is simply some creative thinking, it will not be put into action.




In my mind, Jagex's main reason for bringing down RSC was the inability to moderate both versions effectively, and the increasing number of autoers because of that. But what if we connected both versions of the game into one? I'm not talking about mixing the characteristics of each into one game, just making a link between both worlds. This way it would be easier to monitor both versions at the same time, and you're using the same, newer "autoing detection" software that Jagex said Rs2 had and RSC did not.




I'm not that seasoned with graphics and java. Would it be possible to switch back and forth between the versions, even though the graphics are so different? In the RSC world, objects released after the introduction of Rs2 would be unequipped and marked "rs2 object". The rules of the classic version would stay in classic, and the rules of the newer version would stay in Rs2.




That's pretty much it for now. What do you think.

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