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abstract sig shop


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ok, im making 3d abstract sigs, heres 2 examples:












price for non animated sig: 30k




price for animated sig:50-70k, depending on the level of difficulty of animation












please fill out this form if you want to order a sig:








bg colour:




border colour(only fill in if you want a border):








text colour:




type of animation(only if wanted):




text layout:












add me on rs if u wanna buy a sig: myst01




oh and the animated sigs will be bigger than 30kb, so ull hav to resize yourself

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type:like the examples




bg colour:orange




border colour(only fill in if you want a border):none :?








its not luck, its skill




text colour:black/orange




type of animation(only if wanted):non




text layout: layout???

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Guest ChronicDarkness

type: like the examples




bg colour: colors matching http://s3.invisionfree.com/ChronicDarkness/index.php?act=idx - my future clan site




border colour(only fill in if you want a border): also matching the site - i like the borders on the examples, just i want it to be a litle bit thinner




text: the name Chronic Darkness, with the first letters of both words in a bigger font size




text colour: also matching the site.....




type of animation(only if wanted):




text layout: Chronic above Darkness for the sig




























also i want an avatar with JUST the letters CD with the same fonat as u used in the sig and matching colors (no border)












ALSO i want a large banner to go at the top of my forums, same colors as the sig/avatar and an alike font just the arrangment of the 2 words, have them side by side very thin border.... if you can make all 3 of these for me i will pay u 200k :o one last thing :P if u could make me a little button to replace untitled3vw.png - this on my forums it would be greatly apreaciated :D
















ps i like more texture in the background more like some of King Koltzans http://www.zeonic-force.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7323 and if im impressed with all the stuff u make me i might just want to pay a little bit extra :) so try hard! lol








edit : dont get started on all this, i have some1 else working on it and i think he will prob be able to do it, srry

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