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Duel Arena Suggestion Compilation


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I hope I wrote this in the appropriate forum.. I rarely leave Help & Advice, and am scared of this big world. :anxious:




Here is a compilation I made of Duel Arena suggestions, which I posted on the RSOF recently. It also includes the quick-find code, and page posted on.




Quick-Find Code 27-28-630-54011496 Page: 3677




Duel Arena Modifications




Hello, I have noticed the tens of thousands of rants about the new Duel Arena update, and would like to do my part in solving the problem. I recently read over all of the suggestions for a fix to the update, and would like to generally put all of the good ideas into what could be a great update. Here are some of the ideas compiled:




General Dueling




There would be a minimum requirement of 50 combat to enter the duel arena, or at least a staking portion or the arena. A player can only duel someone within a certain range of their combat level, using a simple formula that a fellow Runescape player developed.




L x 0.2 = D




L = Combat Level


D = Difference




ie. 3 x 0.2 = 0.6 (round to 1)


meaning a lvl 3 could duel a lvl 3 or lvl 4 player.




ie. 126 x 0.2 = 25.2 (round to 25)


meaning a lvl 126 could fight anyone 101-126 combat.






This seems quite fair, because it allows higher combats to fight a wider range of players, and higher combat players would most likely not risk their accounts to RWT.




Note: The value in the equation ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Å0.2ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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I think you'll find the value Jagex assigns the items are based off the millions of trades done daily with said items. Considering the cap, that means you can't even wager a mith platebody.




Personally I think: For any account older than 3 months (and certain ingame playing time): Lift the cap to 20k (match the rat pits wager limit), with a limit of total win or loss of 250k every 15 minutes. Should not be difficult to program.




If the system is not being abused for one month, then implement a wager limit raise based SOLELY off the age of the character. Maybe upto 50k or even 100k per fight.




Now, will this make everyone happy? No. Still, it puts the wagering back into play (encouraging the best type of fights). It rewards older accounts. Discourages throw away accounts using the Duel Arena.


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Yes, I hope they use some of the ideas. It would definitely satisfy a majority of the upset players, and hopefully restore some order to the RSOF. The nearly 4K page, almost 40k post rant topic on the update is in shambles.




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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