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buying PIXEL sig 1MILL!


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well im buying a pixel sig for 1mill gp or less lol if its not what i want








anyways what i would like on it is
















1350+ skill total








(but VERY small so it doesnt ruin the pixel)









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just an idea... what do you want on it... people could spend tons of time on a pixel sig for you... then show it to you and then you could say "no thats not what im looking for" so i think its best you put an example of what you want on it... for example... a guy with a white p hat and rune armor (t) killing a guy in full dragon... ( JUST AN EXAMPLE )

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o yeh LOL








well ermm like a mager just owning someone








maybe make it animate so hes charges then does a zammy strike








and oblivsily the RANGER! dies








omg thats so awesome because my friend just started a sig exactly like this.








we're in. kinkydave does lineart and i do the shading and coloring.

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hey if a toon sig is what you want i can make you a pretty nice one. I used to make skins for a program called steam based on the game counter-strike...




I dont feel like resizing it so Email me and ill e-mail it back if you wanna see my style of work.. [email protected]

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