Blue-To-Die Posted January 29, 2005 Share Posted January 29, 2005 Keeper of the Dragon I was at my home, with Raine, in Varrock. We were planning a party where we would tell everyone that him and I were engaged to be married! He recieved an ergent Enchanted Letter. It was from a friend of ours, Mathea. Mathea is a wonderfly skilled man, he was born to weild a bow... His letter demanded us to join him at Varrock's Church on the other side of town, and to prepare for a trip into the Wilderness... Once we had arrived, Mathea informed us that his brother, Andrew, was in grave danger and that he would explain the rest on the way. Joining our party was Julius, Hendrick, and Theadore. Julius and Theadore are very powerful knights and Hendrick is Mathea's most powerful mage friend. Raine is part mage, part knight. Skilled with a two-hander yet gifted as a sorcerer. I, on the otherhand, had taken up archery but I had a little mage in me from Raine's teachings... Andrew was only a few hours from the Church but we ran as fast as we could. On the way, Mathea told us everything. Andrew had traveled to a snow-covered mountain of Ice Giants to train, alone. He had been there for several days went he was attacked by a small clan of assorted warriors. He hadnt been responding to any of Mathea's Enchanted Letters, or anyone elses for that matter... When we had neared Andrew's position, we were jumped by two knights, supposedly from the clan Andrew mentioned in his Letter. One of them was weilding Andrew's sword. I knew it was his, the second laid eyes on it. That sword was a gift from his father to him, as his father had laid on his deathbed. Andrew carried it everywhere. We knew then that Andrew was dead, and tried to flee. A fight broke out between the knights, friend and foe, but then Julius was struck down by an arrow- killed instantly. There was nothing I could do but watch in terror as one by one see my friends be slaughtered! We ran. Raine, Hendrick and I ran. Theadore was the last to be struck down, but as he lay on the ground, he screamed with the last ounce of strength he had, "RUN!! Leave now, while you can!" I dare not record how the enemy archer disposed of him... I had not a very useful weapon. My bow was broken as I had used it to defend myself from a knight twice my size. All I had was a dagger I stole from the enemy. Hendrick was covering our retreat with his magic when he was struck by an arrow. Right threw his neck. I pray that he died instantly instead of laying on the ground, suffering... Somehow a knight had guessed our path and found away to get ahead of us, he had jumped out from behind a tree infront of me and struck me down. I stabbed him in the leg with my dagger and we wrestled around on the ground. "Raine!!" The knight pinned me on the ground and was choking me to death. Raine could not help because he was in a close combat fight against two archers. With the last ounce of my strength I forced power into my injured leg and kicked the knight off me. As I turned to run to Raine's aid, a mage from the enemy clan blocked my path and blew me back with a fierce blast! I went over the hill and tumbled down to an ice covered lake, there was no way I could climb back up in my condition. As I gaze out across the lake, I heard a loud angry shout from right behind me. It was the knight I had battled a few moments ago! He plowed right into me and down on the lake's hard surface, but it wasnt hard enough. The ice broke under the force and we went in. I fought him off under water and knocked him out, he would surely drown. I needed air, badly, but when I swam towards the surface I hit the ice barrior. I summond up the mistical power inside me and released a blast so big soo powerful that it destroyed the entire ice shield above. I grabbed ahold of an ice fragment big enough to hold my weight and tried to get a good look at what was happening back over the hill, but I was completely frozen and was about to pass out when an inknown archer had swam out to get me. He brought me to the bay and was greeted by more unknown warriors! I was surely dead, I passd out. When I had awoke, I was in a poorly made tent, covered with a warm wool blanket. I just lay there for a few moments, brain-dead basicly. "Ahhh! Raine!" I screamed, and into the tent rushed the same unknown archer and another man. I paniced because I guessed I was in the enemy clan's territory and that they were keeping me alive for... Purposes... I struggled under them but then gave up in tears. "It's alright! Calm down, you're safe...!" The archer coaxed. I gripped the blanket so tightly that my knuckles were white as the snow outside. "Where the Hell am I!? Where is Raine? Where are the men I was with!" I demanded all sorts of questions, but all I recieved was silence as the two men gave eachother worried looks, "oh god no...!" Raine had not survived, only I. After a short silence, we began talking. I had been rescued by a clan called Keepers of the Dragon, and the enemy clan that attacked me was called Zamorak's Slaves. They were to war in this part of the Wilderness. I explained what my party was doing in the Wild, about Andrew, about his Letter... I found that the young archers name was Reggie, and the man with him was Kaine. Kaine is the leader of this clan, and highly respected amongst his followers. His clan consisted of four mages, two archers, a monk and six knights, including himself. It was a pretty small clan, out numberd by three to the enemy, but extremely powerful. They left the tent, so I could rest, and would check in on me in a while. As I lay my head down, I wonder about Raine and the rest of them. They were all slaughtered! Yet Saradomin had spared me... I drifted off into a deep sleep... When I awoke, it seemed like the sun would set in a few hours time. I dressed myself and exited the tent. There