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Well i posted this on here for some help a while back but forgot about, it not very long ammount of time spent on it but i like it.




I really don't like the background, i wanted to do a kind of summer sky but couldn't do the sun or clouds very well, any help with that is appreciated, also if anyone could explain to me what dithering is i would be grateful.


Feel free to save it and try stuff with it if you want to, i won't mind as long as you show me when your done with it :mrgreen:


My capes in the order they were achieved

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Is it a first?




Some C/C


1. Background is to plain. Try adding clouds or something as you said.


2. The pie, or loaf of bread, is "floating" rather than sitting on the table cloth type material.


3. Shading needs some work.




My suggestion:


Read through some of the pixel guides found here:






There should be some about dithering in there I think. :-k



-All sigs by me.

[My Gallery]

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Well, I think navyplaya covered it all. :-w




The background is the biggest let down in my opinion. It causes the Pie to look like it is magicly floating (maybe it is? :P ), and makes it all look a little plain.




As navyplaya said, read some Pixel Guides, hopefully they'll help you in the future. :)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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Hope you don't mind if I edited it.


You had a perspective issue there, pie looks less like floating now huh? :P


Thanks To:reddawn509, Hoopster211, JacobRyan, navyplaya, bigsword33, Ferahgo28, speedofsound, Goldwolflord, unknowz, GonAndGary and born2die

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Thanks for the advice i saw a dithered sphere on ganondorfs guide, doesn't look too dificult, and if you mind unkowz would it be ok to use the image with the new perspective that you posted, DW if you don't want me to. But if you say yes ill try to dither it to make it look more like tom davies image.




And to answer your question navy this is my second attempt at a pixel sig the first is my VERY bad sig which i am VERY proud of :mrgreen:




I'll get to work on a sky on prob sunday or monday


My capes in the order they were achieved

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Ok, I'll give you a few tips, basically it seems like it's gonna take ages when you first start, but eventually you get used to it and know how much to use so you don't waste loads of time putting too much on for barely any effect. So stick with it and eventually you'll be doing it without thinking about it.


Sig by me....

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I done a quick few mins dithering and trying out some back grounds and got this, there isn't any shading or anything on the clouds/sun yet, but with that and the new perspective done by unkowz it makes the image look alot better.






EDIT: just realised the sun should be in the right side of the image so will get that sorted when i come home from hockey, thanks for the help all.


My capes in the order they were achieved

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