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Avvy request! PLS


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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pF_5l5rgXc ok, this is like the funniest Futurama/Bender moment i could think of and would love it to be my avvy






i only want time from 0:03-0:09... can i have sound?




and i only want their faces or faces and part of bodies...




ummmmm so, yeah thanks!








Images with sound are against the rules.




2.4 - Signatures and Avatars




Forum Signature Limits are 450 pixels wide by 175 pixels high by 30Kb file size. This means that you can have up to four images, as long as the total width/height/file size does not exceed 450 x 175 x 30Kb. Avatar limits are 100 pixels wide by 100 pixels high, by 8Kb file size. It is allowable to use a small amount of text as well as a picture, however please be respectful to other users and limit the amount. Please also remember that use of any sound, java script, or iframe is prohibited. Excessive use of blood and gore is not acceptable and is determined on a case-by-case basis. For your own protection, photos of users within signatures or in avatars are not permitted either. However, the board Administrators reserve the right for final authorization and may approve, request you to change, or outright remove any image or text regardless of size if it's deemed inappropriate.


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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