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Shaunri's Free Pixel Signatures


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Well, I have decided to reopen my free signature shop, since I am becoming more interested every day in makign signatures. Here are some examples of my work (most from my other free shop):
























Fill out this form for a signautre:












Characters (how they look, clothes, armour etc.):




Scene (whats happening):




Picture of your character (if you cannot describe it very well):




Anything Else:








Ill only be taking three orders at a time since I dont want to be overloaded with signatures.












1. Neanderslave




2. Blt




3. Whitec








*Btw dont make them to hard, i just started to make pixels again and I dont want to have to do a really hard one :P*


If you have any questions about World of Warcraft or you need an explanation about something, please feel free to pm me.

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Name: Neanderslave




Text: Monkeys Can Range Too




Characters a guy in full rune a mage and a guy in blk (g) yellow cape santa and a magic staff




Scene (whats happening): jungle scene monkeys in trees throwing rocks at the full rune guy and the mage with the guy in blk(g) (me) laughing at them









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Name: 01whitec2




Text: none just my name




Characters (how they look, clothes, armour etc.): Full zammy, White [bleep]y hair... glory ammy... other rangers in full dhide some in all the colours.. with mage long bow... rune arrows stick out the floor...




Scene (whats happening): A range target...rangers missing target and me throwing a dlong and getting bullseye..




Picture of your character (if you cannot describe it very well):












quote from me... tried some1 else but they didnt do it








A ranged target with all the rangers getting around the around the outside of the targer. and me throwing a dlong at the target and getting a bulls eye.
















Just have my name on it (01whitec2) :)


100+ Combat :: 100+ Members :: 107 Combat Average

-{Click sig to join Heroes of the Future}-

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Text: sillycats




Characters (how they look, clothes, armour etc.): Rune armor, drag shield, drag long, Ranger- full black, cav, ranger boots




Scene (whats happening): runer, killing ranger infront of the hut, while hes got on melee pray


116/120 Combat

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Ok, all order positions are taken, no more signature requests until im done those three








dont you listen?








No more sig request till hes done


100+ Combat :: 100+ Members :: 107 Combat Average

-{Click sig to join Heroes of the Future}-

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Name: Evorr




Text: Chickens' Worst Nightmare




Characters (how they look, clothes, armour etc.):me wearing white t-shirt, white pants, blue [bleep]ey hair, ammy of power, yellow cape




Scene (whats happening): me holding a chicken with almost none of its feathers left in one hand and pulling feathers out with the other, i will be also carring a sack of feathers on my back. some chickens (some with feathers and some without) running away from me.




Picture of your character (if you cannot describe it very well):
















Anything Else: make the scene like the chciken farm in lumby

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Characters (how they look, clothes, armour etc.): Rangers - Some wearing robin hood and range boots and black dragon hide armour. Others wearing hoods and looking sinister.




Scene (whats happening): Person in wilderness being held hostage at greaters by 6-8 Rangers. My Nervous Character slowly reaching for a dragon long.




Picture of your character (if you cannot describe it very well): Full Rune and a belt with cool stuff on.




Anything Else: Please Put: 102+ Combat and 1317 + Skillz. Also My Name: Cicdolfin.












Thanks very much, your very nice. Pm me on forums when it is done, because i want to talk to you about other stuff too :D


Adapt to your conditions, don't cry about them.


Runescape Since 2002

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