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New to photography and looking for some cc


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Theese pictures are great, some are amazing. But too many same pictures. Something in the front big, the back blurry. Too many like that. Try being more random. Capture a bird in the sky, a wave hitting the rocks, a cloud that is different than others. Something different. But all in all, some photos are good for a holiday card :thumbsup: .

RSN:Mico1311 Combat: 82 Highest skill: Fishing 75 Playing time: From around August 2003


The guy in my avatar is Veso, a comedian mastermind.

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Yea thanks :) Obviously I took a lot more than this and these were just my favourites, I did notice I had quite a few pics in almost exactly the same sort of style :x I'll bear that in mind, thanks.

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They aren't bad for being new to photography, some are how ever better than others. I don't have much time to cc right now, about to go out with GF, but a few things I noticed right off the bat is that some of them seem to be out of focus completely, ie the ones in the woods. In some of them the sky is completely blown out, some times you can't really help this, and if you couldnt compose the shot differently, you can always edit in a sky. Number ten is deffinately the best imo how ever i think that the focus should have been on the flower pod looking things and not the green plant itself.




Ill cc more later when i have time,






oh and i remember you... i made your sig :wink:



-All sigs by me.

[My Gallery]

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Thanks Navy. I've noticed that with the sky too, but other than like you said, editing it, I really have no idea how "compose the shot differently", if you could explain what you mean by that I'd appreciate it. Believe it or not number ten was where I actually realised the macro button existed, and I just happened to turn around and find that plant to experiment on, not expecting much to come of it, but thanks :P

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I really have no idea how "compose the shot differently", if you could explain what you mean by that I'd appreciate it.




Well you can start off by trying to get a different angle on your subject so that there is not a bright sky in the background. Or...One thing you can do when looking at a bright sky with a subject in the forground is to meter off of the sky so that its not blown out, and then use whats called a fill in flash. This means that you force your camera to flash, so set your camera to where it will flash no mater what, meter off of the sky and then take the picture. Doing this, the sky won't be blown out, and if you are close enough to your subject, the flash will iluminate it so that it is not in shadows. But remember for this to be effective, you have to be close enough to your subject so that the flash will make a difference



-All sigs by me.

[My Gallery]

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All of these photos are quite good for a beginner, but Ill give some CC.




A small one, every photo must have a horizontal horizon. It gives the finishing touch to a photo, and it can be annoying for the viewer if it is not done right.




One thing that counts for every photo: Time. When you go to the woods/beach in the morning or evening (I prefer evening), the light is much and much warmer then on a normal day. It gives the soul to a photo, in my opinion. But watch out with that, if you are too late in the evening you could get noise.




Keep it up, I like the photos. For any more questions, use the Photography sticky and alot of people will help you out.



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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Thank you for the cc, I'll bear it all in mind when I next have the urge to go out snapping. I didn't even notice the photography sticky either, just browsing it now! :)




:) Dont forget to post your details like the ones at the first post (I should update it..)



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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