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Making money through Grand Exchange and Skilling


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Sorry about not having any pictures, this is just a quick tip, and it would also be hard to find a place to put some in.




With the new update of the grand exchange, it is very, very easy to make money and exp through a quick bit of skilling. This could always be done before, but the Grand Exchange cuts the buying and selling part down to a short time.




Step one is to buy a decent amount of refinable material, like flax, or iron ore. One thousand is a good amount to start with.


Step two is to change it to another item, like bow strings, iron bars, or iron knives.


Step three is to sell your items for a profit. Hopefully you looked beforehand to see the prices of the raw materials, and the finished goods.




From my previous examples, flax is around 90 each while bow strings are around 170 each. That's 80k profit + 15k crafting experience for every 1k flax you spin. Iron ore are around 100 each, while iron bars are over 200 each. (You need eight rings of forgings for this method. You can either make them yourself, or buy for about 3k each from GE). You can also make them into iron knives for quite a bit more exp, although profits will be lower than staying with bars. Iron knives sell for about 36 each. Making bars gives over 100k profit and 12.5k smithing exp, while making knives gives about 80k profit and 37.5k crafing exp. I would recommend knives here, 20k less for an extra 25k exp is a great deal!




This method can be used for many other items too. Be sure to research the prices of the items before buying anything though, because the finishd product might be less.


Since the GE just came out today, prices for the items may be off some. I accept no responsabililty for lost money due to mispricings in the GE. At this point it would probably be safer to wait for prices to even out before using this method. Nonetheless, it is a great way to make money and get some quick experience.




EDIT: THis may belong in help and advice instead, if so please move it.

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