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humble begginings 2: Aftermath


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A lonly man walked solemly down a lonely street, the sun setting behind him. The rememberances of that last fatefull day rushed through his mind. He remembers a fireball, a screem by Alexis. He now only had himself left, nothing but memorys of his humble begginings. He passed through varock at sunset, the shops closing, the bustle of mankind slowing untill tomaro. He had walked this same path for three years now, stopping at the bar for a drink, then back to his house deep in the woods.








"What have I become?" He asks himself each day, but gets never an awnser. He then looked in the mirror, the scar on his cheek, his ragged red hair, his lonely empty eyes. "Is this who I really want to be? No, it isn't!" He said, looking deep into his own soul. He went down to the river and washed himself, the walked back to his house. He put on a black shirt and blur jeans and [bleep]ed his hair, then grabbed his sword and left. "I will find you, Alexis."








He walkec into the blue moon inn and asked if an alexis was staying there. The keeper said the room number and Zenith walked up to see her. He knocked... nothing. He tried the doornob and the door was unlocked so he stepped inside. There stood Alexis on the balcony, scanning the streets. "Has it really been three years?" Zenith said as he closed the door. Alexis turned and faced him. "What ever happened to you?! Why did you leave without a goodbye?!?!" Alexis screemed, bursted into tears and ran twords him and embraced him. "I don't know what happened, all I remember was the fireball and then me waking up in a shack near the ocean...." He said, thinking hard.








The next day, Zenith and Alexis woke up togeather to a pounding on the door. "Room service!" The man at the other side of the door said. "Yay, room service!" Alexis said, sitting up. "This is a bar, they don't have room service, get some clothes on and grab your sword." Zenith said, grabbing his twin shortswords. He opened the door to see Zach. Zach stepped back, a look of fear in his eyes. "I...I killed you three years ago!!!" He screemed, putting up a sword in defence. "Guess you thought wrong!" Zenith said as he punched Zach in the mouth, knocking one of his teeth out. "What the hell?!?!" Zach screemed as Alexis's high heel slammed into Zach's stomach. "Go away and never come back, You can't kill me!" Zenith screemed. "I'll kill you yet, I have connections in the underground!" Zach screemed. Zenith smiled and said "So do I."








I'm back and feel like wrighting again. Maby I was depressed or somthing, but oh well. I'm back in the saddle again![/i]


To stand in the valley of death is one thing, to not have been able to stop the chaos is another.

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"And why do you think you can kill him?" Said zach, starring into complete darkness. "Because I've killed armies, defeated warlords and because my phisical and mental skill is better than that of the gods..." Said a voice from within the darkness. "I don't think you can do it." Zach said. He turned to go, but a hand burst from the ground, grabbing him. "I must have forgot to tell you about that." Said the voice. He emerged from the darkness, a man wearing all black and carring a staff with a dragon engraved in it. "You give me 1,000,000gp and you have yourself a deal." Said the man. "I want his head on a silver platter before I give you squat. By the way, your name was...?" Zach said. "Dagon" Said the man. The hand grabbing Zach's leg turned to dust and Dagon dissapeared.








Back at Varrock, Zenith stood out infront of a gift shop holding a stack of boxes. Alexis walks out and gives him another box. "Ow, my back!" Zenith said, struggling to follow Alexis' fast pace. "Lets go back home." Alexis said, Zenith almost dropping the stack. "I have to walk all the way to FALADOR from VARROCK carrying all these?!?!" Zenith exclaimed. "Yep!" Alexis said, giggling.








"Set them there, no wait there, no no over there." Alexis said, Zenith setting down the boxes. "No how about..." "THERE'S FINE!!!!" Zenith said grabbing his back. A knock was heared on the door. Alexis grabbed her sword. Zenith opened the door. "Zenith, good to see you again!" Said Sir Van's booming voice. "What's up?" Zenith said, still grabbing his back. "You have a bounty on your head. Zach hired Dagon." Zenith stuimbled backwards, tripping over the pile of boxes, landing on his head. "I told you to put the boxes over there..." Alexis said, shaking her head.








"Alexis, do you even know who Dagon is?!" Zenith said as he got up. "Come to think of it...no." Alexis said. "He is only the most skilled in summoning magic in the land and also one of the dark arts." Sir van said. "We have a $10,000.... ARRG!" Screemed Sir van, as his arm was pierced by a spear. Zenith grabbed his bow and arrows and ran outside. "Who's there?! Show your self!" Zenith screemed. Dagon appeared before him. "You're next, Zenith." He said, dissapearing.


To stand in the valley of death is one thing, to not have been able to stop the chaos is another.

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"You won't get away!!" Screemed Zenith, looking around for Dagon. "Zenith, Sir Van needs help!!" Alexis said." Are you alright?" "I have a spear through my arm, DO I LOOK OK?!?" Sir Van exclaimed as he pulled the spear from his arm. "I'll get him to the castle, go get a potion from the witch in dranor!" Zenith said, lifting Sir Van onto his shoulders.