was a fire right outside the tent, sitting aorund it was men I assumed were the knights of the clan. "Hey lass! Why don'cha come and sit here with us?" Laughter followed. I just gave them a teasing smile and moved away. I took myself on a tour of the camp. There were a few fire lit, here and there, different groups of people sitting around them. I saw the mages the farthest away from the center of camp. They gave me wondering stares and then whispered to themselves. One of them was a young boy, maybe younger then I am, and the other three were older with long white beards, you could barely tell them apart except for their robes. "Lass! Over here, come!" came a call from a fire nearer to the camp. It was Reggie, Kaine and two other men were with him. They were hunched over an old tree stump, looking over a map. "I don't want you around when our battle starts," said Kaine, "So, Reggie is going to guide you out of the Wilderness to Varrock. Is that ok?" I nodded in agreement. "Can I ask you something?" Me and Reggie had left Kaine and were headed to an open fire. "Sure, what is it?" "Why are you going to battle against Zamorak's Slaves?" I asked. There was a short pause as Reggie gazed at the fire. "You see- uh... Well, they have something. Something very important to us- To the mages." He glanced at the mage's fire. There were indeed staring at us and still whispering to eachother, the young lad poking their fire with a stick, unaware. "What did they take?" "A few months ago, our camp was raded by Zamorak's Slaves. They killed many of our men. We did not know why until... Well, you see the one boy over there?" He motioned to the boy at the mage's fire. "His father was a member of the Keepers of the Dragon,he was a very powerful mage, they killed him for an amulet he possesed. Now, this is no ordinary amulet, it was the reason we are called the Keepers of the Dragon." "I dont understand-" "Let me explain better," Reggie inturupted, "Long ago he had been attacked by a powerful, magical, dragon. He tried to slay it but in the end inprisoned it in an amulet. Whoever has the amulet could release this beast and destroy everything! That's why we must get it back before that happeneds..." There was a silence as we watched the young mage catch his robes on fire and be chastised by the older mages after putting it out. We silently laughed as we watched. For a while I didnt notice that the other two mages were looking at me and whispering to themselves. "Why do they do that!" I said to Reggie. "They are always staring at me and whispering to eachother, they are totally talking about me!" Reggie didnt have time to answer. There came a shout from the group of knights back in the center of the camp. "We're under attack! It's Zamorak's Slaves!" The camp was surrounded by archers and mages as enemy knights invaded the camp, killing everything that got in their path. Reggie and I ran to a nearby tent, I assumed it was his because it was loaded with all sorts of archery supplies. "Here!" He handed me a bow and quiver full of arrows. "Take this!" "But!" I was cut off as the tent had been set on fire. I lost Reggie in all the commotion. I shot an killed a few men by the time I ran out of arrows then grabbed a sword from a man's body. It was the same man who called to me when I first left my tent. "Help, someone!" I turned and saw the young mage being attacked by two other mages from the enemy clan. I ran to him and killed one of the mages with one blow, then grabbed the boy and ran into the forest. The other mage was persuing us, trying to blast us into pieces with his firey attacks. He gave up and returned to the camp. We stopped behind a fallen tree, I could barely catch my breath! "Stay here!" I breathed, "Wait here until I come back for you." I handed him my sword and ran back to the camp. Everything was on fire, and it was dark, you could barely tell friend from foe. I saw a friend mage lying on the ground next to a tree that caught fire and I ran to him. "Are you alright!?" I shouted. He was covered in blood but he managed to speak. "The boy! Where is the boy!" "He is safe!" The dying mage pulled me close and whispered into my ear, and then he fell limp. I had no idea what he was talking about, or any time to think about it. I was almost killed as a burning tree fell. I had no idea what I was doing but I grabbed the dead mage's rune pack and then ran to find Kaine or Reggie. Kaine was fighting off three or four knights and losing. I summoned up the power of the runes and blasted the men away with a strange blast that sent a white fire raging throughout the camp, killing everything that touched it. I had no idea what I just did but it made the enemy clan retreat. "What the Hell was that!?" Shouted Kaine in astonishment. "I- I-" I couldnt speak, I was as amazed as he was. There were wounded and dead men everywhere. The white fire that I caused had subsided and disappeared as I helped wounded men with their injuries. I found Reggie, he was covered in blood I hoped wasnt his. "Where's the boy?" He asked as he dropped to the ground next to me. I wasnt listening to him as I dressed his wounds. "What?" "The boy. Where is he?" He asked again. I just froze and had a terrifying thought in my mind. I jumped up and ran to where I had left him. "Wait where are you going!?" he called but I drowned out everything around me. As I found the tree where I left him, I saw blood splattered everywhere. Tears were starting to swell up in my eyes as I heard a menising voice behind me. "Looking for this?" I swung around and saw the boy at knife point by an injured knight. Suddenly I was grabbed from behind and knocked out, all I remember was hearing Reggies voice calling for me. When I woke, I was in a strange dungeon sort of place in chains. I tried to sit up but my head was killing me... I just lay there for