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Mf's Dramatic return - my thoughts on recent goings on in rs


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Yeah baby the eternal knight is back and better than ever




ive been on silent leave from tif and rs for about 3 months now to come back and find




New duel arena




and summoning ( zomg )




Needless to say the man whos been banned from tipitchat ( clanchat ) so many times its not funny has something to say




Duel arena - Dear god they killed staking .. ok people mellow it out its not that bad .. when you look at some of the facts and that they added tourneys to rectify their ( goof ) up




G/e - Ive tried it .. and liked it


yes this makes merchanting alot harder because of the market value caps on certian items but


Now certian skills such as cooking / fm / crafting / smithing


can be done without training fish / wc / cmb / mining etc


this simplifies the job for skillers who want to have a strong level balance and not raise their mining to 29 to get their smithing to 25








summoning - completly unoriginal concept given a twist like nothing ive ever seen .. its gonna murder the java and im gonna see so many tiny little infant demons running around fally im gonna think its 6/6/6 all over agane but i believe this could be a really fun profitable skill if jagex doesnt phone it in




mods can lock this if they want .. but im back and better than ever and those were my thoughts

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