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//should i make pixel sigs? <sig edited again ;p>


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i decided to make a pixel sig (my first) in mspaint a while ago, and forgot about it. i just found it and redid the shading and clouds and stuff...
















i wanna get better at these so any c/c and ratings and stuff very welcome








and would a sig like that be good enough to sell for anything?

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Guest FunkyJunk9000

for one. what system will you use? or allready using... and yes. start with getting objects and out lining them when you get the hand of it start free handing every thing.








P.S. dont sell the outlined objects. thats against ze rules though.

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his head seems out of perpertion to me. I'd lighten up the clouds a bit too (put it in photoshop and lighten up if you want to cut corners :))




the rocks are awesome, and the detail on the stone circle is nice too. it's got potential and with enough work it'll be a hella good sig :)

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