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now if this wont be good then shoot me...


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Peter says:








I'm being pretty blunt here, but if you are using MSPaint for your sigs, chances are they aren't very good. There are a select few who can use MSPaint and make excellent pixel sigs. They know who they are. If you aren't one of them, I suggest you practice, practice, practice. It will take dozens of hours (only an assumption) to get decent at making pixel sigs. This type of art is incredibly detailed when done right, and takes many hours (just ask a pro) to complete successfully. Most importantly here, don't post your first pixel sig. They are rarely good and most times don't stand a chance. Now I'm not trying to insult anyone here, but ask many people and they will say the same.

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Peter says:








I'm being pretty blunt here, but if you are using MSPaint for your sigs, chances are they aren't very good. There are a select few who can use MSPaint and make excellent pixel sigs. They know who they are. If you aren't one of them, I suggest you practice, practice, practice. It will take dozens of hours (only an assumption) to get decent at making pixel sigs. This type of art is incredibly detailed when done right, and takes many hours (just ask a pro) to complete successfully. Most importantly here, don't post your first pixel sig. They are rarely good and most times don't stand a chance. Now I'm not trying to insult anyone here, but ask many people and they will say the same.








uhum... thats wat peter says but watcha think? i really care about your opinion so express it not as peter words but as u

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drawed isn't a word.








but really, i don't have a clue whats going on in that sig.








A man from medieval found a "STRANGE BOX PLAYING STRANGE MUSIC" ant wanted to shut up so he draw out his rune dagger... ok i kno... this sig $ucks

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err ok thanks for free bullets but tell me... why u post 3 times? shooting three times or wat?








its cos of the stupid lag on this fourum so i have to constantly click it to make it do anything so it postas loads (hence why i have 12 identical posts in another topic)


100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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*shoots you*








problem solved








you can't do anything better you stupid buddy making noob :evil:




This owns compared to anything you can do!








i dont care if i cant make things, i wouldnt know, i dont dedicate my time to it, id rather play runescape, or just go on forums and post just to eat time


^First good mspaint sig.

^Me tis Peach on other misc forums.

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Ok... instead of being a noob flamer im going to ask you questions and you should answer them and fix what u think needs done.








Do your arms go above below or right at your hips?




When is the sun that big?




When is the sun that color of orange?




When does the sun hav triangles coming out of it?




Do you wear necklaces that go to your stomach?




Do you have tiny feet? (minute, itsy bitsy, microscopic)




Do you stand like that?




Do you hold daggers like that?




Is the horizon ever perfectly flat?




Is the sky that color? (thats a greenish blue when the sky is blue)




Is the ground lime green?








thats all i can think off of the top my head








Ps. the border is just a lil thick (unless you wanted it thick (decorate it just a tad)


<( *-* )> <(*-* <) (> *-*)> <( *-* )>

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Ok... instead of being a noob flamer im going to ask you questions and you should answer them and fix what u think needs done.








Do your arms go above below or right at your hips?




When is the sun that big?




When is the sun that color of orange?




When does the sun hav triangles coming out of it?




Do you necklaces go to your stomach?




Do you have tiny feet? (minute, itsy bitsy, microscopic)




Do stand like that?




Do you hold daggers like that?




Is the horizon ever perfectly flat?




Is the sky that color? (thats a greenish blue when the sky is blue)




Is the ground lime green?








thats all i can think off of the top my head








Ps. the border is just a lil thick (unless you wanted it thick (decorate it just a tad)








OK u listed my mistakes... any tips? its my dam second sig what r u expecting? btw i draw it with paint not with ps or corel draw (got corel draw but i dunno how to use it)

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Ok... instead of being a noob flamer im going to ask you questions and you should answer them and fix what u think needs done.








Do your arms go above below or right at your hips?




When is the sun that big?




When is the sun that color of orange?




When does the sun hav triangles coming out of it?




Do you necklaces go to your stomach?




Do you have tiny feet? (minute, itsy bitsy, microscopic)




Do stand like that?




Do you hold daggers like that?




Is the horizon ever perfectly flat?




Is the sky that color? (thats a greenish blue when the sky is blue)




Is the ground lime green?








thats all i can think off of the top my head








Ps. the border is just a lil thick (unless you wanted it thick (decorate it just a tad)







OK u listed my mistakes... any tips? its my dam second sig what r u expecting? btw i draw it with paint not with ps or corel draw (got corel draw but i dunno how to use it)








those are your tips fix those..... and to you others, you dont help saying its bad.. its just spam or a flame so shutup... especially you vegeto.... thats why your in pixel hell and he's not :lol: just fix all the mistakes brooce listed thats my c/c



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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