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Best Place To Train Range on F2P?


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I've decided to range...alot. Right now my range is only 10, but I plan on getting it alot higher. I'm training on cows for now, but where would I got when I get 30+ ranging on F2P? All advice is appreciated. Thanks!

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When you get to around 50 or so, and you have done Dragon Slayer, I suggest killing moss giants on Crandor Island. There are a couple of safe spots there, so you can stay there for a long time as long as you have enough arrows. Good luck Ranging away! :)

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Devoted is right. The lessers at Crandor and Karajma Dungeon are also good for ranging, but not until you're lvl 60+. From 30+ to maybe 40ish, you could range hobgoblins next to the crafting guild, but unless you have tons of telegrab runes, ava's accumulator or you're willing to run a lot, be prepared to lose a lot of arrows.


Retired from runescape. I will be on every now and then though. :)

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I got from 10 range to 53 on my pure in level one of the Stronghold of Security. There's a really good safe spot and the minotors frop iron arrows fairly regularly so it's cheap too! (From about range 25 I started to get more arrows than I lost)


give F2P a penny and they want a dime; give P2P a quarter, they want 100,000 dollars, your car, house, boat, social security number, credit card numbers, drivers license, clothes on your back and everything you ever owned or interacted with ever
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Alright, thanks for the advice. I'll probably do cows until 30, hobgoblins till 60, then Lessers from 60 until I decide to stop. Right now I'm at 14 almost 15 from the cows.




This is pretty much what I'm doing except that I did cows with bronze arrows up to 40. It took me 1k bronze arrows (picking up) and about 80 steel arrows that I had lying around to get level 40.




I had a lot of fun doing hobgoblins last night.




I bought 9k iron arrows and unloaded about 3k of them to get me from 40 range to 45 (maybe 46 I forget) in very short order. Whenever a goblin would walk into range, I'd switch to him so that he'd freeze rather than walk around. After doing this for a bit, there would be a big 'ol line of them just waiting to be slaughtered. Some meeler was walking around on the island picking up the drops from my kills as well as my arrows (he even very nicely returned about 800 of them!).




This was hard for me to do at first, I'm normally a penny pincher and have to pick up every arrow and drop, but once I finally let go, it was great fun and very fast experience. The arrows were flying non-stop.

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Up to lvl20 ranging, train on Cows (recommended the one from behind the Crafting guild cuz there are less ppl). Maybe better until 30 range or up to 30 range, you can train on Minotaurs.




From 30-50 Range, I trained on the Guards inside the Port Sarim jail. There are places you can hide behind and that's how I got my range lvls straight up.




I dont know much about high level range training, so this is as far as I can go helping you. Hope this helps and gl :D

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