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Everything posted by Despaxes

  1. whyd ont you tell her what they are instead of just saying they exist? a "Theres something wrong with it" doesnt help anyone.... the main problem i see is the eyesm theres not enough depthj in them and the colors seema bit too contrasting
  2. 1.2 planets. i suppose without being a friggen health nut activist living in the woods im doing pretty good haha my footprint is 5, as opposed to the average american 24
  3. Or to show improvement, i have gone from being a EXTREMELY weak fat kid to a much more physically fit young adult...you can also ask for advice in lifting, or in running technique pushup technique etc. I am on PT team and i scored about a 375 at AUSA pushups-2 min :117 situps-2min: 97 run-2mile: 12.57 (i ran more then, i can do more pushups and situps now though)
  4. MUCH better than the first it seems with practice you could really get a grip on this
  5. I dont know beginning but now Age: (16-24) Weight: 175-180 Bench: 250-280 Squat: 400-450 One arm Isolated curl: 60 Two arm isolated curl: 150 2 mile: 13:30 One mile: 6:30 40: 4.6 Favorite exercises: Glute press, Lunges, Curls, Butterflies
  6. And so an elephant walking off a cliff counts as jumping. Of course falling doesn't count as jumping, then a worm could jump, as could a rock. Jumping is making yourself airborne on level ground. actually jumping is propelling oneself upward. Therefore when sloths swing from trees they are jumping
  7. I can sort of understand what your going through, i didnt go through the same events, but i went through a lot of crap. I havent had such a great life, and i was always one of those people that pretended to be happy through everything. The one time i needed to talk to someone there was noone there for me. All these people who say im their best friend, im like a brotherr, they love me... all this and yet thje ONE time ive ever asked for help i had noone. I hated asking for help, it made me feel weak, like i wasnt good enough....and i still have those feeling, and I do feel stronger since noone helped me, but i would have rather been helped. After the occurence i left home and joined the marines and am now at the academy. I havent talked to any family or "friends" that i used to have in at least 2 years. I wish i hadnt chose that path. Just take your friends aside and talk to them about how you feel abandoned, if they caqnt deal with that they werent goopd friends, and maybe they didnt realize they were blowing you off, ive done that before, i just dont really seem to talk to a person, not because i dont want to, just because i just happen to be doing something else at the time. Stick it through, friends are some of the best things you can have, better than family, you can do stuff with friends and tell friends things you cant tell family.
  8. That is a Paradox. AHHHHHHHHHHHH you said the word of the day
  9. That's funny considering the whole thread is spam Not the whole thread just 99% of it. The title isnt spam.
  10. I'm envious. :evil: :P I lived there for two years in germany. :P All that comes to mind: mmmmm... Beer. Whats the legal drinking age over there? 15 i think
  11. I love humor, and sarcasm neiher of which are welcome here :(
  12. Yet you said you have more of a right to dislike muslims because you were jewish. You claim to be religious when it benefits you, but when it doesnt help you out you claim to be agnostic. THAT is hypocritical. Nothing i did or said in my posts has been hypocritical, i think you seriousely do NOT know what a hypocrit is. Look it up. The human mind links events and people together. You would naturally correlate it to anyone resembling the man. THAT is fact, you cannot say you wouldnt. Your entire mind is warped, and your posts are just erroneous. Please for the sake of your own pride do not respond to this. Just absorb the information and wisdom ive tried to give you. Realize the fallacy of everything you said, actually think about things instead of going with the trends of things to dislike and hate things that make you seem thoughtful. -Enough is enough, the world one day will fade to gray, and all were left with is memories of our wisdom.
  13. I dont really want to do this... but i have to. I am going to pick apart what you hate and prove how you hate yourdelf, simply because you yourself are so hypocritical it is disturbing. You hate anti- semitism. Simply because people do not like the fact your jewish, you hate them? Your bible says only god is to judge, and even if they have trespassed against you you are to forgive them, yet you judge, and therefore go against your bible, Very anti-semitic if i say so myself. Evryone is hypocritical at times, get over it. Yet you are all against every form of prejudice, do you know why these people are prejudiced? NO yet you hate them simply for their beliefs, unfounded? maybe, but that isnt your business, yet you HATE them. Stereotypes? Everyone has stereotypes, have you ever seen a guy begging and thought something about him, or seen someone unhappy and thought of why they were unhappy, have you ever created a reason for something you didnt know? YES, why? because you stereotype, everyone does, some stereotypes arent bad. Muslim* Yes it is horrible,m but when some black guy kills your family and then rapes you, would you from then on be afraid of black people? YES It is human nature, and i can understand this being horrendous in nature, but it is hardly hypocritical. Do you even know what a hypocrit is? You my friend, are hypocritical. Im not going to get into the personal ones as they are just immature.