awhile trying to figure out where I was when I remembered the boy. Inspite of all the pain I was I sat up and shouted to the door I saw, hoping there was someone who could hear me outside. When I got no reply I just leaned against the wall, wondering what the hell I got myself into now. A few moments later the large door swung open and banged against the sone wall with a loud clash and three Black Knights and a Dark Mage entered the room. I tried to shout at them, to tell me where they've taken me, but the knights grabbed me and took me out of the room. They took me to a large chamber, lit by torches along the walls. In the middle of the room was a circle engraved on the floor and large pillars around it stretching all the way to the ceiling. They dropped me in the center of the circle and left. The Dark Mage that followed walked to a stone alter infront of me. He turned his back to me, I dont know what he was doing. "Where the Hell have you taken me?" I shouted, but he acted like I wasnt even here. "Answer me!" He turned around to face me, an evil sneer on his face, as he held out an amulet, it started glowing as he neared me. That's when I relized it was the amulet of the Keepers of the Dragon! He was going to release the beast held inside it! Fear rose inside me as we were face to face. "I have seen what you've done." He said in a booming voice. "You have great power within you." As he was talking he was fiddling with the amulet in his hands. I had no idea what he was going to do, I just kept thinking about death. As he spoke to me, he walked around the circle in the stone. He was probably going to use me in some sort of sacrifice! I wasnt listening to him, I fumbled with the shackles at my back, silently, trying to free myself when the Dark Mage was infront of me again and all the torches suddenly went out. They relit themselves with an enchanted green flame. Whatever was going to happen, is happening right now. I got myself free of my chains just as the ground started to shake and I was thrown to the floor. I stared at the mage as he had placed the amulet over his head and was surrounded with a powerful demonic ora. His eyes glowed a fierce green as he started to transform into a giant beast, a dragon. Once fully transformed he gave a booming shout, more like a growl, and looked at me. I picked myself up and ran away from him, trying to find a way out. The ground was shaking soo badly that the pillars collapsed and the whole place was coming down on us! I was almost crushed by one that was pushed over by the dragon as he reached for me. I was thrown on my back against a pile of debree as I remembered the runes I had on me. I tried to remember how I summoned the white flame from before, but I didnt know how. I just closed my eyes with my hands outstretched infront of me and there was a screetching sound, like a dying bird, it was the dragon. I was possesed by the magic I held, my body was covered in a swirling blue wind that formed a snake-like figure which blasted the dragon back. The snake figure exploded or something but it destroyed the dragon and the building. The ground had stopped shaking and it was cloudy with dust. I had remembered the battle at camp, the dying mage. When he had pulled me close he had told me, "Only you have the power to destroy the beast." and I destroyed it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue-To-Die Posted January 29, 2005 Author Share Posted January 29, 2005 I spent like three HOURS on this one! This is a break-through for me because ive never actually finisheda story. hehehehe 8) dam I soo wish i could make pictures for this story!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
barfbag Posted February 5, 2005 Share Posted February 5, 2005 Wow.....Thats good. REAL good. I like it. wright more. :D To stand in the valley of death is one thing, to not have been able to stop the chaos is another. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue-To-Die Posted February 5, 2005 Author Share Posted February 5, 2005 ....In hte middle of the room was a circle engraved on the floor and nice large pillars around it stretching all the way to the ceiling. nice? how the heck did that get in there!? hehehehe EDIT: sorry i took it out so dont try looking for it, lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhys Posted February 5, 2005 Share Posted February 5, 2005 Good story, could have been written better, there's a few spelling mistakes like, 'ora'. It's spelt, 'aura'. :D I liked it though, I thought the end was a bit blunt and not drawn out enough, try and rewrite the end. Make it a bit longer and move involving. You should write more though, it was a well-based story except I also like stories where you find out what happens to the main characters. That's just a personal oppinion though. Meh, I've rambled enough, good story. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue-To-Die Posted February 6, 2005 Author Share Posted February 6, 2005 lol, ramble on! i do agree that it needs a better ending. 8) and my spelling is the * lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Maras Posted February 12, 2005 Share Posted February 12, 2005 wow.... much too long.... i'll just give you a 10/10.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue-To-Die Posted February 13, 2005 Author Share Posted February 13, 2005 lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freesy Posted March 26, 2005 Share Posted March 26, 2005 Hey nice story.....9/10 is what id give it. Work on the ending a bit and better spelling. I'm a spelling fanatic. I saw ur website, and how did you get gmail?!?!?!?!?!? I've been trying to get that for so long. Invite me please. Add me in the game and I'll tell u my email. Pls?? :wink: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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