"Hello, my pretty. Do you seek a potion of youth, or beuty?" Said the whitch as Alexis entered. "I have both my beauty and youth yet, mam. I was wondering if you could get a poisen cure potion and make me a healing potion for my friend." Alexis said. "What is wrong with this friend of yours?" The witch said, walking over to a shelf of ingrediants. "A spear was thrust through his arm..." Alexis said sheepishly. The witch smiled and pulled out sope ingrediants, mixed them and heated them then poured them into a vile. "Take twice a day, that should he." Said the witch, handing Alexis the potion. "Thank you so mutch!" Alexis said as she rushed out. "Any time, my dear"








"Zenith, I'm here!!!" Alexis said, rushing into the castle. "It's too late..." Zenith said, turning his head. "Sir Van has passed away..." Said a knight of falador. "That....monster! That could have been Zenith!!!! WHY!!!" Alexis screemed, the room going silent.


To stand in the valley of death is one thing, to not have been able to stop the chaos is another.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alexis with of her dignity rushed out of the room, tears in her eyes. "Alexis...." Zenith sais trying to stop her, but failing. "She'll get over it." A knight of falador said, but Zeith ignored him. "Ya, sure." Zenith said. "I've lived with her for longer than you've known her." Zenith finished. "So, he's dead?" Said a fermilliar voice. "Kaoru?" Zenith said, looking up. "She's going to take it hard." Zenith said. "Its getting late, you better gwet home..."


To stand in the valley of death is one thing, to not have been able to stop the chaos is another.

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"Do you know where Alexis might have went?" Kaoru said. "Try the body alter, It's her place of refuge, we go there to be alone." Zenith replied. "Doing what? Wait, dont awnser that." Kaoru said, zenith smiling. Kauru got up, said goodbye and left. She went to the alter and found alexis sitting by a piller, hugging her knees. "He killed a white knight, we're next!" Alexis said, crying. "I don't think zenith would let that happen, do you?" Kaoru said, comforting her. "You know what?" Alexis said, standing up, fire burning in her eyes. "I think we've ran enough for one lifetime, I'm going to kill him." Alexis said. "With my dad's old spear." She added. "WHAT?! Where did you find that?" Kaoru said, springing to her feet. "I've had it. I kept it burried beside this piller here. Noone knows about it, exept you." Alexis reached into the ground and pulled out a muddy spear. She took out a rag and cleaned it. The tip was a rune substance, the shaft from a magic log. "I think we're ready now" Alexis said as she flung around the spear, stopping it an inch from kaoru's face. "You need more training." Kaoru said. "go to master wung, he trained out parents, and some of the greatest dragon slayers of all time." Kaoru finished. She grabbed a handfull of runes and teleported, leaving a paper with an address on it.


To stand in the valley of death is one thing, to not have been able to stop the chaos is another.

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  • 1 month later...

Alexis stopped and looked around. "This is the address...." She said stairing up a huge staircace on the side of a cliff. The stairs were rugged and the rails bent, but she walked up them anyways. "master wung!" She said as she knocked at the door of a medium sized log cabin. "And what do you want young lady?" Said a voice behind Alexis. She whipped around to se an oriental man, around 55 to 60 years of age. He was wielding a curved long sword. "I've come to ask you to train me to beat an evil foe." She said. "And who is this foe?" master wung asked. "Two of them." alexis said. "Zach and Dagon." Master Wung looked stunned. "I...I killed him....It can't be..." He stuttered. Alright then, lets begin.








"Combo hitsutsu!" Master Wung yelled. Alexis performed a series of strikes and stabbs. "Again! Again! Ag..." He was inturrupted. "Master, It's been 37 times!" Alexis said, cutting in. "Ok then, you';ve learned alot. Now try to hit me with that spear. When you can, you are done training." He said. Alexis lashed out, but each move was dodged at the last moment. "More training is needed." Master Wung said. "Cary these logs down and up the main stairs 5 times, every day after you wake up. Go!" He walked inside, leaving alexis with 2 logs and a task. "Stupid sister...." Alexis said as she climbed the stairs.


To stand in the valley of death is one thing, to not have been able to stop the chaos is another.

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"Master, I think I'm ready to move on." Alexis said as she set down 2 50lb buckets. She was slim, strong and quite ajile now. "Well, lets go then." Wung said walking off, alexis running after him. The walked into a cave and down a ladder. The cave was musty, small rats scurried around the floor. Alexis scrapped the wall with her spear. She threw it up and disloged to stlagtites and they plummeted to the ground, killing a rat. "Give me your spear." Wung said, alexis handed it over. He then flund it into the ceiling, too high to reach. He muttered somthing under his breath and picked up a rock and threw it down the cave.








The ground shood and 2 large eyes loomed from the piercing darkness. A greater demon emerged, each footstep shaking the ground. "Defeat that. I'll help you by letting you use weapons. I brought along a bronze dagger. Here." Master wung said. The demon charged, alexis dodged. She flipped over the demon and stabbed it in the skull. The demon flung her off and seemed un-phased by the dagger in it's head. "Wait, I have an idia." Alexis said. She ran so she was under her spear. The demon cherged and alexis jumped on it's back, then up to her spear. She pulled it out, spun around and nosedived into the demon.