  14. Hm it was one either one of the early final fantasy's on gameboy , or gameboy pocket or something orr the first or second zelda for NES
  15. Name - I would prefer to not be called by my name as it is an appauling name. Bart. Yes, it is lame. Age - Age has always been something i dislike i remember my younger years being looked at for my age not my intelligence. And now being older may seem odd, so ill leave it at the 16-22 range =). Country - USA City/Town - Uhm, i move a lot, but hometown is Daleville. Sports played/followed - Football, baseball, soccer, golf, swimming, track, weightlifting, basketball. I dont follow many sports theyre kinda boring to watch Music Taste - Everything =) Some favourite bands - Too many Instruments played - Guitar, drums, flute, and piano. Belief Inclination - I have my own beliefs, but i do believe in a higher being. Hobbies/Other Interests - Art, Racing (street racing ftw!), uhm writing, and uh PARTIES Ideal Travel Location - Japan and france and italy Future Aspirations/Career Aspirations - High ranking marines officer, and i want to graduate with honors from the naval academy.
  16. Yeah, apparently she could be in Mensa Mensa..? Well, now we know at least one person who probably wouldnt qualify.
  17. I would call you strudle simply because i once had an imaginary friend named strudle, but he moved to switzerland. (and your name starts with str) Therefore, you would replace him. I'm down. Its pronounced "stroo-an" The thing is that teachers have called me "strawn", "str-ow-n" and even struban once. How is that even similar In my guess the 'a' was silent, i was close though haha
  18. I used to love doing that to strangers [renaming them], but then I grew up when I realized it could be mean :( Edit grr: this was supposed to be part of last post I dont know whether your trying to have a go at me, but either way, if it offended him im sure he would say something, and i would explain it wasnt done in an ill nature. Maybe people got upset at you because you dont have a personality that goes along with messing with random people. People really dont seem to mind when i do it, they joke along with me usually. Probably because your in america, and americans are all stupid and cant take jokes :roll:
  19. And of all the money Asia has invested and bought from our markets we have an equalling if not surpassing amount in Asia and other countries, as soon as anything is pulled, we could pull it all diminishing their profits. they would ruin our economy, we would DESTROY theirs. We dont make good cars.....thats why the US sucks? uhm two words, Grow up. We import other cars, therefore their production causes the pollution not ours, and we have a high density population, therefore we will seem to produce more waste compared to other areas our size due to person to mile ratio. I am verry affluent with world issues, ive been to england, italy, spain, iraq, iran, germany, korea, greece, and russia. I speak spanish, german, english, and french, i am learning arabic and japanese. My cultural barriers are low. Each individual chooses how they are associated with others, its not your governments fault you dont know whats going on, or you arent connected to others in the world. Hm fox, try reading a newspaper then, try looking for another network? Try reading up on the facts and interpreting it for yourself, take in how others interpret it and form opinions. If a man believes in religion of course it will affect him. If it didnt he wouldnt believe in religion. This happens in al countries. Some try to extort religion and that is wrong, others however have religion turned against them and said to be hypocritical bible thumpers using god tog ain votes. Either way people try to find flaws in whoever they can. Thats the thing, you DONT have to live here. And if you hate america, why would you? I never said you were the devil, but honestly if you dont like where you live, dont live there, it IS that easy.
  20. A monkey eating a muffin. A ninja with a pet monkey and a muffin A giant muffin
  21. Your art amzes me. For real. And i hate the color purple, but you make it lok allright haha.
  22. Yoiu cant be for one type of fur, and against others. Otherwise you dont have any moral or ethical values backing you up, your just wanting to say something. It also seems as though you arent responding to any of the replies, you just sit there hoping for people to agree with you, and if they dont you change how you feel about it. That is what you call hypocritical, fickle, and annoying. I have a few fur trimmed coats, theyre warm, and i like how they look. Oh well. And what do you want us to do, make killing endangered animals illegal? Oh wait. What else can you do? The government sees it as being wrong. If people still do it, they try to stop them, if they cant, then they cant. It is impossible to stop everyone.
  23. You seemed more like a scott to me.
  24. Being american has nothing to do with misinformation. Besides the war which i doubt you know very much about, name a few things which are in result of or are an example of the degradation and downfall of the US. Can you? I doubt it. Please oh please dont pretend to be knowledged on areas you are not, and dont throw out things like the US becoming crap when you truely have no reasoning. If you hate america, move. It takes about 1-2 months to get all of the required paperwork. Deuces.
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