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Why the Assist System will NOT ruin RuneScape


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I totally agree. I dont believe it will ruin RuneScape. You can only get 30k exp a day so it can't really be taken advantage of.




Well done for laying it all out :thumbsup:




I agree with you :). I think that the Assist system will just help some of the low level players in RS, and that it won't ruin the game as some of the people on here believes...



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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Correct. I've been very interested in he fact that recently, Jagex's updates are not only beneficial and interesting, but they also at the same time are attacking Runescape's many annoyances (general store update-bots; assist system-scammers; etc.)




True !




Correction on the double nats.




You can only get double of a rune while runecrafting if you have that level. At level 91 rc, if you assist someone, they only get 1x nats.



That is the only point i wanted to ear : getting double nats from simple nats crafter would have been a pain : 30k xp represent a nice amount of nats !






As a conclusion, helping with trade was rare because of the scam risk... now that it is away, you can see beggars in every hot skilling spots getting their items for free from assist system as it doesn't include any cash trade... That part is a pain as the high level is only rewarded with xp but not really need it (30k a day is not that much).




One small thing that should be set in the system : requester should be able to stop the assist in order to free the helper. This would save much unused time and messages.

Oh baby light the dark side...

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