She rammed the spear clear through the demon's head, killing it. She front fliped, and landed on one knee. "Here's your dagger back, master." Alexis said, tossing him the dagger. "So, did I pass?" Wung seemed pleased. "I think you have young one, I think you have."


To stand in the valley of death is one thing, to not have been able to stop the chaos is another.

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So nice story, its great to see that Humble beginnings continued!!




Thanks. I sort of...ahem..Lost the other story, so I made this one.... I wright in my spare time so it's not the longest/best story, but I try!




















"Alexis, for your journies I wish you to keep these leather vambraces and this poisen." Wung said. "Thank you, I will keep them." Alexis said. "Now go on and defeat dagon." Wung said. "Wait, remember your deal?" Alexis said. "Huh?" Wung said. "I have to hit you for me to leave." Alexis said, charging at him. After 30 seconds, she hit him in the wrist. "Bye!" Alexis said cheerfully after shaking wung's hand.


To stand in the valley of death is one thing, to not have been able to stop the chaos is another.

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interesting interesting. zzzzzz




why isnt zaros in it.!!












ps. i may or may not think this story is interesting but pls respond as if im saying its bad.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alexis returned to the house to find Zenith lying on the floor with as dagger in his gut. "Zenith, I'm....Holy $#!+! Zenith, Zenith, say somthing! You moron, dont die on me now!!!!! She felt a hand on her shoulder. "This moron isn't dying very soon." Zenith said. "Dagon...he came....knocked me suilly and stabbed me, then ran....." "Where is he!?!?!" Alexis said, grabbing her spear. "A protal by the lessers on karajima, not crandor." "I'll sent some knights to take care of you, Bye Zenith!"








"Dagon, show yourself!" Alexis said. She whirrled around and smacked him in the face. "You're going to die, girl!" He said. He started shotting spells at alexis. She dodged left, right, ducked, and ran her way so she was in close enough. She backlflipped behind him and stabbed him through the back. "Arrrg! You will parrish woman!" Dagon said taking a rune long sword out.








"I don't think so!" Said a voice behind him. Up came zenith, slashing at him. He slashed his swine but was threw into the cave wall. "I'll deal with you later. Now, woman, where were we?" "You are pathetic." Alexis said to dagon. He was slashing uin all directions. But he slashed throgh alexis' shirt. "This was my favorite shirt....." Alexis said. Dagon came slashing again but alexis was MAD. She cought his sword and thgrust it in, through his back, breaking his spine. He dell over backwards and couldd only watch as alexis snapped his sword like a twig. Alexis stood over him with her spear, and held it upwards, pointing at his head. "May you seffer a painfull eternity at the hands of zamorak!!!" She thrust the sword down, and zenith looked away.


To stand in the valley of death is one thing, to not have been able to stop the chaos is another.

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  • 9 months later...

Dagon rolled away at the last moment, and alexis mussed his head by abut an inch. "I can't finish you...." he said, "but when I die, you are going with me!" He screemed, and pulled out a staff of some sort. He mumbled some words, and a king black dragon appeared. It's hide was coal black, but metalic like a mirror and glistened in the sunlight. "It might be beutifull" Dagon said, "But it's not nice" Alexis flipped over to Zenith, wispering somthing in his ear, and then flipped over the dragon. Zenigh shot somthing at it, and it turned to see where the arrow come from. While it was distracted, Alexis stabbed one of it's three heads. "Hey!" Screamed zenith as he turned to see Dagon crawling out the side door. He shot an arrow, hitting him in the neck, paralizing him. "You arn't going anywhere." He said as he fires a rune-tipped arrow at him, and it landed right on target. "BOOM, HEADSHOT!!!" He screamed as Dagon uttered his final words- "By Zamorak's hands will you parish." His eyes rolled back in their sockets, and somthing emerged fom his mouth. That somthing was his very soul, blood red. It stared at Zenith, then quickly hovered into the ground, to spend an eternity in hell.




Zenith focused his attention on alexis, who at the moment was dodging fore breath from the remaining 2 heads. "I could use some help over here" she said as she stabbed it in the back again. Zenith desperately looked around and saw dagon's body, and thought "Dead man's blood is one of the strongest poisens there is" So he grabbed 3 arrows from his pack and dipped them in the blood. He aimed at the dragon (Now with 1 head) and fired. The first arrow kissed. "Damn" he tjoght and fored the 2nd. It hit the body but bounced off the rock hard scales. "I have to make this one count" He said, and aimed at the wound on it's head. HE launched it, the arrow flying at emmence speed. It landed in the wound, penetrating the skin and killing the dragon instantly. It came quickly to the floor and landed with a force that felt like an earthquake. "Took you long enough" Said alexis, hugging zenith. "We better clean up and go pay our respects to Sir Van" Zenith said, turning. "You got stabbed by dagon, remember? You need to get that fixed up first, Stupid" She said, them both smiling.






After a long absence, I'M BACK AND NOT LETTING THIS STORY DIE!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


To stand in the valley of death is one thing, to not have been able to stop the chaos is another.

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Well I like it even if archmage's snoring is making it hard to read. ARCHMAGE! WAKE UP!

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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